Saturday, March 31, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Mar 31

1934 Iraqi Communist Party founded
(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)
1941 Pan-Arab Golden Square officers decided to remove PM Hashemi in coup
1981 Egypt began selling military equipment to Iraq in Iran-Iraq War
1985 UN Sec Gen arrived in Iran Told Iraqi air raids killed 1450 civilians and wounded
1989 Iraq exported oil for 1st time from Basra after Iran-Iraq War closed down ports
1989 Israel said Iraq embarked on crash course to build a nuclear bomb and a missile
            to deliver it
1991 Govt op to retake Sulaymaniya from Peshemerga began
2000 UN Res 1293 doubled amount of spare parts Iraq could import to maintain its
            oil industry under Oil for Food program
2002 Blair offered a division and UK bases to US for invasion
2003 Saddam didn’t give televised speech as expected Instead Information Minister Sahaf
did calling on Iraqis to carry out suicide missions against the invaders
2003 1st car bomb in Iraq hit US checkpoint north of Najaf
2003 US forces engaged Fedayeen and Republican Guard south of Baghdad
2003 US forces launched raid on Shatra Dhi Qar after receiving information Ali Hassan
            al-Majid Chemical Ali was there
2003 British military believed it could start popular uprising in Basra to take city
            rather than having to attack it
2003 Sir David Manning told British would have huge shortage of troops for postwar
            operations in Iraq
2003 UK Foreign Office official wrote For Sec Straw saying Iraqis mistrusted US and
            US occupation would be humiliation and untenable
2003 Israeli Infrastructure Min Paritzky said he wanted to reopen Kirkuk-Haifa pipeline
by end of 03 Based upon promises made by Chalabi before war he would get Iraq to export oil to Israel
2004 US Committee on US pre-war intel on WMD said that US intel was “dead wrong”
            on almost all its judgments about Iraq
2004 Insurgents ambushed Blackwater convoy and killed 4 contractors in Fallujah 2
            were strung up on bridge
2004 Bush gave CPA 48 hours to resolve Blackwater attack in Fallujah
2004 Bush gave speech US would not give into violence in Iraq and fighting terrorism
2004 Sadrists marched to Green Zone in Baghdad to protest US occupation
2005 Silbermann-Robb report called US pre-war intel on Iraq one of largest intelligence
            failures in US history
2005 Silbermann-Robb report US intel data on Iraq was worthless and analysis wrong
2005 Silbermann-Robb report US lacked significant new intel on Iraq WMD so relied
            on Gulf War and 90s UN inspections and extrapolated from them
2005 Silbermann-Robb report US relied upon Iraqi defectors that were lying and
            ignored problems with their stories
2005 Silbermann-Robb report US relied upon satellite photos that showed nothing
2005 Silbermann-Robb report US intel claimed Iraq made WMD advances that were
            technically impossible
2005 Silbermann-Robb report US intel ignored reports that Iraq no longer had any
2005 Silbermann-Robb report UN inspectors disproved most of US case against Iraq’s
            WMD but were ignored
2005 Robb-Silberman report found CIA had little on Iraq’s nuke program outside of
            aluminum tubes but became basis for Oct 02 National Intel Est on Iraq’s WMD
2005 Silbermann-Robb report said that aluminum tubes Iraq tried to buy were for
            rockets not centrifuges Example of misinterpretation by US intel
2005 Robb-Silberman report said aluminum tubes was a technical assessment which
            CIA failed at Went with assumptions rather than facts
2005 Robb-Silberman report CIA never looked at Iraqi rockets to see whether they
            fit aluminum tubes CIA and DIA created theory on tubes that rejected all criticism
2005 Robb-Silberman report found British and Australian intelligence didn’t
            believe aluminum tubes were for centrifuges
2005 RAND study showed post-war planning for Iraq was inadequate and never
            considered security of Iraqi public
2006 100 insurgents attacked Muqtadiya police headquarters killing 19 police and
            freed 33 prisoners
2007 Maliki made 1st trip to Anbar and met with tribal leaders and provincial council
            who complained about Baghdad’s neglect
2008 IRGC-QF Gen Suleimani met with Pres Talabani and VP Mahdi to try to
            negotiate ceasefire between Maliki and Sadr
2008 Maliki said would continue to go after Mahdi Army in Basra that didn’t follow
2008 Maliki aide said plan was to divide Mahdi Army between those that followed
            Sadr’s ceasefire and those that continued fighting
2008 Mahdi Army fired rockets at Green Zone for another day
2008 Interior Min announced 1000s of police would be fired for refusing to fight Mahdi
2008 Report 2 army regiments refused to fight Mahdi Army in Baghdad
2008 Mass grave with 52 bodies of ISI victims found in Zahmann Diyala River
2009 British ended military mission in Iraq
2009 Deadline for power sharing and provincial elections in Kirkuk passed with no
2010 VP Hashemi said an Arab should be president no longer a Kurd
2010 Iraqiya said it would implement Art 140 on disputed areas to try to get Kurdish
            backing for Allawi as premier
2010 Sadr said there would be a referendum on who his followers wanted as premier
2011 Pres Barzani said he would prosecute security members who fired on
            demonstrators in Sulaymaniya
2011 Protests in Kalar, Sulaymaniya become violent with rocks thrown at security
2012 Oil Ministry paid oil companies in Kurdistan $650 mil for exports
2014 IS released 2nd annual al-Naba report on its operations
2014 IS held parade in Abu Ghraib
2014 Fmr Communications Min Allawi Fmr Fin Min Issawi and 8 general mangers
            charged with corruption
2014 Mutahidun claimed 44 civilians killed by Hashd in Buhriz, Diyala with
            complicity of ISF
2015 Tikrit freed from IS 1st stories emerged of Hashd looting afterward
2015 Diyala council voted to remove confidence from Gov Yacoub for stealing
            aid for displaced
2016 PM Abadi presented his list of technocratic ministers
2016 Sadr called off his protests after Abadi announced cabinet

View the Iraq History Timelines

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