Friday, September 1, 2017

This Day In Iraqi History – Sep 1

1970 Iraq said it supported Palestinians when Jordanian govt attacked them
1986 Iran started Karbala 2 in Haj Umran Advanced deep into Kurdistan in retaliation for Iraq air
            attacks on oil facilities
1987 Iran didn’t support UN Resolution 598 calling for ceasefire in Iran-Iraq War
2001 Mullah Krekar founded Jund al-Islam that would become Ansar al-Islam in Sulaymaniya
2003 Saddam tape played on 2 TV channels Said he was not responsible for Zarqawi car bomb in
            Najaf that killed Ayatollah Hakim
2004 Mass grave discovered Hatra with hundreds of Kurdish bodies killed during Anfal in 1980s
2005 Battle of Tal Afar began
2006 National Security Advisor Rubaie told Iraq Survey Group insurgency had to be destroyed
            but militias legitimate because they were political
2014 ISF recaptured Suleiman Beq, Salahaddin
2014 German cabinet voted to arm the Peshmerga
2014 Yazidi villages of Kotan, Hareko Kharag Shafrsky in Ninewa were burned by IS
2015 Hashd leader Muhandis and Badr head Ameri visited Chief Justice Medhat saying they fully
            supported him

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Trump Ends Iraq’s Exemption To Buy Energy From Iran

Iraq has been worried about what the new Trump administration might do to it for its ties to Iran and got its first news in February.