Wednesday, October 18, 2017

This Day In Iraqi History – Oct 18

1980 Pres Carter called on Iraq to withdraw from Iran Carter was trying to get
            US hostages held by Tehran released
1984 Iran launched Op Dawn 7 to recapture the city of Mehran Won back some
            Iranian territory
2001 CIA report on story that Iraq tried to buy uranium from Niger Said Iraq
didn’t have facilities to process uranium
2001 WSJ OpEd by ex-CIA Dir Woolsey said Iraq behind 9/11
2002 Sec of Def Rumsfeld told Under Sec of Def Feith to create postwar planning
            office for Iraq Cancelled few days later
2002 Cancellation came from White House that didn’t want postwar planning
            because could derail invasion

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Review Timothy Andrews Sayle, Engel, Jeffrey, Brands, Hal and Inboden, William, Edited by, The Last Card, Inside George W. Bush’s Decision To Surge In Iraq, Cornell University Press, 2019

Sayle, Timothy Andrews, Engel, Jeffrey, Brands, Hal and Inboden, William, Edited by, The Last Card, Inside George W. Bush’s Decision To Surg...