Sunday, May 6, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - May 6

1935 Govt arrested cleric Asadallah follower of Ayatollah Ghita who had been
            demanding concessions from govt
1935 Arrest of cleric Asadallah led to revolt by Abu Hassan, Bani Zurayij and Zawalim
            tribes against monarchy
1941 UK Foreign Min Eden told parliament if Iraq withdrew forces from Habaniya and
            fighting stopped London willing to talk Policy was to remove PM Gaylani
1941 British and Assyrian forces attacked and drove off Iraqi forces surrounding
            Habaniya 409 Iraqi soldiers captured Iraqis suffered 1,000 casualties
1941 Iraqis lost initiative in Anglo-Iraq War when gave up in Habaniya Had
            no plan or leadership to do more than lay siege to base
1941 British and Assyrian forces took Sin al-Dhiban, Anbar captured 300 Iraqi soldiers
1941 British planes destroyed Iraqi column heading for Habaniya inflicting over 1,000
            casualties and prisoners taken
1941 PM Gaylani told Mufti of Jerusalem to contact Germans and ask them for
            immediate aid
1941 German deal with Vichy France allowed military equipment to be moved from
            Syria to Iraq to fight British
1941 German air unit sent to Syria bound for Mosul to confront British
1941 More British troops landed in Basra
1941 Churchill dismissed UK Mid-East cmdr Gen Wavell for his objections to military
            action in Iraq
1963 Soviet Union said it supported Mustafa Barzani and his KDP
1991 Iraq letter to UN accused US of sending in counterfeit dinars to undermine
1991 2nd round of Baghdad-Kurd talks started Barzani led delegation
1998 100 US peace activists led by former Attn Gen Ramsey Clark arrived in Iraq with
            $4 mil in medicine
2003 Bush speech said building democracy in Iraq would be like what US did in post
            WWII Germany and Japan
2003 Bush announced Paul Bremer as head of new CPA to run postwar Iraq
2003 Bush told Bremer he had whatever time he needed to put Iraq back together
2003 ORHA agreed to allow Baath members to return to government jobs and police
2003 NY Times Kristof OpEd used Fmr Amb Wilson as unnamed source on Iraq-Niger
            uranium deal Accused US intel of covering up differences over story
2003 NY Times OpEd said US intel “deceived” world on Iraq-Niger Deal Said
            White House and State Dept kept using story despite denial
2003 NY Times OpEd said that Fmr Amb Wilson knew that Iraq-Niger docs were
            fakes Wilson never saw docs and went to Niger 8 months before US got them
(Musings On Iraq article on Iraq-Niger uranium story)
2004 NSC meeting on how to frame and publicize the coming return of sovereignty to
2004 First large scale fight broke out between US forces and Mahdi Army in Najaf
2004 Wash Post published new pictures of Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse
2006 British helicopter shot down over Basra killing 5 soldiers When British moved to
            secure wreckage were attacked by 300 from Mahdi Army
2008 ISF raided hospital and police stations in Baghdad accusing officers and staff
            of being Mahdi Army members
2008 ISF raided Sadr offices in Kut
2009 Sahwa in Ghaziliya Baghdad complained about his men leaving because
            not getting paid by govt
2009 Dawa MP said new offensive in Diyala would fail because insurgents had
            fled to Kurdistan
2010 Maliki govt announced start of 5 year anti-corruption plan
2013 Report said politicians manipulating Central Bank of Iraq dollar auctions

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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Security In Iraq Sep 1-7, 2024

Both the insurgency and pro-Iran groups were active in Iraq during the first week of September.