Thursday, June 14, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Jun 14

1921 Churchill asked Colonial Office if King Faisal was Sunni or Shiite
            and who were the religious people in Karbala
1980 Mossad assassinated Egyptian nuclear scientist Yahya El Mashad in Paris
            who worked on Iraq’s nuclear program
1985 Iraq halted air raids for 2 wks on Iran calling on Iranians to push Khomeini
            towards peace Ended 2nd War of Cities
1985 From Mar to Jun 1985 43 Iraqi air raids on Tehran Only 12 Iranian SCUDs
hit Baghdad in response Iraq caused little damage in war of cities and failed to push Iran towards peace talks
1991 More than 1,000 Kurds protested outside US camp in Dohuk asking for them to
            stay to protect them from Iraqi govt
1998 2nd day of meetings between UN inspectors and Iraq Agreed on inspection regime
Inspectors demanded that Iraq come clean on concealment program which angered Aziz
1998 Aziz thought UN inspectors working with US to move goal posts every time there
            was progress to drag out process
(Musings On Iraq article on UN weapons inspections)
2001 CIA report aluminum tubes Iraq tried to buy were probably for centrifuges for
            nuke program but could be rockets Still no justification for claim
(Musings On Iraq article on the aluminum tubes story)
2003 Gen Petraeus flew to Baghdad telling CPA disbanding Iraq military threatened
            US troops
2003 1300 US troops conducted major search and raids in Fallujah
2004 Cheney said Saddam had long standing ties with Al Qaeda
2004 Reports US soldiers and interrogators began warning of abuses at Abu Ghraib
            prison in Nov and Dec 03
2005 Massoud Barzani sworn in as KRG president
2006 Maliki said Sadr City and Shiite areas off limits to US forces
2006 Maliki announced Op Together Forward to try to secure Baghdad and stop
            sectarian attacks Failed
2006 After returning from Iraq Bush said inspired by meeting Maliki and US was
            staying the course
2006 Rumsfeld aide brought up Biden-Gelb idea of breaking up Iraq as possible exit
            strategy for U.S.
2007 US Operation Arrowhead Ripper in Baquba Pushed insurgents out of city with
            help of 1920 Revolution Brigade
2008 Sadrist said they wouldnt run as a party in 2009 provincial elections just support
2008 US Inspector General went to Kahn Bani Saad prison found no work being
            done Most of $1.2 mil in materials gone
2010 New parliament seated 3 months after elections Only met for 18 minutes Was
supposed to start work on electing new president but didn’t Maliki adjourned session indefinitely to stall for time
2011 ISI attacked Diyala provincial council building in Baquba
2011 Maliki said he wanted to reduce the number of ministries in response to protests
2012 Gorran and PUK held meeting to try to reconcile Didn’t work
2012 Gov Nujafi reversed course and said that he now supported Kurdish oil deal with
2012 Sadr returned from Iran said still for no confidence vote against Maliki but
            thanked him for cabinet meetings in provinces
2013 ISF security sweep through western Anbar along Syrian and Jordanian border
2014 Ayatollah Sistani issued clarification that his fatwa to defend country was for men
            to join the ISF not militias
2014 Insurgents seized Jalawla, Diyala
2014 12 imams in Mosul executed by ISIS for not giving it baya
2014 128 bodies of soldiers and police executed by ISIS in Mosul recovered
2014 Report differences emerging between ISIS and Naqshibandi over control of Mosul
2014 Ishaqi and Mutasim Salahaddin recaptured by ISF 1st victories vs insurgents after
            sweep through north
2014 ISF and tribes forced insurgents out of Dhuluiya, Salahaddin
2014 ISF and Asaib Ahl Al-Haq pushed insurgents out of Muqtadiya, Diyala
2014 ISF withdrew from Rawa and Ana giving Anbar border to ISIS Fighting in Hit
            Habaniya Ramadi
2014 ISF started op to try to retake Saqlawiya, Anbar
2014 Report Peshmerga told remaining ISF in Kirkuk city to leave
2014 Sadr called for military parades by his militia in all the provinces to show their
            strength in face of insurgents
2014 1500 Iranian troops in Khanaqin district Diyala and 500 in Wasit to secure
            Iran-Iraq border areas
2014 1st Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps member killed in fighting in Iraq

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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Trump Ends Iraq’s Exemption To Buy Energy From Iran

Iraq has been worried about what the new Trump administration might do to it for its ties to Iran and got its first news in February.