Friday, December 1, 2017

This Day In Iraqi History – Dec 1

1918 UK PM George asked Fr PM Clemenceau to renegotiate Sykes-Picot
            giving Mosul to British
1918 England got France to agree to give it most of Mosul in return France got stake in
            Iraqi oil and Syria
1971 Iraq broke relations with Iran and UK, expelled Iranian nationals turned to
            Soviet Union for support
1971 Iraq arguing with Iran over Shatt al-Arab and Tehran funding and arming Kurds
            in alliance with US and Israel
1987 Iran attacked Fakeh area north of Basra
1997 Weekly Standard special issue on removing Saddam featuring neoconservative
            writers like Wolfowitz Khalilzad Kagan
2000 UK Intel report Iraq contained but if sanctions ended Saddam would start
            rebuilding WMD programs
2001 Rumsfeld issued order to Joint Chiefs to begin revising war planning for Iraq
2001 CENTCOM cmdr Gen Franks was only given 3 days to revise Iraq war plan
            and present it to Rumsfeld
2001 NY Times article quoted DepSecState Armitage saying US was going to force Iraq
            to allow UN inspectors to return
2001 NY Times article said White House looking into options to support Iraqi
opposition groups
2003 Iraq physicist book claimed Iraq never rebuilt nuclear program after 90s and US
            exaggerated threat
2003 Report Iraqi scientists said Saddam never close to building a nuclear bomb
2004 KDP and PUK announced Kurdistan Coalition for Jan 2005 elections
2004 Report Army warned Dec 03 that military-CIA Task Force 121searching for
            WMD abused Iraq prisoners
2004 US announced it would increase troops from 138,000 to 150,000 for Jan 2005
2005 Kurdistan Islamic Union sent letter to Dohuk govt saying they wanted security for
            planned KDP demonstrations at their offices

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