Friday, October 26, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Oct 26

1920 UK High Commissioner Sir Cox formed Iraqi provisional govt after 1920 Revolt led
British to give up direct rule Abd Naqib of Baghdad was premier Had 21 ministers 12 with no portfolios Naqib opposed giving any ministries to Shiites
(Musings On Iraq book review of Reclaiming Iraq, The 1920 Revolution and the Founding of the Modern State)
1920 UK High Commissioner Sir Cox said Basra province showed no support for Mandate
Merchants in province just wanted to maintain status quo Mid-Euphrates sheikhs and landlords the same Baghdad and Mosul provinces want to have role in govt Intellectuals were nationalists
1952 Baghdad Pharmacy Collee strike over exams Turned into riot that spread to other
1978 Pres Assad signed National Charter of Joint Action to counter Israel-Egypt peace treaty while
visiting Baghdad
1980 Iraq fired missiles at Dezful, Iran for 2nd day
1980 Most of the Iranian forces driven out of Khorramshahr Gave Iraq control of Shatt al-Arab
1980 Soviet news agency accused Iraq of aligning with US in Iran-Iraq War
1980 Iran objected to Iraq abrogating 1975 Algiers Agreement in letter to U.N. Said Iran still
following it Iraq broke it
1984 Tariq Aziz told Sec of State Shultz Iraq ready to resume full diplomatic relations with US after
17 yr break
(Musings On Iraq interview with author Anthony Tucker-Jones on Iran-Iraq War)
(Musings On Iraq book review The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988)
(Musings On Iraq book review Iran-Iraq War, The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988)
(Musings On Iraq book review The Iran-Iraq War)
1989 Sec of State Baker memo said that ties with Iraq important to shape Middle East politics
2001 After anthrax letters sent to Wash DC ABC reported anthrax trademark of Iraq’s WMD
2001 Czech Interior Ministry told press 9/11 hijacker Atta met Iraqi intel officer in Prague
2003 DepDefSec Wolfowitz arrived in Baghdad and met with Chalabi who warned him insurgents
knew he was in the country
2003 Baghdad’s Rashid Hotel hit by rocket while Dep Sec of Def Wolfowitz staying there 16 killed
18 wounded
2003 US military said were not many foreign fighters in Baghdad
2003 Iraq Survey Group found aluminum tubes Iraq tried to buy were not for centrifuges Pentagon
replied group had not finished its analysis
2003 Report CIA interviewed head of Iraq’s centrifuge program who said Iraq ended centrifuge work
after Gulf War and tubes had nothing to do with it CIA claimed head of Iraq’s centrifuge program was not telling truth about aluminum tubes Iraq tried to buy
(Musings On Iraq article on the aluminum tubes story)
2004 PM Allawi blamed US for deaths of 49 army recruits killed in Diyala by Zarqawi
2005 Report CIA review said Zarqawi visited Baghdad May 02 but probably didn’t have protection of
Iraqi govt Review of Zarqawi’s trip based upon interviews with Saddam era Iraqi officials Bush admin originally claimed Zarqawi was given safe haven by Saddam and said sign of Iraq-Al Qaeda cooperation
2006 Maliki interview refuted US timetable for Iraq Said ISF could take over security in 6 months
not 12-18 US set out Said he didn’t agree to timetable Said he met with Sadr and they agreed greatest threat to Iraq was Al Qaeda in Iraq and Baathists not militias
2008 US Special Forces raided ISI camp in Syria used to ferry foreign fighters into Iraq captured
huge amount of documents
2017 Iraqi forces renewed west Anbar op This time aimed at liberating Qaim along Syrian border
2017 More clashes between Iraqi forces and Peshmerga in Fish Khabur and Altun Kupri in Ninewa

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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Review Charles Townshend, Desert Hell, The British Invasion of Mesopotamia, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011

Townshend, Charles, Desert Hell, The British Invasion of Mesopotamia , The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011   Charles Tow...