Tuesday, September 19, 2017

This Day In Iraqi History – Sep 19

1929 Abd Sadoun became premier for 4th time
1936 UK officials met Nuri al-Said in Paris to discuss him mediating Palestine dispute
            Turned out he just wanted to promote Iraq
1980 Iran began heavy shelling of Shatt al-Arab, Basra and attacked ships in
            waterway precursor to Iran-Iraq War
1983 Iran said if major powers kept backing Iraq they would have oil cut off to them
1991 UN Resolution 712 offered oil for food program again Iraq rejected 2nd time
1996 CIA Dir Deutch told Senate Intel Comm Saddam was in stronger position then
            he was before
2001 Iraq intel paper said Afghan source claimed bin Laden Taliban and Iraq worked
            together to target America Never confirmed
2001 Bush asked CIA Dir Tenet to look into Iraq-Al Qaeda ties and said VP Cheney
            had info on links
2001 Dep Sec of Def Wolfowitz sent ex-CIA Dir Woolsey to England to look into
            Iraq 9/11 & 1993 World Trade Center connections
2001 Chalabi told Pentagon’s Def Policy Board they should invade Iraq not
2002 Pentagon’s Def Policy Board met arguing for removing Saddam
2002 Saddam sent letter to UN saying it had no WMD or nuclear weapons
2002 Rumsfeld told Senate that UN weapons inspections were weak and weren’t going
            to find anything
2002 US said Iraq didn’t mention trying to buy uranium from Niger in its UN
2002 Powell told House committee there was debate about Iraq’s intent on buying
aluminum tubes but Saddam trying to get nuke technology
2002 New intel said Iraq might have offered training to Al Qaeda and safe
            haven to bin Laden in 1990s
2003 CPA issued new rules for banking in Iraq to reform finances and to open up
            country to foreign investment
2003 Saddam’s Def Min Gen Hashim Ahmad surrendered to US in Kirkuk after
2004 Blair said Iraq was center of global war on terror
2005 Militia controlled police arrest 2 British soldiers leading to rescue mission by
            British forces that ended in gun battle with Mahdi Army
2006 US commander in Ramadi got Marine division commander in Anbar to back
2006 Fmr Vice Army chief of staff Ret Gen Keane told Rumsfeld US close to
            strategic failure in Iraq
2006 Ret Gen Keane told Rumsfeld US strategy was to withdraw not defeat
2006 Ret Gen Keane told Rumsfeld US needed more troops in Iraq to protect
            population otherwise change impossible
2006 Pres Talabani told Bush security problem was US not arming ISF sufficiently and
            needed less US troops in Iraq
2014 France carried out first air strikes against IS hitting Zummar, Ninewa

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