Wednesday, January 31, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History – Jan 31

1941 PM Gaylani stepped down fearing civil war due to his reaching out to Axis that had split govt
            and angered British 
1941 UK Foreign Office decided to give money to Regent to help him return to power
1991 US and Saudis pushed Iraqi forces out of Saudi city of Khafji after 2 days of fighting
1999 Soviet paper claimed hundreds of Afghan Arabs were being trained in terrorism in south Iraq
            to fight US
2003 Blair’s advisers told him had to prioritize pushing Bush on postwar planning for Iraq but
            Blair failed to do so
2003 Bush and Blair said that invasion would start Mar 10 2003
2003 Blair told Bush he needed a 2nd UN resolution for use of force against Iraq for domestic
            politics Bush agreed
2003 Bush and Blair said a 2nd U.N. resolution would be good against Iraq but not necessary to go
            to war
2003 Bush said fighting between Iraqi factions would be unlikely after invasion
2003 Bush and Blair talked about provoking Iraq to help justify war including getting US spy
            plane fired upon
2004 Gen Taguba started investigation of abuses at Abu Ghraib prison
2004 Car Bomb at Mosul police station killed 9 wounded 45
2005 Assyrians in Ninewa’s Bashiqa and Bartella told couldn’t vote after promised they could
            when ballots ran out on Jan 30
2005 Assyrians demonstrated in Ninewa Plains over not being allowed to vote Broken up by
            Kurdish security forces
2006 US Emb-military report situation in 6 of Iraq’s 18 provinces serious 1 critical
2006 US Emb-military report said militias infiltrating security forces in Basra Lots of
            gangs smuggling assassinations
2009 Provincial elections held

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This Day In Iraqi History - Jan 18 UN inspectors said no WMD found at sites listed by US

  1915 US consulate report UK forces in Basra under constant harassment by tribes