Sunday, September 10, 2023

This Day In Iraqi History - Sep 10 1st Iraqi cabinet formed under new King Faisal govt



1921 1st Iraqi cabinet formed under newly coronated King Faisal Abd al-Rahman al-Gaylani became

Iraq’s 1st PM

(Musings On Iraq review The Role of the Military In Politics, A case study of Iraq to 1941)

(Musings On Iraq review The Chatham House Version and other Middle-Eastern Studies)

1922 King Faisal returned to office after appendix removed Thanked UK Iraq High Comm Cox for

silencing opposition even though he’d supported it

1933 PM Gaylani interviewed by Times of London Said he wanted good relations with UK Was

criticized by his ministers from Ikha and Watani parties

1958 Arif dismissed as Deputy Commander in Chief of Armed forces because of his opposition to

Gen Qasim

1960 Gen Qasim convened meeting in Baghdad of Iran Kuwait Saudi Arabia Venezuela to raise oil


(Musings On Iraq Revolutionary Times, Gen. Qasim And Iraq’s 1958 Coup, Interview With Western Kentucky’s Prof. Juan Romero)

1961 Mustafa Barzani forces ambushed army brigade starting Kurdish revolt against Gen Qasim Govt

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)

1980 Iraq took Saif Saad and 6 border posts in Iran along with 240 sq km of Iranian territory that it

claimed was Iraqi under Algiers Treaty Next 2 wks were 15 border incidents Was jumping off spot for Iraqi invasion

(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War Volume 4: The Forgotten Fronts)

(Musings On Iraq review The Longest War, The Iran-Iraq Military Conflict)

1980 Iranian F-14 Tomcat shot down an Iraqi Su-22

1980 Iran’s Foreign Min Hammadi said Iranian troops would not withdraw from disputed areas along

Iran-Iraq border

1990 Iran and Iraq renewed relations as Saddam attempted to secure his eastern border before Gulf


1996 70,000-75,000 Kurds fled towards Iran to escape KDP-Iraqi offensive against PUK

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

2001 Time reported Bush administration discussed overthrowing Saddam

2001 US and UK planes hit three Iraqi air defense systems in largest strikes since Feb 01

2002 PM Blair speech said Iraq not an imminent threat but had to be dealt with before it became one

2002 Draft of UK dossier on Iraq’s WMD included claim Iraq could deploy battlefield WMD in 45

minutes Came from Allawi’s Iraqi National Accord Said it had bought large amounts of uranium it didn’t Had mobile WMD labs Didn’t exist

(Musings On Iraq Review The Report of the Iraq Inquiry, Executive Summary)

(Musings On Iraq How Iraqi Defector CURVEBALL Became Basis For US Claims That Iraq Had WMD)

2002 NSC meeting on Bush’s UN speech Def Sec Rumsfeld and VP Cheney argued against going to

UN Draft of speech didn't call for UN action on Iraq

2002 US Intel officers told Wash Post not strong link between Iraq and Al Qaeda

2002 European Commission President Romano Prodi warned that a US unilateral war in Iraq would

undermine US foreign policy and its anti-terrorism coalition

2002 Iraq took journalists to Tuwaitha site that US claimed was a nuclear facility Were shown three

empty and broken down buildings

(Musings On Iraq How US Intelligence Created An Iraqi Nuclear Threat In 2002)

2002 Def Policy Board’s Perle told paper 9/11 hijacker Atta met with Saddam False story

2003 UK Joint Intelligence Committee report on Iran’s Iraq policy Said Iran wanted large influence

over Iraqi govt backed various Shiite groups saw itself as competitor to U.S. Coalition

(Musings On Iraq Iran’s Policy Towards Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq Analysis Of Iran’s Policy Towards Iraq Interview With RAND’s Alireza Nader)

2006 Report US delinked Shiite death squads from political parties they came from to not confront

Iraqi govt

2006 SCIRI renewed calls for law to allow southern province region Opposed by Sadr Fadhila Iraqiya

Iraqi Accordance Front

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq After America, Strongmen, Sectarians, Resistance)

2006 Sheikh Abu Risha met with Mohammed Mahmoud Latif cmdr 1920 Revolution Brigades in

Anbar and Hamas Iraq Agreed to stop fighting US and turn on Al Qaeda in Iraq

(Musings On Iraq US Army History of Iraq War Vol 1 – Chapter 21 Hope In Ramadi)

2007 Gen Petraeus and Amb Crocker began 2 days of testimony to Congress on progress under Surge

Petraeus said sectarian violence down and achieving military goals Crocker said political change slow and Iraq may never meet 18 benchmarks set by Congress

(Musings On Iraq review Surge, My Journey with General David Petraeus and the Remaking of the Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq Inside The Surge An Interview With Prof Peter Mansoor Former Executive Officer To Gen Petraeus)

(Musings On Iraq Reassessing The US Surge, And Recognizing Iraqi Agency In Ending The 2005-2008 Civil War In Iraq An Interview With New America Foundation’s Douglas Ollivant)

2007 Gen Petraeus said sectarian violence went from 2200 deaths in Dec 06 to 1000 in Aug 07 Iraqi

ministries reported deaths went from 2,075 in Dec 06 to 1773 in Aug only 15% decrease raising questions about what US was and wasn’t counting

2007 Report Mahdi Army didn’t sign ceasefire in Basra after British withdrawal Claimed it drove

British out and Basra city now theirs Mahdi Army in Baghdad seen with US rifles Raised questions ISF gave militia weapons

2007 Report by former State Dept official from Baghdad embassy US only counting sectarian

violence missing 35-65% of attacks

2007 Report Iraqi police helped Mahdi Army in Baghdad’s Amil Sunnis only holding on to sliver of

neighborhood Constant fighting in Sunni area Shiite area had businesses open US tried to protect Sunni enclave US official said decline in deaths in Baghdad due to Mahdi Army winning civil war and forcing Sunnis out Fewer areas now contested meant fewer deaths

(Musings On Iraq review Voices From Iraq, A People’s History, 2003-2009)

(Musings On Iraq Columbia University Charts Sectarian Cleansing Of Baghdad)

2008 ISF still weak on logistics Base had $51 mil in parts but not distributing them to units forcing

them to strip vehicles for parts

2013 Report 2011 ISI sent Jawlani to Syria to create new organization there Led to Al Nusra Front

Apr 2013 ISI became ISIS Jawlani wanted to be independent and said he gave loyalty to Al Qaeda Many Nusra Front fighters left for ISIS

2013 Ninewa Gov Nujafi said court issued arrest warrant for him over illegal real estate deal Said it

was political move by State of Law before 2014 election Charges dropped

2013 New Baghdad governor said billions of dinars had been stolen from construction contracts Said

one project 80 bil dinars stolen 21 bil dinars stolen from another Said turned over cases to Integrity Commission

(Musings On Iraq New Baghdad Administration Finds Millions Stolen In Corrupt Construction Deals)

(Musings On Iraq Corruption In Iraq An Interview With Stuart Bowen Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction)

(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Trouble Fighting Corruption Interview With Vincent Foulk Former US Anti-Graft Official)

2013 Agriculture Min said Iraq had reached self-sufficiency in fruits and vegetables Only lasted one


2013 Report Sheikh al-Saadi tried to make himself religious leader of Sunni protests Opposed

federalism Rhetoric became more radical Demanded amending constitution Unity of Iraq changing political system Census Ending quota system in govt Islamic Party pushing for Sunni federalism

2013 Transportation Min said it inspected 12 Iranians planes and found no weapons bound for Syria

Ministry said Iraq was following intl resolutions to stop arms going to Syria Foreign Min Zebari said Iraq had stopped Iran shipping weapons to Syria across Iraqi airspace All false statements

2013 Kataib Hezbollah leader threatened 23,000 suicide bombers against US if it attacked Syria

(Musings On Iraq Instrument Of Iran’s Power In Iraq And Syria Kataib Hezbollah)

2013 Parliament’s security committee questioned ISF for raids and mass arrests in Latifiya Baghdad

after family killed

2014 Report KRG said Baghdad owed it $8 bil in budget payments since Jan 2014 Demanded

Baghdad restart payments in Sep Abadi govt said it didn’t have money

2014 US authorized $25 mil in immediate military aid to Iraq

2014 Obama announced a new coalition to fight IS and strategy to degrade and eventually defeat it

(Musings On Iraq review Airpower in the War Against ISIS)

2014 ISF Hashd and tribes started 2nd op to free Dhuluiya Salahaddin from IS

2015 Protests in Baghdad Babil Karbala Najaf Qadisiyah Muthanna Dhi Qar Wasit Maysan Basra

Diyala demanding reform

2015 Report More than 50 military intel analysts accused White House of manipulating intel on IS

2 senior analysts at CENTCOM complained to inspector general Said intel on IS changed to show progress in war

2015 Report IS killed 34 Naqshibandi in Kirkuk and Salahaddin Accused them of apostasy

(Musings On Iraq review The Caliphate At War, Operational Realities and Innovations of the Islamic State)

2015 Report Daquq Dist Kirkuk freed summer 2015 Peshmerga still did clearing ops there Arabs

accused Kurds of blocking them returning to their homes Kurds said district unsafe ISF general said district safe and people could return Some houses burned and destroyed Peshmerga blamed IS Arabs blamed Kurds Peshmerga adviser said Peshmerga had done some looting

(Musings On Iraq Kurdish Offensive Into Kirkuk’s Daquq Displaces Thousands)

2015 Report PM Abadi got into argument with Hashd leader Abu Muhandis and Quds Force cmdr

Gen Suleimani PM didn’t want Hashd to lead Fallujah op Suleimani threatened to replace Abadi PM ordered Suleimani to leave 2 hrs later met again Suleimani told Abadi not to give into US demands

(Musings On Iraq Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ Commander General Suleimani And His Role In Iraq, An Interview With The New Yorker’s Dexter Filkins)

2016 PUK and Gorran announced alliance Part of Gorran going from opposition to joining Kurdish


2016 4 Gorran ministers resigned from KRG cabinet Were fired by PM Barzani in Oct 2015 Speaker

of KRG parliament from Gorran blocked from entering Irbil by KDP

2016 Sadr launched new anti-corruption campaign Did nothing

2017 Diyala governor fired mayor of Mandali Happened after Asaib Ahl Al-Haq stormed govt

building Took down KRG flag Threatened officials not to support KRG independence referendum

(Musings On Iraq review The Great Betrayal, How America Abandoned The Kurds And Lost The Middle East)

2017 Arab League secretary general called KRG Pres Barzani to delay KRG independence

referendum Barzani said no

2017 National Reform List MP threatened to dismiss Pres Masum cut off KRG from budget

payments exclude Kurds from govt posts and parliament if KRG held independence referendum

2017 Report KDP tried to expel Yazidis from Sheikhan Ninewa Forced people off land Bulldozed

buildings Gave land to Kurds from Dohuk and KRG officials

2018 Ayatollah Sistani statement said new premier should not come from anyone that had been in

power before

2018 Protest in Basra city restarted after few days break Activists said they had been kidnapped

received threats from Hashd groups and information campaign to discredit them

2018 PM Abadi went to Basra again over protests Said would build new water facilities and

rehabilitate old ones Increase food allowances Stop water waste Jobs for unemployed

2019 Electricity Min said Iraq would have to import Iranian natural gas to fuel power plants

for next 3-4 yrs Would end up being longer than that

2019 Salahaddin governor said displaced camps were a security threat and would close them

2020 Protests in Babil demanding dismissal of governor Protest in Dhi Qar demanding justice for

killers of activists Protest in Basra and Diwaniywa for jobs

 View the Iraq History Timelines

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Review Shmuel Moreh and Zvi Yehuda, Edited by, Al-Farhud, The 1941 Pogrom in Iraq, The Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2010

Moreh, Shmuel and Yehuda, Zvi, Edited by, Al-Farhud, The 1941 Pogrom in Iraq , The Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2010   Al-Farhud, The...