Monday, March 19, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Mar 19

1917 British forces captured Fallujah from Ottomans
1917 Gen Maude sent message to Iraqis saying British had not come as conquerors
            but liberators
1917 Maude said British would not impose their institutions and called on Arabs to
            help rule
1921 UK Cairo Conference decided that independent Mesopotamia govt would pay
            part of British expenses especially for troops
1921 UK Cairo Conference decided Sir Cox would offer amnesty for those involved in
            1920 Revolt Feisal would offer his services in Mesopotamia as a way into power
1921 UK Cair Conference decided an Anglo-Mesopotamia treaty would be necessary
            to ensure relations between two countries
(Musings On Iraq article on the Cairo conference and the selection of Feisal to be first king of Iraq)
1951 Grenade hit US information office in Baghdad
1963 Iraq sent delegation to Syria to talk about uniting two countries
1981 Iraq attacked Susangard, Iran after ceasefire offer rejected by Khomeini
1982 Iran broke Dezful siege Iraqis lost 10000 dead 15000 wounded 15450 captured
            Iran lost 4000 dead 8000 wounded 6000 captured
1982 Iranian offensive around Dezful recaptured 940 sq mi of Iranian territory from
1982 Saddam sent envoy to Islamic mediation mission with cease-fire proposal and
            offer to withdraw from Iranian territory
1988 End of 1st Anfal campaign that destroyed PUK’s bases in Sergalou and Bergalou,
(Musings On Iraq article on Anfal campaign)
1991 Saddam’s troops recaptured Karbala from Shiite rebels Went district to district
            taking young men and executing them
1991 Govt forces arrested Ayatollah Khoei following Shiite uprising 105 relatives staff
            students and clerics arrested in Najaf by govt forces
1991 Bush admin officials accused Iran of trying to overthrow Saddam and place
            friendly Shiites in power in Baghdad
1998 Chalabi and King Hussein sent letter to Clinton saying Saddam should be
2002 CIA Dir Tenet told Senate no Iraq Al Qaeda connection but Iraq couldn’t be
            ruled out from involvement in 9/11
2002 CIA Dir Tenet said no doubt Iraq-Al Qaeda links and Iraq developing nuclear
2002 DIA Dir Adm Wilson briefed Senate Armed Services Comm on threats to US
            Didn’t include Iraq Said Iraq contained only residual WMD programs
2003 German French and Russian Foreign Ministries condemn impending Iraq invasion
            saying it had no UN approval
2003 Bush ordered start of war US Polish Australian Special Forces entered southern
            Iraq seizing oil and port infrastructure
2003 Bush called Coalition members to tell them war starting
2003 CIA told Pentagon Saddam Uday Qusay might be at Dora farms in south Baghdad
            Rumsfeld brought intel to White House
2003 Powell Rumsfeld Cheney Rice Hadley all advocated hitting Dora farm to try to take
            out Saddam Uday and Qusay
2003 White House spokesman Fleischer told press disarmament of Iraq had begun
2003 US Stealth bombers hit Dora farm hoping to kill Saddam and family
2003 Bush went on TV to announce war
2003 Army Chief Gen Shinseki told Congress he couldn’t say how much rebuilding
            Iraq would cost
2003 UN inspector said WMD decontamination trucks US pointed out were water or
            fire trucks
2003 Turkish parliament approved US overflights for invasion
2004 Justice Dept drafted opinion that Iraqis and foreigners in Iraq could be taken out
            of the country by CIA Legal experts said violated Geneva Conventions
2004 UN responded to reports that UN officials involved in fraud with Oil for Food
2004 Team arrived in Baghdad to try to come up with interagency plan for rebuilding
            Iraq 1st time happened since invasion
2004 BBC poll of Iraqis 56% said better than year ago 23% About the same 18% worse
            48% right for U.S. to invade Iraq 39% wrong
2006 Iyad Allawi said Iraq was in civil war no matter what others said
2006 Gen Easton who commanded US training effort for Iraqi forces until 2004 said
            Rumsfeld failed to build Coalition in Iraq and ignored advice of military
2011 Maliki said no secret prisons in Iraq after Camp Honor secret prison found
            in Baghdad
2012 Sadrists held Day of the Oppressed protests in Basra for better services
2013 Cabinet announced postponing provincial elections in Anbar and Ninewa for 6
            months because of security
2013 After criticizing Maliki Sadr withdrew his ministers from cabinet
2016 Ruling parties said they would not support Abadi’s new cabinet unless quotas
2016 PM Abadi Pres Masum Speaker Jabouri and political leaders agreed to form 3
            committees to deal with reforms and new cabinet

View the Iraq History Timelines

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