Saturday, January 13, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History – Jan 13

1916 Ottomans retreated 10 mil up Tigris after defeat of Battle of Sheikh Saad
            and were beaten again by British at Battle of Wadi
1968 6 ministers from Pres Arif’s govt resigned after anti-govt protests demanded
            return to democracy
1972 Bakr govt said it would take power away from Iraq Petroleum Company
1983 Report China was supplying both Iraq and Iran with weapons during Iran-Iraq
1987 Iran started Op Karbala 6 in Qasr-e-Shirin central Iran to divert Iraqi forces
            from Basra Freed 100 sq mi of Iranian land
1991 UN Sec Gen deCuellar went to Baghdad to try to avert Gulf War
1993 US UK and France carried out air and missile strikes on Iraq for not cooperating
            with UN inspectors
1998 Iraq stopped work with UN inspectors complaining about too many US and UK
2003 Bush met Saudi Amb Bandar Gave assurance that US would remove Saddam
2003 Bush told Powell he’d decided on war and needed his support Powell said he
            would back president
2003 Powell reminded Bush that if US invaded Iraq it would have to run the country
2003 Powell decided he had to play out diplomacy with Iraq at UN despite Bush’s
            decision to go to war
2003 NSA Dir Adm Hayden ordered decentralization of intel so that it could be
            distributed to combat units during Iraq invasion
2003 Blair TV speech said Iraq could give WMD to terrorists and US and UK could
            act against Iraq without 2nd UN resolution
2003 Lord Goldsmith told Blair and Foreign Sec Straw that there needed to be a 2nd
            UN resolution against Iraq to go to war
2003 State Dept intel analyst told other analysts Iraq-Niger uranium docs were probably
            fake 2 CIA analysts said they saw problems with docs but didn’t think fakes
(Musings On Iraq article on Iraq-Niger uranium story)
2003 UnderSecDef Feith called ex-Gen Jay Garner to run postwar Iraq and he accepted 2
            months before invasion
2003 IAEA head El Baradei said inspectors needed a few months to finish work in Iraq
2004 US soldier in 800th Military Police reported abuse by his unit at Abu Ghraib prison
            and handed over photos
2005 Fmr Sec State Baker said US occupation of Iraq undermined US support for war
            and made US look imperialist in Middle East
2005 Ayatollah Sistani representative assassinated in Baghdad
2005 US National Intelligence Council Iraq became new terrorist training ground in
            world replacing Afghanistan
2006 Report after US forces handed over Saddam palace in Tikrit in Nov 2005 Iraqi
            forces and Salahaddin officials looted it
2010 Joint Iraq-Peshmerga-US checkpoints opened in Diyala’s disputed territories to
increase cooperation amongst parties
2014 Tribal Military Council tried to unite all the insurgent groups in Fallujah
2018 Dawa announced members could run separate in elections PM Abadi formed Nasr
            VP Maliki would run with State of Law
(Musings On Iraq article on Dawa’s decision to allow PM Abadi and VP Maliki to run separate in 2018 elections)

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