Wednesday, October 16, 2024

This Day In Iraqi History - Oct 16 Govt forces took south Kirkuk and Kirkuk city after fighting Peshmerga Aftermath of KRG independence referendum


1914 UK convoy with 16th Indian Bgd on way to Egypt told it was being sent to Persian Gulf to

            secure Persian oil fields and occupy Basra

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq In World War I, From Ottoman Rule to British Conquest)

(Musings On Iraq review When God Made Hell, The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq, 1914-1921)


1939 Mufti of Jerusalem arrived in Baghdad Became leader of Arab nationalists Got govt stipend

1964 Joint Presidential Council between Iraq and United Arab Republic announced Created

Unified Political Command that only met once or twice

1973 Iraqi 6th Brigade which just arrived in Syria attacked Tel Antar and Kfar Nasej in Golan

Heights Took Tel Antar and moved towards Tel Alaqiya but stopped by Israelis Yom Kippur War

1973 Israelis counterattacked and withdrawal of neighboring Jordanian unit forced Iraqi 6th

            Brigade to retreat Yom Kippur War

1973 Iraqi artillery supported a Syrian attack toward Tel Hara and Tel Mashara in Golan Heights

            Yom Kippur War

1973 Battalion of Iraqi 20th Brgd sent to Deir al-Adas in Golan Heights Immediately attacked by

Israelis who were attempting to outflank Iraqi 6th Brigade Was able to stop Israeli attack Yom Kippur War

1973 Iraqi Special Forces brigade carried out raids on Israelis in Tel al-Mal Golan Heights Yom

            Kippur War

1973 US Amb to Iran Helms talked to Shah Reported that Shah against Barzani carrying out

offensive ops because Kurds would lose and wouldn’t be effective in future to be used by Shah vs Iraq Kissinger agreed Told State Dept to inform Barzani against offensive ops

1991 Turkish army launched ground assault into Kurdistan to attack PKK

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

2001 CIA Dir Tenet met with UK officials and agreed no Iraq-9/11 connection

(Musings On Iraq Review The Report of the Iraq Inquiry, Executive Summary)

2002 Iraq held elections where Saddam voted president for another 7 years

2002 Iraq renewed offer for new UN inspections after US rejected deal

(Musings On Iraq UN Inspectors Were Right Iraq Was Not A Threat)

(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Rejection of UN Inspectors Led To Mistrust Over WMD and 2003 Invasion)

2002 French Pres Chirac said no Iraq Al Qaeda ties and attacking Iraq could lead to new terrorist


2002 State Dept intel agency gave CIA DIA NSA Energy Dept copies of Iraq-Niger uranium


(Musings On Iraq How US Intelligence Failed The Iraq-Niger Uranium Story)

(Musings On Iraq Review Hubris, The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, And The Selling Of The Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq review The WMD Mirage, Iraq’s Decade of Deception and America’s False Premise for War)

2003 UN Resolution 1511 set 12/15/03 as date for Iraqi Governing Council to submit plan for

interim govt and constitution

(Musings On Iraq review The Struggle For Iraq’s Future, How Corruption, Incompetence and Sectarianism Have Undermined Democracy)

2003 UK Def Sec Hoon said that attacks on Coalition were increasing and Coalition response in

Sunni areas was alienating Iraqis

2004 Attacks upon 5 churches

2006 Govt issued arrest warrant for Harith al-Dhari head of the Muslim Scholars Association for

            inciting violence

(Musings On Iraq Spiritual Leader To Iraq’s Insurgency Harith Dhari Dies In Exile)

2006 PM Maliki called Bush said he was worried US had set 2 month deadline for him to control

sectarian violence Said deadline and talk of dividing Iraq were undermining his govt Bush said he supported Maliki

2006 Report US Cmdr Iraq Gen Casey was worried that ISF couldn’t take over security as

planned start of 07 Casey said US could have substantial troop drawdowns but had to increase US forces by 10,000 due to violence in Baghdad

(Musings On Iraq Did the US Ever Have A Strategy To Win In Iraq Before the Surge?)

(Musings On Iraq US Army History Iraq War Vol 1 – Chapter 22 – The Failed Transition)

(Musings On Iraq review The Gamble, General David Petraeus And The American Military Adventure In Iraq, 2006-2008)

2006 PM Maliki interview said his govt wouldn’t disarm militias until end of 06/early 07 Said

US forces would start large withdrawals start of 07 Rejected US operations vs Mahdi Army in Sadr City

2006 Iraq Body Count criticized Lancet report Said meant 500,000 death certificates were issued

but not recorded by govt Would mean thousands of Iraqis were wounded and never went for medical help Would mean only 1/10 of Iraqi deaths were recorded

(Musings On Iraq Comparing Surveys of Iraqi Deaths During The War)

(Musings On Iraq Major Flaws With The Lancet Reports On Iraqi Deaths Part I)

(Musings On Iraq Major Flaws With The Lancet Reports On Iraqi Deaths Part II)

(Musings On Iraq New Survey On Estimated Deaths In Iraq Refutes Lancet Reports)

(Musings On Iraq interview with Prof Mark Van Der Laan on Lancet Reports)

(Musings On Iraq interview with Prof Michael Spagat on Lancet reports)

2006 Sunni tribesmen fired mortars into Balad 13 vehicles stopped at police checkpoint south of

Balad People taken away by insurgents after 2 days of killings by Shiites for 26 Shiites killed in Dhuluiya Total of 80 bodies arrived at Balad morgue

2006 ISI car bomb hit Sheikh Abu Risha’s compound head of Anbar Awakening in Ramadi

(Musings On Iraq Understanding Anbar Before And After The Awakening Part III Sheikh Ahmed Sattar Al-Rishawi Abu Risha)

2007 Report US stopped UK withdrawal from Basra for 5 months During time 25 UK soldiers

killed 58 wounded US said Iran would move into city if UK pulled out too soon UK said Iraqi nationalism would hold Iran in check PM Maliki sent general to Basra to tell UK it should leave to reduce tensions

2007 Report Dec 06 US Embassy memo said every Iraqi ministries plagued by corruption

Singled out Interior Min as one of the worst Health Min run by Sadrists who extorted doctors and private clinics and stole drugs

(Musings On Iraq Corruption In Iraq An Interview With Stuart Bowen Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction)

(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Trouble Fighting Corruption Interview With Vincent Foulk Former US Anti-Graft Official)

2007 Report US organized 34 Sahwa units in central Iraq 25 were Sunni 9 Shiite

(Musings On Iraq What’s In The Future For The Sons of Iraq?)

(Musings On Iraq review Surge, My Journey with General David Petraeus and the Remaking of the Iraq War)

2009 PM Maliki speech said political corruption undermined Iraq Defense Min said all officials

in ministry barred from association with political parties to avoid corruption Maliki blocked corruption investigations Defense one of most corrupt in govt

2010 Maliki govt officials claimed members of sahwa rejoining insurgency Said active members

of sahwa were helping insurgents 1000s of sahwa had quit because govt arresting them and insurgents attacking them ISI offered cash to sahwa to quit and join them Govt tried to disarm some sahwa units claiming didn’t have right to carry weapons Head of National Reconciliation Comm said just because sahwa fought insurgency didn’t mean they were serving the people or govt and didn’t deserve anything for their service Diyala sahwa leader said dozens had rejoined ISI Diyala police accused sahwa of helping ISI Since Jan 90 Diyala sahwa arrested for helping insurgents and around 100 killed or wounded in insurgent attacks Half of those arrested released for lack of evidence

(Musings On Iraq Are The Sons Of Iraq Returning To The Insurgency?)

2011 1000s protested in Khanaqin against order to remove Kurdish flag Khanaqin was a

            disputed area

2012 PM Maliki suspended Central Bank of Iraq head Shababi after he refused to stop dinar re-

valuation Appointed ally Turki head of Board of Supreme Audit as new bank head

(Musings On Iraq Surprise Charges Against Central Bank Of Iraq Officials Raise All Kinds of Questions)

(Musings On Iraq Controversial Case Against Central Bank Of Iraq Officials Continues)

(Musings On Iraq More On Central Bank of Iraq Scandal)

2013 Electricity Min said it would produce 16,000mw by summer 2014 Said reached 11,000mw

capacity but 30% lost Said would provide 24 hrs of power by summer 2014 Didn’t happen

2013 Report After PUK came in 3rd in KRG elections Iran called and told it not to use violence 2

            Quds Force officials visited Sulaymaniya and met with PUK and Gorran officials

(Musings On Iraq Iran Tries To Influence The Next Kurdish Government In Iraq)

2014 KRG started producing oil from Kirkuk fields it occupied after Mosul fell Oil sent to

refineries in KRG and then smuggled to Iran and Turkey KRG Natural Resource Min Hawrami said KRG wanted to reach 500,000 bar/day in exports by end of 2041 Could only do that with Kirkuk oil

(Musings On Iraq Iraqi Kurdistan’s Failed Independent Oil Strategy)

2014 Report Maliki and Abadi govts carried out talks with Sunni tribes and politicians in Jordan

and Irbil to gain their support against IS US mediated US also wanted to turn insurgents against IS Members of 1920 Revolution Brigades and Mujahedeen Army said they were opposed to IS but unwilling to help govt

2015 Report Quds Force cmdr Gen Suleimani went to Ladhidiya province in Syria to oversee

offensive Accompanied by Iraqi militiamen who would be main force in attack

2015 IOM counted 3.2 mil displaced in Sep 87% came from Anbar Ninewa Salahaddin

2016 Abu Fadhl Abbas Brigade said its primary fight was in Syria Said talk about Hashd groups

sending more forces to Syria after Mosul freed Hashd spokesman said that only govt could send forces to Syria

2016 Integrity Comm said it received £2.3 mil in compensation in UK for fake bomb detectors

Came after bomb detector maker found guilty of fraud Court seized his money and gave out compensation

2017 Iraqi forces moved towards military base and oil fields in south Kirkuk Fighting broke out

with Peshmerga PUK withdrew most of its forces Led KDP to do the same Allowed joint forces to take most of Kirkuk province including Bai Hassan Avana and Baba Gargur oil and gas fields denying KRG of roughly half its oil production

(Musings On Iraq Fighting Breaks Out Between Federal Forces And Peshmerga In Salahaddin And Kirkuk)

(Musings On Iraq Kirkuk Aftermath)

(Musings On Iraq Kurds Fall Back to 2014 Borders)

(Musings On Iraq Seven Expert Opinions On The Kirkuk Crisis)

(Musings On Iraq review The Great Betrayal, How America Abandoned The Kurds And Lost The Middle East)

2017 Kirkuk governor called on city to defend itself Iraqi forces moved south of city Used

artillery against Peshmerga Called on them to withdraw PUK sent reinforcements Iraqi Govt forces took Kirkuk city Governor fled to Irbil

2017 In wake of Kirkuk being taken by govt forces KDP called PUK traitors and PUK called KDP thieves

KDP said govt forces occupying Kirkuk was a betrayal

2017 PUK withdrew its forces from Jawala Qara Tapa Mandali Daquq in northeast Diyala after

            meeting with governor and army chief of staff

(Musings On Iraq In Face Of Referendum Fallout Kurdish Ruling Parties Decide To Hold Onto Power)

2017 Fighting broke out between Peshmerga and Hashd in Tuz Kharmato Salahaddin

            Widespread looting and burning of homes and businesses by Hashd

2017 KRG declared state of emergency Pres Barzani ordered Peshmerga to fight to the death to

            defend Kirkuk

2018 Report PM Abadi tried to appoint Dawa members as govt advisers director generals and

other positions to stay in office under PM Abdul Mahdi

2019 Report PM Abdul Mahdi asked Sistani to help end protests but he refused Quds Force cmdr

Gen Suleimani flew to Najaf Warned Sistani had to pick between the protests and the govt

(Musings On Iraq Sadr Joins Protests While Govt Continues With Promises And Crackdown)

(Musings On Iraq Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ Commander General Suleimani And His Role In Iraq, An Interview With The New Yorker’s Dexter Filkins)

2019 Report Ayatollah’s Sistani’s sermon said govt needed to hold people accountable for

violence against protests Natl Sec Adv Fayad supposed to head PM Abdul Mahdi’s committee to investigate violence Sadr said couldn’t have killer lead investigation Fayad called protests a conspiracy

2019 Report Pro-Iran Hashd units deployed 3rd day to put down protests Used snipers

            in Baghdad Included elements of Hashd Commission

(Musings On Iraq UN Report On Violence Against Iraqi Protesters)

(Musings On Iraq United Nations Faults Iraq For Failing To Protect Protesters)

2019 Iraqi Media House said journalists were fleeing Baghdad and south due to death threats

2019 Head of Edheim council Diyala said that IS was working in Metibijah basin on Diyala-

Salahaddin border

2022 Report $2.5 bil missing from tax authority Was withdrawn from Rafidain Bank in Aug and

            Sep 2021 and sent to 5 companies

2023 Report Nature Iraq warned southern marshes disappearing Comes as Iraq facing worst

drought in years Officials said more than 85% of Dhi Qar marshes dried up Programs to address problem not working

2023 Report Hezbollah al-Nujafa fighter killed in Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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This Day In Iraqi History - Oct 17 Zarqawi pledged allegiance to Osama bin Laden and his group became Al Qaeda in Iraq

  1909 Mosul representatives to new Ottoman Assembly left for Istanbul Was part of Young Turks’ reforms