Sunday, October 14, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Oct 14

1927 Turkish Petroleum Company struck oil at Baba Gurgur field, Kirkuk starting Iraq’s oil
1973 3rd day fighting between Israeli and Iraqi forces in Syria
1980 Iraqi forces entered Khorramshahr Iranians began phased withdrawal from city in south Took
Abadan-Ahwaz road Began attack on Abadan but didn’t have numbers to take it
1982 Iraqi air force ended two month bombing campaign against Kharg Island Iran’s
            major oil port
(Musings On Iraq interview with author Anthony Tucker-Jones on Iran-Iraq War)
(Musings On Iraq book review The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988)
(Musings On Iraq book review Iran-Iraq War, The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988)
(Musings On Iraq book review The Iran-Iraq War)
1990 Iran and Iraq officially restored diplomatic relations as Saddam tried to secure his eastern flank
as war neared with US
1997 Britain, Turkey, US asked for KDP to withdraw from PUK territory
(Musings On Iraq book review of The Kurds, A Modern History)
(Musings On Iraq book review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)
2001 Frontline TV show interviewed INC provided Iraqi defector Khodada who claimed Iraq trained
terrorists to hijack planes at Salman Pak implying 9/11 connection
2003 White House told Congress 70,000 new Iraqi forces on duty and 13,000 in training
2003 Sadrists tried to seize Karbala shrine leading to fighting with Sistani followers
2003 Zarqawi suicide car bombing of Turkish Embassy in Baghdad 2 dead 13 wounded
2004 Insurgents suicide bombers penetrated Green Zone killed 5 wounded 18
2004 US forces began encircling Fallujah and sending reinforcements to Ramadi
2006 After 26 bodies of men from Balad found in Dhuluiya Shiite gunmen set up checkpoints in
Balad and started killing Sunnis
2008 1795 Christians fled Mosul after 14 killed Maliki sent 2 National Police Brigades to try to stop
(Musings On Iraq article on Christians in Mosul)
2008 140 Iraqi refugee families returned from Syria as part of PM Maliki’s campaign to encourage
refugees to come back to Iraq
(Musings On Iraq article on PM Maliki’s refugee return policy)
2012 MP announced arrest warrant issued for head of Central Bank of Iraq Shabibi after he refused
to cooperate with Maliki over the dinar
2014 IS captured Hit, Anbar after Iraq army unit abandoned base
2015 Baiji refinery in Salahaddin finally freed from IS

View Iraq History Timelines 

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This Day In Iraqi History Jul 26 Report Iraqi officer said order given to kill all Islamic State prisoners in Battle of Mosul

  1920 Gertrude Bell wrote that Baghdad started the 1920 Revolt but lost control of it when tribes rose up and they list...