Friday, January 22, 2021

This Day In Iraqi History - Jan 22


1921 Gertrude Bell wrote that British officers in Mosul province thought they could

convince Kurds to vote for Faisal as king in referendum They didn’t

(Musings On Iraq review Gertrude Bell And Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq review Gertrude Bell, Explorer of the Middle East)

(Musings On Iraq movie review Letters from Baghdad)

1970 3 coup plotters executed by Pres Bakr govt

1970 Iraq expelled Iranian ambassador accusing Tehran of backing 1970 failed coup

1991 Iraqi SCUD missile and 2 U.S. Patriot missiles landed on Israeli city of Ramat Gan

1991 Iraqi forces set fire to 700 Kuwaiti oil wells

2002 Dep Def Sec Wolfowitz memo to Undersec Def Feith that Pentagon was not finding intel on Iraq-

Al Qaeda links and said Sec Def Rumsfeld should get some analysis on issue

(Musings On Iraq review Leap of Faith, Hubris Negligence, and America’s Greatest Foreign Policy


2003 2nd meeting of US UK Australia on postwar Iraq Little came of meeting

2003 CIA sent its report on Iraq WMD to White House to help make case for war

2003 CIA analyst told IAEA aluminum tubes Iraq tried to buy were for centrifuges IAEA said they

were for rockets IAEA proved right

(Musings On Iraq How A Contested Aluminum Tubes Story Became The Basis For War With Iraq)

2004 VP Cheney said Iraq had mobile labs and WMD programs Inspections found no mobile labs

(Musings On Iraq How Iraqi Defector CURVEBALL Became Basis For US Claims That Iraq Had WMD)

(Musings On Iraq Iraq One Of The Worst Intelligence Failures In US History)

2004 VP Cheney said overwhelming evidence Saddam linked to Al Qaeda Said Iraq behind 1993 World

Trade Center bombing Based upon Laurie Mylroie conspiracy theories

(Musings On Iraq Laurie Mylroie’s Convoluted Iraq-Terrorism Conspiracy Theory)

(Musings On Iraq Laurie Mylroie’s Iraq Conspiracy Theory Was Debunked By Captured Baath Documents)

(Musings On Iraq review What Happened, Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception)

2005 Report $300 mil for arms deal for Iraqi army went missing after put on plane for Lebanon

(Musings On Iraq interview with Special Inspector Gen for Iraq Reconstruction Bowen on corruption in Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq interview with fmr anti-graft official Vincent Foulk on corruption in Iraq)

2005 INC’s Chalabi accused Defense Min Shaalan of stealing the $300 mil Shaalan threatened to

arrest Chalabi for the charge

2006 Report 34,131 attacks in 2005 up from 26,496 in 2004 Car bombs went from 420 in 2004 to

873 in 2005 IEDs went from 5,607 in 2004 to 10,953 in 2005

2007 PM Maliki announced he would no longer protect the Mahdi Army from US raids Didn’t happen

(Musings On Iraq A Divided Sadr Trend)

2007 Mayor of Sadr City Daraji had 2nd of 2 meetings with UK Gen Lamb on working out

understanding with militias to prevent confrontations in district Militias were afraid of major US operation in Sadr City as part of Surge Sadrists backed Daraji’s effort

(Musings On Iraq review Surge, My Journey with General David Petraeus and the Remaking of the Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq interview with Prof Mansoor on the Surge)

(Musings On Iraq interview with New America Foundation’s Ollivant On Reassessing the Surge)

2008 Mahdi Army tried to kidnap PM Maliki’s national security adviser Mowafaq Rubaie in Baghdad

2008 Oil Min blacklisted companies that signed oil deals with Kurdistan

2009 El Salvador withdrew its troops from Iraq Were in Kut Wasit since 2003

2009 Report govt workers in Basra said Fadhila intimidated them into signing Basra autonomy


2009 NGOs said many returning displaced lacked housing and services Received no govt aid

(Musings On Iraq Refugees International Report On Iraq’s Refugees and Displaced)

2011 Kirkuk made deal with Electricity Min that province would get larger power quota Would

still not meet demand Governor had cut off power line to Baghdad and kept electricity for province

(Musings On Iraq Tamim Cuts Deal With Baghdad Over Electricity Supply)

(Musings On Iraq Electricity Protests Spread To Northern Iraq)

2012 Iraq voted in Arab League for a transition of power in Syria away from Assad

2015 Coalition air strike killed Abu Ans Samarraie IS’s governor for Anbar He was responsible for

            executing hundreds of members of the Albu Nimr tribe

(Musings On Iraq The Islamic State’s Leadership Losses In Iraq And Syria)

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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