Tuesday, June 12, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Jun 12

1935 National Service Bill signed by King starting conscription for army King
hoped conscription would help with nation building by creating army drawn from all parts of Iraq
1963 Soviet Union condemned Arif govt military campaign against Kurds
1979 Govt put down 9 days of Dawa led protests capped off by arresting Ayatollah Baqir
            al-Sadr Led to more protests in Iraq plus Lebanon UAE Braitain France Iran
1982 U.N. called for ceasefire in Iran-Iraq War
1994 8,000 Kurdish refugees who had fled to Turkey after 91 uprising moved back into
            Iraq to escape fighting between PKK and Turkish army
1996 UN Resolution 1060 found Iraq not allowing UN weapons inspectors full access
            to sites
1996 UK intel report worried that Iraq still hiding parts of missile and WMD programs
1997 UN inspectors said Iraq had blocked them from 3 sites in last two days
2003 1st bombing of an Iraqi oil pipeline near Kirkuk after invasion
2003 White House said were some fake docs about Iraq-Niger uranium deal but
            much more evidence to support story
2003 DIA memo to DepSecDef Wolfowitz said docs on Iraq-Niger uranium deal fakes
but were unconfirmed reports that supported deal such as report that uranium was in warehouse in Benin
2003 Fmr Amb Wilson gave background info to Wash Post article claiming CIA didn’t
tell Bush doubts about Iraq-Niger uranium deal Claimed he saw fake Iraq-Niger docs but never did
2003 Fmr Amb Wilson believed his trip to Niger discredited Iraq uranium deal story
            within CIA but didn’t
2003 VP Cheney told chief of staff Libby Wilson’s wife’s name and said she worked for
            CIA Later leaked to press to attack Wilson
2003 Cheney and chief of staff Libby were worried about press reports they felt were
            trying to blame VP and Bush for false reports on WMD
(Musings On Iraq article on Iraq-Niger uranium story)
2006 Report Al Qaeda in Iraq replaced Zarqawi with Egyptian Abu Masri Was actually
            War Min Abu Hamzah al-Muhajir new emir
2006 Health Dir for Diyala province kidnapped and believed killed by Mahdi Army
2006 Bush approved US Iraq Cmdr Gen Casey’s campaign plan to withdraw US forces
and turn responsibilities over to Iraqis Bush didn’t approve of withdrawal plan but went along with it anyway
2007 1920 Revolution Brigade turned on ISI in Diyala after made deal with US
2008 Maliki sent forces to Maysan to crackdown on Sadrists
2008 Senior Sadrist and Iranian linked arms dealer arrested in Kut, Wasit
2011 Suicide car bombing on Basra police headquarters killing 5
2011 Sadr bloc threatened to pull out of National Coalition and push no confidence
            vote against Maliki if US troops given extension to stay in Iraq
2011 US Amb to Iraq Jeffries said majority of Iraqi blocs supported troop extension for
            US except Sadr
2011 Iraqiya withdrew from parliament after pro-Maliki march in Baghdad burned
            Allawi’s picture
2012 Kurdish MP claimed if no confidence vote against Maliki went to parliament
            would be passed
2012 Maliki held cabinet meeting in Dhi Qar trying to prop up base against no
            confidence vote
2013 Charge of Knights of the Tigris anti-insurgent op started in Muqtadiya Abu Saida
            Hamrin Jalawla in Diyala
2013 Sadr-Supreme Council alliance took Basra governorship from State of Law after
            provincial elections SOL got head of council
2014 ISIS announced it was imposing sharia on Mosul ISF members had to repent
or be executed Killed Imam of grand mosque in Mosul who refused to support group
2014 ISIS executed 84 ISF in Mosul
2014 ISIS committed Camp Speicher massacre executing cadets in Salahaddin
2014 ISIS seized 10 towns in Salahaddin and attacked Amerli
2014 ISIS announced that it was going to execute ISF in Dhuluiya, Salahaddin
2014 ISIS told local tribes in Dhuluiya they had to turn over ISF or they would be
            killed Refused and tribes starting fighting ISIS
2014 Jabour tribe fighting ISIS in Alam east of Tikrit
2014 Army and Sahwa withdrew from three major entrances to Fallujah
2014 Insurgents attacked and seized Kubaisa and Saqlawiya in Anbar
2014 ISF withdrew from Qaim and Mazra army base without a fight in Anbar ceding
            Syrian border to insurgents
2014 Emergency session of parliament to discuss security crisis cancelled due to lack
            of quorum
2014 Supreme Council announced that it sent first unit of militiamen to fight
2014 Asaib Ahl Al-Haq set up checkpoints near Dhuluiya Salahaddin Opened fire
            on 3 vehicles killing 12 civilians
2014 3 Sunni men kidnapped and killed by Asaib Ahl Al-Haq in Sadiya, Baghdad
2014 Quds Force commander Gen Suleimani went to Baghdad to help coordinate
            security policy against insurgents
2014 2 Brigades of Iranian Revolutionary Guard deployed to Samarra Najaf and
            Karbala to protect shrines
2014 Iranian Revolutionary Guard deployed to Iran-Iraq border Iran air force put on
2015 Peshmerga and Hashd got into firefight in Sadiya Diyala in power struggle for
            control of Khanaqin district
2016 Anbar Governor report Hashd killed 43 displaced in Fallujah op 600+
            disappeared Beatings tortuing stealing from displaced

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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Trump Ends Iraq’s Exemption To Buy Energy From Iran

Iraq has been worried about what the new Trump administration might do to it for its ties to Iran and got its first news in February.