Sunday, March 18, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Mar 18

1933 British official warned King Faisal was attempting to make himself dictator
            of Iraq
1948 Railway strike against Anglo-Iraq Treaty
1981 US senator told press Iraq was trying to build a nuclear bomb
1985 Iraq bombed Tehran in retaliation for Iran bombing Baghdad War of Cities
1985 Iran claimed it controlled all the marshes south of Amarah Maysan Iraq
            launched counterattack
1991 Sec of State Baker after tour of Middle East and Soviet Union said most
            leaders thought Saddam would be gone by end of year
1991 Kurdish leader Rahman called for international help with food and medicine
            during uprising None came
2002 UK Amb Meyer met with Dep Sec of Def Wolfowitz who said he was against
            going to UN against Iraq
2003 UN weapons inspectors ended work in Iraq Did 731 inspections at 411 sites and
            found no WMD or nuclear programs
2003 UN suspended Oil for Food program for Iraq due to impending war
2003 US military official told CNN Iraqi troops had VX and mustard gas munitions
2003 UK military given official order to prepare for Iraq invasion
2003 Joint Chief of Staff met to discuss withdrawal plans for post-invasion Iraq
2003 UK Gen Cross warned Blair that there wasn’t enough post-war planning for Iraq
2003 2 British ministers and legal adv to Foreign Office resigned in protest against the
2003 British parliament voted 412 to 149 to endorse Iraq invasion
2003 US named 30 countries willing to join Iraq war Became known as Coalition of
            the Willing
2003 CIA source claimed he saw Saddam and his family at Dora farm south of Baghdad
            CIA Dir Tenet told Bush
2003 Khalizad went to Turkey offering to allow Turkish troops to enter Kurdistan buffer
            zone disarming Peshmerga ops vs PKK if US could use Turkey for invasion 
2004 Fmr OHRA head Garner said he was replaced in Iraq because wanted early
            elections to return power to Iraqis
2006 NSC report Iraqi army largely rebuilt but attacks not decreasing War stalemated
            PM Jaafari incompetent
2009 Sadr issued statement calling on his followers to give up on violence
2011 KRG said that it would form committee to deal with protests in Sulaymaniya
2013 Kurdish MPs meet with Pres Barzani and agreed on boycotting Iraqi parliament
            over disputes with Maliki
2016 Sadr started protests in Baghdad demanding cabinet reforms

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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This Day In Iraqi History - Feb 10 Abbasids surrendered Baghdad to Mongols who then massacred population

  1258 Abbasid Caliph Mustasim surrendered Baghdad to Mongols Residents taken to camps where they were executed Christia...