Friday, December 22, 2017

This Day In Iraqi History – Dec 22

1916 British forces began digging lines towards Ottomans defenses at Khadairi
2002 Iraq invited CIA into country to find its WMD
2005 Iraqi Islamic Party National Dialogue Front Iraqiya threatened to boycott new
            parliament Called elections fraudulent Demanded new vote
2006 Ret Gen Keane told NatlSecAdv Hadley US needed 5 brigade troop surge in
            Iraq not less or piecemeal
2010 Maliki’s second administration approved
2013 Maliki announced major military campaign in western Anbar desert region after
            IS killed leadership of 7th Div
2013 Anbar council said it would work with govt to fight ISI
2013 Maliki said Ramadi protest site base for IS and demanded it closed
2013 Ramadi protest sheikhs said Ramadi would take up arms against
            any forces trying to stop demonstrations
2014 Fmr Communications Minister Allawi acquitted of corruption charges for lack
            of evidence

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