Wednesday, September 27, 2023

This Day In Iraqi History - Sep 27 US published letter from Al Qaeda to Zarqawi Warned him about vanity Said he had to consult with Al Qaeda more and cooperate with other insurgent groups



1915 Battle of Es Sinn began 1st move by British to take Kut from Ottomans

(Musings On Iraq review When God Made Hell, The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq, 1914-1921)

1919 TE Lawrence wrote Foreign Sec Lord Curzon that Sir Percy Cox should be high

commissioner of Iraq to relieve tension there

1980 Iraq took Qasr-e-Shirin across from Diyala Meant to secure Baghdad from Iranian attack

1980 Muslim countries’ committee visited Tehran to try to mediate Iran-Iraq War

1981 Iraqis withdrew in disarray losing most of their equipment in face of Iran Op Samen ol-Ameh

in Abadan Khuzistan

1984 Japan offered ceasefire proposal to UN to end Iran-Iraq War

1985 At UN Iraq Foreign Min Aziz blamed Iran for starting and continuing the Iran-Iraq War Said

Tehran wanted to overthrow the Iraqi govt

(Musings On Iraq interview with author Anthony Tucker-Jones on Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq interview with author Tom Cooper on Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988)

(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War, The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq review The Longest War, The Iran-Iraq Military Conflict)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 1: The Battle for Khuzestan, September 1980-May 1982)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 2: Iran Strikes back, June 1982-December 1986)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 3: Iraq’s Triumph)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War Volume 4: The Forgotten Fronts)

1989 Bombing in Baghdad’s British Club done by unnamed Kurdish group No casualties

1991 Iraq allowed inspectors out of Atheer facility in Baghdad with documents they found

after 4 day standoff

1997 Inspectors went to Special Rep Guard Batt HQ Found nothing Then tried to go to another

Special Rep Guard facility but was blocked by Tariq Aziz who said it was a presidential site Were trying to discover Iraq’s concealment program to hide WMD

(Musings On Iraq UN Inspectors Were Right Iraq Was Not A Threat)

(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Rejection of UN Inspectors Led To Mistrust Over WMD and 2003 Invasion)

(Musings On Iraq review The Greatest Threat, Iraq, Weapons of Mass Destruction, And The Growing Crisis Of Global Security)

(Musings On Iraq review Endgame, Solving The Iraq Crisis)

2001 Iraq’s Dep PM Tariq Aziz through back channels had letter sent to State Dept saying Iraq

didn’t want trouble with US after 9/11

2001 Ahmed Chalabi said Iraq and Al Qaeda linked since 1990s and wanted to use bin Laden

against US

(Musings On Iraq review The Man Who Pushed America To War, The Extraordinary Life, Adventures, and Obsessions of Ahmad Chalabi)

(Musings On Iraq review Arrows of the Night: Ahmad Chalabi and the Selling of the Iraq War)

2001 Badr met Talabani and other PUK officials in Sulaymaniya Talked about enrolling Badr

members in Univ of Sulaymaniya and investment opportunities Talabani agreed to allow Badr to invest in PUK areas

(Musings On Iraq Early Report On Iran’s Activities In Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq Badr Organization A View Into Iraq’s Violent Past And Present)

2003 Insurgents fired 3 rockets at Rashid Hotel in Baghdad

2004 Sec State Powell said US forces would retake Fallujah to ensure January 05 elections

(Musings On Iraq Did the US Ever Have A Strategy To Win In Iraq Before the Surge?)

(Musings On Iraq review The Battle for Fallujah, Occupation, Resistance and Stalemate in the War in Iraq)

2005 UK official met with Sadrist in Basra Claimed Mahdi Army not attacking UK forces Wanted

follower released UK said follower admitted to attacks on UK forces and wouldn’t release him Sadrists threatened future attacks if follower not released

2006 British and ISF announced plan to purge Basra city of militias as part of Op Sinbad Was to last

until Feb 07 and prepare for British withdrawal from Iraq

(Musings On Iraq US Army History Iraq War Vol 1 – Chapter 22 – The Failed Transition)

(Musings On Iraq Review The Report of the Iraq Inquiry, Executive Summary)

2006 US Gen Zahner dep intel chief said elements of Mahdi Army and Badr under Iranian influence

Becoming surrogates Iran sending EFPs to militias

(Musings On Iraq How Iran Used Explosively Formed Projectiles (EFPs) To Influence events In Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq A History Of Iranian Weapons Shipments To Iraq Interview With Arkenstone Blog’s Galen Wright)

2006 Joint Chiefs created Council of Colonels that would in part review Iraq strategy

(Musings On Iraq review The War Within, A Secret White House History 2006-2008)

2006 Anbar sheikhs met with PM Maliki asked that Anbar Salvation Council replace Anbar

provincial council Maliki aide later said PM didn’t trust Awakening or US helping them

(Musings On Iraq Demise, But Not Death of Al Qaeda In Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq How A Change In Perceptions Led To The Anbar Awakening)

(Musings On Iraq interview with author Carter Malkasian on Anbar Awakening)

(Musings On Iraq review Confronting Al Qaeda, The Sunni Awakening and American Strategy In Al Anbar)

(Musings On Iraq review The Marines Take Anbar, The Four-Year Fight Against Al Qaeda)

(Musings On Iraq review Illusions of Victory, The Anbar Awakening And The Rise Of The Islamic State)

2006 State Dept poll almost ¾ of Iraqis would feel safer if US forces left Iraq 65% wanted

immediate US withdrawal Univ Maryland poll 71% wanted Iraqi govt to ask Coalition to leave within a year Most thought US would refuse 77% said US wanted permanent bases in Iraq Sunni support for US withdrawal dropped from 83% in Jan 06 to 47% in Sep 06

2006 Report West Point published letter by Al Qaeda leader Attiya l-Jazari to Zarqawi Told

Zarqawi he had to look at bigger picture in Iraq instead of just military strategy Had to unite insurgency Reach out to Sunnis and tribes Needed to consult with Al Qaeda before making major decisions Said didn’t do that before starting attacks upon Shiites and bombing in Jordan Also called for greater cooperation with fellow Islamist insurgents like Ansar al-Sunna Warned vanity led to defeat of Algerian insurgency in 1990s

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq’s Sunni Insurgency)

(Musings On Iraq review The Caliphate At War, Operational Realities and Innovations of the Islamic State)

2007 Report Sep 07 US arrested cmdr of Baha Araji battalion created by Sadrist and run out of

Defense Ministry for expelling Sunnis from Baghdad Soldiers were mostly Mahdi Army Battalion was disbanded in May 07 Soldiers-militiamen sent to other units Commanders from one of army’s top battalions arrested for working with Mahdi Army in Baghdad for killing and kidnapping civilians

2008 Iraqi police and Asayesh got into gun battle in Jalawla Diyala over dispute with Asayesh 1

police 1 KDP member killed 2 police wounded Ended deal with Kurds to withdraw from govt buildings in district PM Maliki moved ISF into district to pressure Kurds leading to confrontation

(Musings On Iraq Cold War Between Baghdad and Kurds Turns Hot)

(Musings On Iraq Maliki Still Pushing The Kurds On Khanaqin District)

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq From War To A New Authoritarianism)

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq After America, Strongmen, Sectarians, Resistance)

2008 Oil Min Shahristani again said that Kurdish oil deals were illegal

(Musings On Iraq Criticism of Iraq’s Oil Policy)

2010 Report Oil Min delayed Shell-Mitsubishi deal to develop natural gas in Basra Deal signed Jun

Ministry revised deal causing delay Forming new govt after 2010 election would mean another delay

2010 Wasit govt ordered raid on Al-Ahdab oil field Charged officials with corruption

(Musings On Iraq Confrontation Between Wasit Provincial Council and Oil Ministry At Al-Ahdab Field)

2011 38 members of Asaib Ahl Al-Haq arrested by Interior Min for blackmail

(Musings On Iraq Asaib Ahl Al-Haq From A Breakaway Sadr Militia To Defenders Of Iraq)

2012 ISI attacked Tikrit prison with car bombs mortars suicide bombers and released 100 prisoners

(Musings On Iraq review Suicide Bombers In Iraq, The Strategy and Ideology of Martyrdom)

2013 Sadrists marched in Kut and Kufa Demanded release of Sadrists arrested for fighting US

2013 Report PM Maliki formed alliance with Asiab Ahl Al-Haq to maintain street support before

2014 vote Asaib Ahl Al-Haq also given badges and weapons and manned checkpoints to help with


2014 Transportation Min Jabr said corruption within Civil Aviation Authority Said officials

charged $1000 for planes to cross Iraqi airspace Charged $350 to have plane in Iraq

2014 UK flew first reconnaissance missions over Iraq Denmark deployed 7 F-16s jets to Iraq Both

to fight IS

2014 Report VP Maliki organized websites that attacked PM Abadi Called him a traitor Tool of the

British Blamed him for fall of Saqlawiya in Anbar Called for protests

2016 Report IS might be making more money from agriculture as other revenue sources dried up

Farming provided food and taxes IS charged taxes on irrigation and crops Estimated to have made $56 mil from wheat and barley tax Also taxed livestock

2016 Protests across Sulaymaniya against corruption withdrawing confidence from govt early

elections getting paid govt salaries

2017 72% of registered voters took part in KRG independence referendum Around 2.9 mil voted

yes 224,000 voted no

(Musings On Iraq What’s Next For Kurdistan After The Referendum?)

(Musings On Iraq War of Words Continues Between Baghdad and Irbil After KRG Referendum)

(Musings On Iraq review The Great Betrayal, How America Abandoned The Kurds And Lost The Middle East)

(Musings On Iraq review Quicksilver War, Syria, Iraq and the Spiral of Conflict)

2017 Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority sent notices that international flights to Irbil and Sulaymaniya

suspended in retaliation for referendum

2017 Parliament passed resolution saying PM Abadi should maintain unity of Iraq Called for Pres

Barzani to be brought to court over referendum

(Musings On Iraq Baghdad Ups Ante Attempting To Seize Control Of Kurds’ Oil Pipeline)

2017 KRG said it was willing to allow observers from Baghdad at its airports

2017 Kataib Hezbollah compared Pres Barzani to IS’s Baghdadi and said he would be dealt with

same way as Islamic State was

(Musings On Iraq Instrument Of Iran’s Power In Iraq And Syria Kataib Hezbollah)

2017 Kirkuk Governor Karim rejected parliament’s call to deploy troops to disputed areas

2017 IS attacked checkpoints outside Ramadi Held areas for 10 hrs Executed hostages Eventually


2018 Human Rights Watch Iraqi forces disappeared dozens of Sunnis since 2014 Recorded 74 cases

of people detained by Iraqi forces who were never seen again

2018 Human rights activist and protest organizer shot in Basra

2020 Qais Khazali said embassies aren’t being targeted in Iraq just US embassy for its occupation

of Iraq

2020 Head of Harakat al-Nujaba said US embassy source of corruption and sabotage in Iraq

(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Sheikh Akram Al-Kaabi and Hezbollah al-Nujaba)

2020 Protests in 4 parts of Sulaymaniya over delay in KRG paying salaries and pay cuts

2021 Report Ruling parties companies Electricity Min officials worked together to steal money

from contracts Jun Iraqi businessman called by Sadrist MP Demanded 15% of earnings once deal finalized MP said Electricity Min belonged to Sadrists and couldn’t do anything without party’s approval Foreign company official said it was ordered to sign subcontracts with local companies to get govt deal

 View the Iraq History Timelines

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Review Charles Townshend, Desert Hell, The British Invasion of Mesopotamia, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011

Townshend, Charles, Desert Hell, The British Invasion of Mesopotamia , The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011   Charles Tow...