Saturday, June 30, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Jun 30

1915 UK committee wrote paper advocating for break up of Ottoman Empire and
            creation of Iraq to control its oil and agriculture Cabinet didn’t agree
1930 Anglo-Iraq Treaty agreed on independence in Oct 1932 Allowed British to keep
            military in Iraq and use Iraqi territory for 25 years
1957 Ali Aiyubi became premier 3rd time
1973 Police Chief Kazzar launched failed coup against Bakr Arrested Defense Minister
            Shihab and Interior Minister Ghaydan Failed to assassinate Bakr and Saddam
1973 Kazzar was captured trying to flee to Iran but not before he killed Def Min Shihab
            and seriously wounded Inter Min Ghaydan
1980 Newly elected parliament took office Naim Haddad of Revolutionary Command
            Council elected speaker  
1986 Iran started Op Karbala 1 to recapture Mehran, Iran from Iraq
1988 Iraq recaptured Mawet, Kurdistan from Iran Iran-Iraq War
1991 Saddam created special committee headed by Tariq Aziz to conceal weapons
            programs from UN inspectors
2003 Rumsfeld said no guerrilla war or organized resistance in Iraq
2003 Report IAEA had US British German experts look at aluminum tubes Iraq tried to
            buy All said they were for rockets not centrifuges
2003 New Republic article quoted intel officials that Bush admin exaggerated Iraq
            aluminum tubes story
(Musings On Iraq article on the aluminum tubes story)
2007 Battle of Donkey Island US destroyed ISI force threatening Ramadi
2008 5 IEDs targeting judges in Baghdad
(Musings On Iraq article on attacks on judges)
2009 US withdrew forces from Iraqi cities
2009 Iraq auctioned eight oil and gas fields to international energy companies Rumaila
only field successfully auctioned Was considered a failure at first further hurting standing of Oil Min Shahristani that parliament was trying to remove
2014 ISIS killed Mohammed Khamis head of Ramadi Awakening Council

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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Trump Ends Iraq’s Exemption To Buy Energy From Iran

Iraq has been worried about what the new Trump administration might do to it for its ties to Iran and got its first news in February.