Thursday, December 30, 2021

This Day In Iraqi History - Dec 30


1959 Qasim govt passed Law of Personal Status Equalized inheritance for men and women

Restricted polygamy Set legal marriage age at 18

2001 Columnist William Safire told Meet The Press that Saddam would be gone by end of 2002

2002 UK Foreign Sec Straw and Sec of State Powell thought UN inspections would not provide

smoking gun against Iraq so alternatives needed

2002 UN inspectors said they had gone to all major suspected WMD sites and found nothing

(Musings On Iraq review The WMD Mirage, Iraq’s Decade of Deception and America’s False Premise for War)

(Musings On Iraq UN Inspectors Were Right Iraq Was Not A Threat)

(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Rejection of UN Inspectors Led To Mistrust Over WMD and 2003 Invasion)

2002 Report Reagan admin and its Middle East envoy Rumsfeld did nothing while Iraq used WMD

in Iran-Iraq War

2002 NYTimes article said CIA looking into Iraq buying smallpox from a Russian scientist

2003 White House meeting on what to do about Governing Council going to UN to ask them with

help to transition to sovereignty White House decided they would try to block any UN plans for Iraq because wanted to keep control of process Meeting then turned to security VP Cheney said he wanted to eliminate Sadr

2005 Oil Min Uloom put on leave after opposing govt plan to increase prices on gas and cooking oil

Replaced by Dep PM Chalabi

2005 South Korea’s parliament okayed plan to withdraw 1/3 of its forces from Iraq Korea had 3rd

largest Coalition force in Iraq

2006 Iraqi govt hanged Saddam Hussein while Sadrists taped it and chanted Moqtada

2006 Naqshibandi insurgent group formed by Baathists

2007 Basra police chief escaped 2 IEDs Was 7th attempt on his life since Jun 07

2007 ISI forced out of Baghdad during Surge Relocated to Diyala especially in east around

Baquba Also Salahaddin Kirkuk and Ninewa

2008 Govt announced it had allocated $129 mil from 08 budget for Maysan Was supposed to fund 241

            projects Only 41 completed

2009 UK hostage Peter Moore released by Asaib Ahl Al-Haq in return for release of leader Qais

Khazali Moore and 4 bodyguards kidnapped from Finance Min in Baghdad in May 2007 Op planned by Iran’s Rev Guard Brits were held in Iran for most of 2 year captivity 4 bodyguards were killed

(Musings On Iraq Iranians Planned Kidnapping And Held British Captives Taken In Iraq) 

(Musings On Iraq interview with Naval Postgraduate School’s Ostovar on history of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard)

(Musings On Iraq review Vanguard of the Imam, Religion, Politics, and Iran’s Revolutionary Guard)

(Musings On Iraq Asaib Ahl Al-Haq From A Breakaway Sadr Militia To Defenders Of Iraq)

2009 2 suicide bombers hit provincial council building in Ramadi killing 27 and injuring 100

including Gov Fahadawi

(Musings On Iraq Voter Dissatisfaction Growing In Anbar?)

(Musings On Iraq review Suicide Bombers In Iraq, The Strategy and Ideology of Martyrdom)

2009 Change MP had office burned down likely by PUK

2009 US got charges dropped against Baiji refinery director Obaidi who was accused of corruption by

corrupt officials who were under investigation Week later Obaidi was charged again for supporting insurgency by same corrupt officials 

2013 Anbar sheikhs gave govt 12 hour ultimatum to release MP Alwani arrested by PM Maliki

2013 PM Maliki used death of army’s 7th Div cmdr to order Ramadi and Fallujah protest camps to be

closed Led to call to arms in Fallujah Closure helped insurgency to return

2013 Gunmen appeared in Fallujah after protest site there closed setting up checkpoints and fighting

with ISF Some mosques in Ramadi called for jihad Police cars seized in Ramadi and burned Clashes in Hit

(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s PM Maliki Goes From Offensive Against Al Qaeda To Crackdown On Anbar Protestors)

(Musings On Iraq Aftermath of Shutting Down Ramadi Protest Site In Iraq)

2013 Army base east of Fallujah hit by mortars as part of new insurgent offensive

(Musings On Iraq Security In Iraq’s Anbar Province December 2013)

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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This Day In Iraqi History - Feb 15 US led Coalition began ground operations to expel Iraq from Kuwait

  1917 British launched 3 rd attack and captured Ottoman positions in Dahra bend outside Kut