Wednesday, May 2, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - May 2

1854 riot in Mosul versus Ottoman reforms Attacked Christians and Jews for
            businesses they ran and control of taxes that caused resentment
1935 Feisal II future king of Iraq born
1941 British commander at Habaniya base Anbar consulted London and got permission
            to attack Iraqis surrounding camp Bombed Iraqis starting Anglo-Iraq War/WW2
1941 Iraq launched air strike upon Habaniya base in retaliation Shelled air field
            damaging 40 planes British lost 13 dead and 20 wounded
1941 Grand Mufti in Baghdad declared jihad against British after attack on Iraqi forces
            in Habaniya
1941 Iraqi forces took British fort at Rutba, Anbar
1941 British troops broke up angry mob of Iraqis at Zubeila, Basra
1941 Iraqi govt asked Germany for diplomatic relations to be restored and military aid
            including planes
1941 UK Chiefs of Staff ordered Mid-East Commander Gen Wavell to make plans to
            destroy Iraq’s pipelines
1941 Iraq’s 1st Inf Brigade ordered from Baghdad to Ramadi to block British troops from
Transjordan being sent to Habaniya Air Base 11th Inf Brigade sent to Habaniya air base
1941 British took Iraq out of Sterling zone and had foreign banks close to impose
            economic sanctions on Gaylani govt
1948 Port of Basra protested against Anglo-Iraq Treaty
1953 King Faisall II became of age to directly rule Iraq replacing Regent al-Ilah
1983 Iran and Iraq exchanged 55 prisoners of war in Turkey
1991 Shiite rebels claimed to have killed 180 Iraqi soldiers in 9 different attacks in
1995 Saddam held meeting to discuss whether Iraq should continue to cooperate with
            UN weapons inspectors
2003 Oil Ministry re-opened after invasion Thamir Ghabban announced as new Oil
2003 ORHA report many ministry buildings in Baghdad had been taken over by
            different groups
2003 UK DefMin Hoon told Rumsfeld ORHA had to deliver in Iraq
2003 Sadr said Christians in Iraq had to follow Islamic Law not sell alcohol women
            had to be covered
2003 Ayatollah Jannati Sec Gen Iran’s Council of Guardians called on Iraqis to carry
            out martyrdom ops to drive US from Iraq
2007 Islamic Army Mujahedeen Army faction of Ansar al-Sunna and al-Fatihin Army
            formed Reformation and Jihad Front to fight ISI
2007 Karki and Shimour tribes signed peace deal in Diyala promised to fight ISI
2008 Insurgents beheaded 11 police officers in western Anbar
2008 Sadr refused to meet with Iraqi delegation in Iran to end Charge of Knights
2009 Sadr made first public appearance in 2 years in Turkey to meet followers Had
            fled Iraq over fear of US assassination during Surge
2010 Pres Barzani said he believed in dividing Iraq into 3 federal areas along
            ethnosectarian lines
2010 Iran Iraq announced deal to develop 5 oil fields that straddle two countries
2011 Basra and Najaf tribes joined protest in Anbar against extending US troop stay
            in Iraq past end of year
2011 Parliament investigation of Jan ISI prison break in Basra said had help from 2
intelligence officers
2011 Fallujah Waste Water plant started partially working Work started 2004 after
            1st Battle of Fallujah
2012 Supreme Court issued decision weakening parliament’s ability to question
2013 Fake bomb maker Jim McCormick got 10 yrs prison for fraud in making detectors
2013 Parliamentary investigation said ISF used excessive force when attacked Hawija
            protest site
2014 Zawahiri said that ISIS had always pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda
2014 Naqshibandi and ISIS fought in Diyala for 3 months Report Naqshibandi okayed
            killing ISIS members in Diyala
2015 Report IS controlled most of Baiji refinery and 200 ISF trapped inside

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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This Day In Iraqi History - Jan 18 UN inspectors said no WMD found at sites listed by US

  1915 US consulate report UK forces in Basra under constant harassment by tribes