Saturday, October 21, 2017

This Day In Iraqi History - Oct 21

1980 Iraqi forces reached city center in Khorramshahr, Iran
1991 Iraq told UN weapons inspectors it had program to build a nuclear bomb
1996 PUK backed by Iran recaptured most of territory it lost to KDP except Irbil
2002 Report Czech Pres Havel told White House 9/11 terrorist Atta did not meet
            with Iraq intelligence in Prague
2004 US soldier found guilty of abuse in Abu Ghraib prison scandal given 8 yrs in
2007 Maliki complained to US about Oct 20 US raid into Sadr City and wanted
            investigation into US abuses in Iraq
2011 US announced it would withdraw its forces from Iraq on Dec 31
2011 Obama told Maliki not getting stay behind US forces in Iraq was ok because US
            would still have influence
2014 New operation to try to clear Babil’s Jurf al-Sakhr started after Sep attempt failed

 View the Iraq History Timeline

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