Wednesday, March 21, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History – Mar 21

1921 Colonial Sec Churchill wrote PM George lobbying for Feisal to be approved
            as new ruler of Mesopotamia
(Musings On Iraq article on Churchill’s views on Mesopotamia)
1985 State Dept spokesman claimed US thought Iraq had defeated Iran and
            said Tehran should accept negotiated settlement
1987 Saddam held march in Baghdad for not being defeated in Iran-Iraq War
1991 Govt offensive to retake Kirkuk from Peshmerga began day after Kurds took it
1991 Govt announced state of emergency in Baghdad
1991 UN survey of Gulf War damage to Iraq called it almost apocalyptic Said
            bombing had put Iraq in preindustrial age
2002 Gen Franks met with US commanders in Germany to go over war plans Said war
            was going to happen and they needed to be ready
2003 Shock and Awe bombing campaign started Only lasted 9 hours
2003 US commanders reported that Iraqi soldiers were abandoning their units
2003 Parts of Um Qasr port seized by US forces
2003 British and US forces began seizing oil fields in Basra 15 oil fields set on
            fire by Iraqis
2003 British reached Basra and started fighting Fedayeen
2003 MI6 was trying to incite a popular uprising in Basra against Saddam
2003 Op Viking Hammer launched to destroy Ansar al-Islam camps in Kurdistan
2003 1st Coalition casualties of Iraq war 8 UK 4 US soldiers die in Kuwait helicopter accident
            1 US Marine killed in fighting in Um Qasr
2003 Rice briefed Bush and NSC and all agreed on war goals democracy and put Iraqi
            face on occupation
2003 UK Gen suggested revising postwar plans for Iraq Needed to improve lives of
            Iraqis Balance withdrawal with forces necessary for stability
2003 White House press secretary said no question Iraq’s WMD would be found
2004 11 U.S. soldiers suspended for prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib
2005 State Dept’s Jeffrey told Bush Allawi trying to drag out govt formation process and
            he should stop because was not going to retain premiership
2006 Blair said that Iraq war was part of the struggle between spreading democracy
            vs violence in world
2006 Bush said there was sectarian fighting in Iraq but it was not a civil war after
            Allawi said it was
2006 Insurgents took police station and courthouse in Baghdad Killed 17 police Freed
            20 prisoners
2006 Insurgents took Muqtadiya police station Executed 19 police Freed 33 prisoners
2006 Report insurgents infiltrated into Tal Afar after successful counterinsurgency
            program by 3rd Armored Cav Reg and unit left
2006 CIA report Insurgency undermining political and economic development
            in Iraq
2006 CIA said even if Sunnis given larger role in Iraq govt Al Qaeda in Iraq would
            not stop attacks
2008 Maliki told Gen Petraeus of his plans to take on Mahdi Army in Basra
2010 Maliki asked Supreme Court to interpret what largest bloc meant for forming
            govt after he came in 2nd in eleciotns
2013 Sheikh Abu Risha demanded cabinet reverse delayed provincial elections
            in Anbar
2013 Sadr called cabinet decision to postpone provincial vote in Anbar unconstitutional
2013 Sadr cleric gave Friday sermon calling on Maliki to step down
2016 Sadr said quotas in govt should be ended

View the Iraq History Timelines

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