Wednesday, September 23, 2020

This Day In Iraqi History - Sep 23

1955 Iran joined Iraq, England Turkey security agreement Would become anti-Communist Baghdad


1961 KDP banned by Gen Qasim and several leaders arrested due to Mustafa Barzani’s Kurdish revolt

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

1980 All Iranian air bases bombed Sep 22 were repaired and launched attacks on 8 Iraqi airfields and the

Dora refinery in Baghdad Lost 7 planes Destroyed 3 Iraqi ones

(Musings On Iraq Inauspicious Start To Iran-Iraq War)

1980 Iraq retaliated with airstrikes on 2 airbases with no real results Lost 4 planes 3 by friendly fire

1980 Iran came up with Operation Kama to attack Iraqi planes in flight because couldn’t destroy them on

the ground

1980 Iraq took Qasr e-Shirin across from Diyala to protect road to Baghdad

(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War Volume 4: The Forgotten Fronts)

1980 Iran bombed Faw port Basra sinking 6 Iraqi navy ships

1980 King Hussein of Jordan said he backed Iraq in war Didn’t want to lose an ally and face Israel Syria

Saudis and Iran alone Became major route for trade and weapons to Iraq

1986 Iran ended Op Karbala 3 in Faw Peninsula and Majnoon Island Basra

1986 Soviet For Min Shevardnadze told UN that USSR was attempting to negotiate end to Iran-Iraq War

(Musings On Iraq interview with author Anthony Tucker-Jones on Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq interview with author Tom Cooper on Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988)

(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War, The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq review The Longest War, The Iran-Iraq Military Conflict)

1989 Kuwait Emir given medal by Saddam in Baghdad for help during Iran-Iraq War

2001 Nat Sec Adv Rice told CNN Iraq would be stage two of war on terror

(Musings On Iraq Iraq, 9/11 And The Bush Administration)

(Musings On Iraq From 9/11 To The Invasion of Iraq: Analysis of Bush Administration Decision Making)

(Musings On Iraq Was Iraq An Imminent Threat To The West?)

(Musings On Iraq review Wanting War: Why the Bush Administration Invaded Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq review Leap of Faith, Hubris Negligence, and America’s Greatest Foreign Policy


(Musings On Iraq review The Next Attack, The Failure of the War on Terror and a Strategy for Getting it Right)

2001 Guardian article claimed Iraq knew about 9/11 attacks beforehand Said Iraq gave money and support

to Al Qaeda Claimed Iraqi intel met with Al Qaeda in Pakistan 4 months before 9/11 Sent money to Al Qaeda Quoted Israeli intel officer who said 9/11 probably funded by Iraqi intelligence Quoted INC defector ex-nuke scientist Hamza who said Iraq probably behind 9/11 False story

2001 Telegraph quoted INC defector ex-nuke scientist Hamza that Iraq probably behind 9/11 Claimed

trained pilots for suicide attacks False story

2002 PM Blair told cabinet Iraq dossier would show Iraq expanding WMD capabilities and erosion of

sanctions one cause Educ Sec Morris asked Blair what had changed about Iraq to go to war other than Bush being elected

2002 Former UN inspector Albright for Inst for Science and Intl Security issued report aluminum tubes Iraq

tried to buy were not for centrifuges Probably rockets

(Musings On Iraq How A Contested Aluminum Tubes Story Became The Basis For War With Iraq)

2003 Bush speech at UN said Iraq was frontline in war on terror

2003 Fr Pres Chirac and UN Sec Gen Annan speeches at UN criticized Iraq war saying US undermined

international system 

2003 Gallup pol majority of Iraqis thought life would be better in 5 years 2/3 of Baghdadis said removing

Saddam was worth hardships

2003 Iraqi Governing Council member Aqila Hashemi died after being shot 3 days before outside her home

2004 PM Allawi visited White House asking for more reconstruction money and bringing back old army


(Musings On Iraq review The Occupation of Iraq, Winning The War, Losing The Peace)

2006 Army chief of staff called Gen Petraeus to review Iraq policy

2006 DefPolicyBoard member Adelman told Rumsfeld he was a failure as SecDef and never took

responsibility for Iraq

2006 Report only 1000 of promised 4000 Iraqi soldiers deployed to Baghdad for Op Together Forward II

Iraqi troops refused to leave their home provinces

2007 ISI accused Hamas of Iraq and 1920 Revolution Brigades of killing its members

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq’s Sunni Insurgency)

2008 Transparency International ranked Iraq 2nd most corrupt country in world tied with Myanmar

(Musings On Iraq interview with Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Stuart Bowen on corruption in Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq interview with anti-graft US official Vincent Foulk)

2016 Sunni tribal Hashd began destroying 220 homes in Aithah Salahaddin belonging to IS sympathizers


View the Iraq History Timelines

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This Day In Iraqi History - Mar 13 Barzani officially ended his revolt after Shah of Iran cut off aid

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