Tuesday, August 15, 2017

This Day In Iraqi History - Aug 15

1990 Iraqi opposition in Iran claimed they could field 50,000 to fight Saddam
1990 Iraq offered to fully implement UN Res 598 and Algiers Agreement to try to win
            favor with Iran after Kuwait invasion
1991 UN Resolution 706 proposed Iraq import petroleum products to alleviate
            humanitarian situation caused by sanctions Iraq rejected plan
1991 UN Resolution 707 said Iraq was in flagrant violation of weapons inspectors 
1995 Supreme Council denounced Jordan taking in Saddam’s son-in-law Hussein
Kamal as a murderer
2001 Foreign Office legal adv Sir Wood said that British forces could be sued if not
            given legal basis for going to war with Iraq
2002 1st Bush NatlSecAdv Scowcroft wrote Wall St Journal OpEd saying Saddam not
            threat to US and not connected to 9/11
2002 NatlSecAdv Rice said US needed to launch pre-emptive strike against Iraq
            before it got too strong
2002 Pentagon office briefed CIA on its findings that Iraq and Al Qaeda had cooperated for years
2003 White House objected to CPA’s request for $20.3 bil after administration
            said it would not ask Congress for any more money
2003 Oil pipeline to Turkey bombed in Baiji Salahaddin shutting down exports for 2nd
            time in a week
2004 Peace talks between Allawi govt & Sadr broke down over ending 2nd Battle of Najaf
2005 One week extension given to Constitutional committee to finish work
2011 ISI attacked Sahwa in mosque in Yusifiya during Ramadan & bomb St Ephraim
            Syriac Orthodox church in Kirkuk
2015 Chief Justice Medhat said that judiciary supported Abadi’s reforms but made no changes

View the Iraq History Timeline 

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