Sunday, January 28, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History – Jan 28

1920 Turkish National Pact said Turkey gave up rights to all Ottoman provinces
            with Arab majorities including Basra and Baghdad
1920 Turkish National Pact did not include Mosul province which Turkey claimed had
            Turkish majority Kurds called Turks
1920 British also claimed Mosul province which it occupied after armistice with
            Ottomans in 1918
1941 Regent appointed 2 new ministers to try to unseat PM Gaylani leading Gaylani to plot against
1985 Iraq launched first offensive since 1981 attacking Qasr e Shirin central Iran
1985 Iraq tried to re-take Majnoon Islands from Iran but failed
1998 UK discussed using force against Iraq to ensure continued UN weapons
2003 Bush’s State of Union said Iraq wasn’t disarming and hiding its programs from
            weapons inspections
2003 Said Iraq had 25,000 liters of anthrax enough to make 38,000 liters of botulinum
            toxin Making sarin and VX gas Had mobile WMD labs
2003 Bush speech asked what 9/11 hijackers could’ve done if given WMD by Iraq
2003 Bush said British learned Iraq tried to buy uranium from Africa
(Musings On Iraq article on Iraq-Niger uranium story)
2003 Bush’s State of Union said Saddam was harboring Al Qaeda members
2003 UK Foreign Sec Straw told For Office legal adv Wood that he didn’t think 2nd UN
            resolution was necessary for action vs Iraq
2003 ORHA head Garner met with NSC’s Zalimay who said goal of postwar Iraq
            should be getting Iraqis to govern as soon as possible
2003 Cheney chief of staff Libby gave copy of his briefing on Iraq WMD and ties to
            Al Qaeda to Powell to be used as basis for his UN speech
2004 Ex-IraqSurveyGroup’s Kay told Congress everyone wrong about Iraq having
            stocks of WMD but did have programs
2004 Ex-IraqSurveyGroup head Kay told Congress an investigation was needed on intel
            failure over Iraq’s WMD
2004 White House said that Iraq Survey Group needed more time to make conclusions
            about whether Iraq had WMD or not
2004 Hutton Inquiry said Sep 02 dossier on Iraq’s WMD had not been influenced by
            political pressure from Blair govt
2004 UN Sec Gen Annan said UN delegation would go to Iraq to look into elections
2004 CPA Order 55 created Integrity Commission to investigate corruption
2006 Aglus Sunnah wal Jammah joined Mujahadeen Shura Council
2007 Soldiers of Heaven started revolt in Najaf leaving almost 300 dead
2011 Protest in Mosul demanded govt release of prisoners
2016 Abadi met with Pres Masum Speaker Jabouri to talk about technocratic govt and reforms

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Review Adeed Dawisha, Iraq, A Political History from Independence to Occupation, Princeton University Press, 2009

Dawisha, Adeed, Iraq, A Political History from Independence to Occupation , Princeton University Press, 2009   Adeed Dawisha’s Iraq, A P...