Sunday, September 20, 2020

This Day In Iraqi History - Sep 20


1959 Gen Qasim executed several leaders of Mosul coup attempt

1980 Iran called up its military reserves that barely existed due to revolution

1980 Iraq’s Def Min Khairallah went to Iran-Iraq border to give commanders orders for Iran invasion

(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War Volume 1: The Battle for Khuzestan, September 1980-May 1982)

1983 Iran threatened to close Persian Gulf if West and Gulf States continued to aid Iraq

(Musings On Iraq interview with author Anthony Tucker-Jones on Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq interview with author Tom Cooper on Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988)

(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War, The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq review The Longest War, The Iran-Iraq Military Conflict)

1990 Saddam dismissed army chief of staff Gen Khazraji for saying Iraq would lose any war with US

(Musings On Iraq review Desert Storm, Volume 1)

1990 UK intel report said lots of unknowns about Iraq’s ballistic missile program

1998 UK intel report said Iraq probably still had biological weapons program

(Musings On Iraq Chilcot Report Sec 1.1 UK Iraq Strategy 1990 To 2000)

2001 Under Secretary of Defense Feith complained about lack of good targets in

Afghanistan and suggested bombing Iraq for 9/11 Said war on terror should be broad and include Iraq

2001 Project for a New American Century in letter to Bush said Iraq might have

            supported 9/11 and Saddam had to be targeted in war on terror

2001 US intel officials told press they were looking into Iraq’s connections to 9/11

2001 Israeli intelligence said they thought Iraq connected to 9/11 Claimed Al Qaeda

            funded by Iraqi Intel Service

2001 Bush brought up seizing Iraq’s oil fields with PM Blair Blair said US needed to keep public

opinion behind it with War on Terror Bush said Iraq wasn’t immediate problem Blair said needed to take time to build case vs Iraq

(Musings On Iraq From 9/11 To The Invasion of Iraq: Analysis of Bush Administration Decision Making)

(Musings On Iraq review Wanting War: Why the Bush Administration Invaded Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq Review The Report of the Iraq Inquiry, Executive Summary)

(Musings On Iraq review Leap of Faith, Hubris Negligence, and America’s Greatest Foreign Policy Tragedy)

(Musings On Iraq Chilcot Report Sec 3.1 Development of UK Strategy and Options on Iraq, 9/11 to Early January 2002)

2001 US and UK jets bombed missile batteries in southern Iraq as part of No Fly Zones

2002 Pentagon set up planning group to deal with rebuilding Iraq’s oil industry after invasion

(Musings On Iraq review Leap of Faith, Hubris Negligence, and America’s Greatest Foreign Policy


(Musings On Iraq review Hard Lessons, The Iraq Reconstruction Experience)

2002 UK Def Min said it could provide forces for military action against Iraq

(Musings On Iraq Review The Report of the Iraq Inquiry, Executive Summary)

2002 Time article White House using unsubstantiated stories to make case of Iraq-Al Qaeda ties

2002 Sec State Powell testified to House International Relations Comm to lobby for Congressional use of

force resolution vs Iraq Powell said there was debate about Iraq’s intent on buying aluminum tubes but Saddam trying to get nuke technology

(Musings On Iraq How A Contested Aluminum Tubes Story Became The Basis For War With Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq review What Happened, Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception)

2003 Ansar al-Sunnah formed

2003 Governing Council member Aqila Hashemi shot outside her home in Baghdad Would die 3 days later

2003 Funeral for SCIRI head Ayatollah Baqir al-Hakim turned into anti-US occupation demonstration in


2004 Zarqawi aired video of beheading American Eugene Armstrong kidnapped in Baghdad

2004 Sadr faction released 15 Iraqi National Guardsmen it kidnapped

2004 US and Iraqi forces raided Sadr’s office in Najaf arresting two aides

2006 US commander in Iraq Gen Casey gave his support to Anbar Awakening

(Musings On Iraq The Demise But Not Death of Al Qaeda In Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq How A Change In Perceptions Led To The Anbar Awakening)

(Musings On Iraq interview with author Carter Malkasian on Anbar Awakening)

(Musings On Iraq review Confronting Al Qaeda, The Sunni Awakening and American Strategy In Al Anbar)

(Musings On Iraq review The Marines Take Anbar, The Four-Year Fight Against Al Qaeda)

(Musings On Iraq review Illusions of Victory, The Anbar Awakening And The Rise Of The Islamic State)

2006 Chief judge in Saddam’s trial removed by cabinet for saying Saddam was not a dictator

2006 Intel report to Def Sec Rumsfeld Iraq breaking up more Iraqi politicians stuck in ethnosectarian camps

2006 Head of Iraqi police training mission Gen Peterson said Iraqi govt Interior Min nor Badr Brigade

involved in running death squads in Baghdad Said Mahdi Army behind most death squads Interior Min and Badr were running death squads since took over ministry in 2006 Part of US policy not to blame Maliki govt

(Musings On Iraq Badr Organization A View Into Iraq’s Violent Past And Present)

(Musings On Iraq interview with Jerry Burke police and Interior Min adviser on how Badr took over Interior Ministry)

2006 Report Pentagon public opinion poll found 75% of Sunnis supported insurgency Up from 14% in 2003

2006 Report PM Maliki attempting political deal with Sadr to deal with Mahdi Army Same time objecting

to any US raids on militia

2007 US arrested member of Iranian trade delegation to Sulaymaniya claiming he was member of Iranian

Rev Guard smuggling weapons and training militias Kurds objected

(Musings On Iraq interview with Galen Wright of Arkenstone blog on Iranian arms shipments to Iraqi militias) 

(Musings On Iraq Iran’s Policy Towards Iraq)

2007 2 Ayatollah Sistani aides assassinated in Basra and Diwaniya 4 other aides killed in Najaf from June

            to August Other followers threatened and went into hiding

2015 Human Rights Watch report on Hashd and Jabouri tribe destroying buildings in Dour Albu Ajeel

Alam Ali and part of Tikrit after Tikrit freed 400-600 buildings destroyed in Dour 75 in Albu Ajeel 45 in Alam 28 in Ali over 200 in Tikrit’s Qadisiyah

2017 Ana in west Anbar attacked by Iraqi forces

2017 Former Salahaddin Governor Jabouri released under Amnesty Law Was convicted of stealing public


2017 2 former Diyala governors were found guilty of manipulating contracts and stealing funds in absentia

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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