Thursday, May 20, 2021

This Day In Iraqi History - May 20


1941 German planes attacked British Habaniya air base in Anbar

(Musings On Iraq review Persian Gulf Command, A History of the Second World War In Iran and Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq 1941, The Battles for Basra, Habbaniya, Fallujah and Baghdad)

(Musings On Iraq review Rashid Ali al-Gailani, The National Movement in Iraq 1939-1941)

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq And Syria 1941, The Politics and Strategy of the Second World War)

(Musings On Iraq review Blood, Oil and the Axis: The Allied Resistance Against A Fascist State In Iraq and the Levant, 1941)

(Musings On Iraq interview with Prof Boich World War II In Iraq and Syria)

1950 1st flight of Near East Air Transport Took Iraqi Jews to Israel Airline was owned by Jewish Agency

            who worked to get Jews to move to Israel

1950 When Israel created Iraqi govt banned immigration Mar 1950 govt allowed temporary immigration

            for one year Stripped Jews of Iraqi citizenship and govt confiscated their property

(Musings On Iraq review The Chatham House Version and other Middle-Eastern Studies)

1950 Note from Lebanese Amb in Baghdad to Syrian Foreign Minister Bey said Iraq wanted to seize


(Musings On Iraq review Ropes Of Sand)

1982 Iranian Op Bait al-Moqaddas Entered Khorramshahr and destroyed bridge over Shatt al-Arab


(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War Volume 1: The Battle for Khuzestan, September 1980-May 1982)

1984 Iraq sank Panamanian oil tanker in Persian Gulf in tanker war

(Musings On Iraq review Iraqi Mirages, The Dassault Mirage Family In Service With The Iraqi Air Force, 1981-1988)

1985 Iranian offensive into Iraqi southern marshes to seize Basra-Baghdad highway ended in failure

1985 Saudis offered peace deal while Prince Faisal visited Iran Rejected by Tehran

1986 Iran ended Op Al Fajr 9 in Kurdistan

(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War Volume 4: The Forgotten Fronts)

(Musings On Iraq interview with author Anthony Tucker-Jones on Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq interview with author Tom Cooper on Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988)

(Musings On Iraq review Iran-Iraq War, The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988)

(Musings On Iraq review The Iran-Iraq War)

(Musings On Iraq review The Longest War, The Iran-Iraq Military Conflict)

1987 Iraq ended 1st phase of attacks upon Kurdish villages

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq in Wartime, Soldiering, Martyrdom, and Remembrance)

1991 Bush said he would oppose lifting sanctions on Iraq as long as Saddam was in power

(Musings On Iraq review The United States And Iraq Since 1990: A Brief History with Documents)

(Musings On Iraq review Out Of The Ashes, The Resurrection of Saddam Hussein)

(Musings On Iraq review Neighbors, Not Friends, Iraq And Iran After The Gulf Wars)

1994 SCIRI claimed start of military campaign in Maysan marshes against Iraqi govt forces

1996 Iraq and UN signed memo allowing Oil for Food program

2002 Sec Def Rumsfeld asked Gen Franks to plan for a fortress Baghdad scenario

(Musings On Iraq review Shaping the Plan for Operation Iraqi Freedom, The Role of Military Intelligence Assessment)

2003 Bremer sent Bush letter saying that deBaathification wasn’t enough to end Baath rule in Iraq

            Needed to disband military

(Musings On Iraq review My Year in Iraq, The Struggle to Build a Future of Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review Fiasco: The American Military Adventure In Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Hard Lessons Chapter 6 Charting A New Course)

2003 Iraqis met with British rep to Iraq and demanded an interim govt

2003 US forces arrested Saddam’s Min of Industry Hwaish and VP Marouf

2004 ISF and US raided INC offices looking for 6 members accused of crimes Were also looking for

evidence that Chalabi told Iran US broke its secret code Chalabi attacked raid as political plot against him INC members had been kidnapping and stealing US had warrant for INC intel head Habib who had fled

(Musings On Iraq review The Man Who Pushed America To War, The Extraordinary Life, Adventures, and Obsessions of Ahmad Chalabi)

(Musings On Iraq review Arrows of the Night: Ahmad Chalabi and the Selling of the Iraq War)

2004 US had arrest warrant for INC intelligence head Habib but he’d fled

2004 US called off assault on Mahdi Army in old city Karbala

2004 NSC meeting asked what would happen if new sovereign Iraq asked US to leave

2004 Report US interrogators told guards at Abu Ghraib prison to strip prisoners make them wear

women’s clothes before questioning

2004 US army admitted lost Red Cross reports of abuse at Abu Ghraib prison due to bureaucracy

2004 Chalabi held press conference over police raid day before Claimed police were Baathists working for

US Said Bremer CPA and CIA were responsible Claimed he was being attacked for investigating corruption in oil for food program INC members had been robbing and kidnapping in Baghdad leading to raid

2005 US 1st Cav Div collected more than 100 abuse cases by ISF over 6 months including beatings,

electrocutions, choking in Baghdad

2005 US 3rd Inf Div collected 28 cases of abuse by Iraqi units in Baghdad

2006 1st Maliki cabinet approved but with no Interior Defense or National Security Ministers Interior

Min Jabr switched to Finance Min in new cabinet because he allowed Badr Brigade to take over ministry and police under Jaafari govt

(Musings On Iraq Badr Organization A View Into Iraq’s Violent Past And Present)

(Musings On Iraq interview with Jerry Burke police and Interior Min adviser on how Badr took over Interior Ministry)

2006 PM Maliki laid out 33 point program with terrorism fighting corruption and services top 3

2006 Defense Min adviser said violence so bad in Basra murderers were running free

2006 Insurgent detainee said he knew Al Qaeda in Iraq head Zarqawi’s spiritual advisor Sheikh al-Rahman

Would help lead to death of Zarqawi

2007 Report Sadr set up reconciliation committee and held talks with Sunni politicians and insurgents

including 1920 Revolution Brigades Also sent representative to Syria Egypt and Persian Gulf for talks

2008 Mother of Two Springs op ended in Mosul without success

2008 10,000 ISF deployed to Sadr City after Sadr ceasefire finally took effect

2008 Female suicide bomber attacked Sahwa and police station in Rutba Anbar Another female suicide

bomber hit Sahwa leader in Mandali Diyala

(Musings On Iraq The Rise of Female Suicide Bombers)

(Musings On Iraq Motivations Behind Female Suicide Bombers)

(Musings On Iraq review Suicide Bombers In Iraq, The Strategy and Ideology of Martyrdom)

2009 Report only 17,000 of 94,000 Sahwa given govt jobs so far

2009 Peshmerga stopped Ninewa police chief from entering disputed area Part of dispute

between Kurds and Hadbaa party

2009 Car bomb in Baghdad killed 35 wounded 72

2010 Sadr said he was returning to Iraq after leaving for Iran in 07 over fear of US assassination during


2010 Sadr leader said that Sadrists opposed 2nd term for PM Maliki

2010 US said Iran training and arming militiamen to destabilize Iraq

(Musings On Iraq Iran’s Policy Towards Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq Overview of Iran’s Influence In Iraq)

2010 KRG said it would start oil exports the next day and Baghdad okayed it Demanded Baghdad pay oil

companies in KRG

2011 5 Madhi Army commanders escaped Taji prison

2012 PUK and KDP Finance Ministries said they had merged

2012 KRG said it was building independent oil pipeline to Turkey Said it would reach 2 mil/bar/day in

production by 2014 Didn’t make that mark

2012 Meeting of political leaders decided to hold off on no confidence vote against PM Maliki

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq From War To A New Authoritarianism)

2013 ISIS launched 11 car bombs leaving 137 dead PM Maliki was asked how fake bomb detectors were

still being used after such an event Maliki said govt committees proved detectors worked 20-50% of the time Claimed the lawsuit against the UK manufacturer was about fake detectors but Iraq had real ones

2013 Anbar councilman said foreign companies were fleeing province due to increasing violence

2013 Cabinet announced provincial elections in Anbar and Ninewa would occur Jun 20

2014 Iraqi intel warned army that large ISIS attack on Mosul coming in June

2014 Iraqi army said it was surrounding Fallujah Said it controlled Saqlawiya but untrue

(Musings On Iraq Security In Iraq’s Anbar Shows Battle Against Insurgents Will Be Long And Often Futile)

2014 KRG parliament voted Qubad Talabani Dep PM

2014 Electricity and Municipality depts in Sulaymaniya protested over not being paid salaries Part of

economic crisis in KRG

2014 KRG oil started being loaded on tanker in Turkey for first time

2015 Gorran said it would support extending Pres Barzani’s term if KRG switched to parliamentary


2016 Sadrists took over Green Zone for second time Led to clash with ISF 4 protesters killed

(Musings On Iraq interview with Cambridge’s Michael Clark on Sadr, protests and PM Abadi’s reforms)

View the Iraq History Timelines

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