Tuesday, November 22, 2022

This Day In Iraqi History - Nov 22 1952 Intifada started against Regent of Iraq



1914 Looting started in Basra city after it fell to British UK appointed governor of vilayet

1915 Battle of Ctesiphon/Salman Pak began UK ignored reports Turks had been reinforced UK

suffered 4,511 casualties 1st day Was more than total UK losses during 1st year of war in Mesopotamia Ottomans lost 6,188 casualties

1915 Ottomans called on Indian troops to rise up against UK commanders in Mesopotamia 20th

Punjabi Batt removed after an Indian killed a British soldier

1915 UK official Sykes wrote letter to Sir Cox lead political officer in Mesopotamia Said UK made

deal with Sharif of Mecca and Arab officers in Baghdad to fight Ottomans In return they would get independent Arab state UK would get Basra vilayet

(Musings On Iraq review Enemy On The Euphrates, The Battle For Iraq 1914-1921)

(Musings On Iraq review Empires of the Sand, The Struggle For Mastery In The Middle East 1789-1923)

1917 Gen Marshall took over command of UK forces in Mesopotamia Told to consolidate position in

Basra and Baghdad vilayets Led him to send out expeditionary forces to take Musayib Hillah Kufa Abu Suhair Samawa Darraji Qara Tappa Khanaqin

(Musings On Iraq review When God Made Hell, The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq, 1914-1921)

1923 Jaafar al-Askari became Iraq’s 3rd PM Would be PM twice Shiites got Education and

Finance Ministries Shiite leaders pledged allegiance to King Faisal as a result Govt was to hold Iraq’s 1st parliamentary elections

(Musings On Iraq review The Chatham House Version and other Middle-Eastern Studies)

1952 Intifada Baghdad protests against Regent and UK Joined by opposition Turned into

riots Attacked US Info Service offices Burned Iraq Times paper building offices of British airlines and 2 police stations Clashes with police led to 1 dead 52 wounded PM Umari resigned

(Musings On Iraq review The Modern History of Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq review Red Star Over Iraq, Iraqi Communism Before Saddam)

(Musings On Iraq A History Of The Iraqi Communist Party Interview With Univ of East Anglia’s Johan Franzen)

1952 Protests and riots against monarchy spread from Baghdad to Karbala Najaf Hillah Diwaniya

Basra Nasiriya

1952 Regent asked Nuri al-Said Jamil Midfai Hikmat Sulaiman to form govt All declined Led PM

Umari to resign

1952 Army said it couldn’t put down protests without using live ammo

1952 Regent picked army chief of staff Gen Mahmoud to be PM and put down protests using


1990 Bush said those that were thinking about Iraq getting nuclear bomb in years could be

miscalculating and whenever he got one he was likely to use it

1997 UN inspectors talked out of visit to Special Republican Guard base by US that did not want

another confrontation that would allow Saddam to blame inspectors

(Musings On Iraq UN Inspectors Were Right Iraq Was Not A Threat)

(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Rejection of UN Inspectors Led To Mistrust Over WMD and 2003 Invasion)

1998 Izzat al-Duri Saddam’s #2 escaped assassination attempt in Karbala

2001 Saudi intel chief Prince Turksi said that bin Laden considered Saddam an apostate

2002 France told US that it did not believe Iraq tried to buy uranium from Niger

(Musings On Iraq How US Intelligence Failed The Iraq-Niger Uranium Story)

2002 Russia’s Putin warned U.S. not to unilaterally act against Iraq

2003 US transport plane hit by missile at Baghdad International Airport

2003 Wasit police chief said Iranian intel sending agents into Iraq through province

2004 Report US army intel said Iranian intel working in every major city with large Shiite population

Iran moved Badr into Iraq after invasion Oct 04 head of National Intel agency accused Badr of killing 10 agents Iran also sent in Hezbollah members into Iraq to carry out attacks Were said to be 800 Lebanese operating in Iraq Backed Sadr and Mahdi Army Apr 03 US started tracking money and weapons from Iran to Sadr Apr 03 Ayatollah Jannati secretary gen of Iran’s Council of Guardians called on Iraqis to attack US forces and drive them out of Iraq Jul 03 four Iranian intel agents arrested in Salahaddin Quds Force set up HQ in Mehran Iran to run Iraq ops

(Musings On Iraq Overview of Iran’s Influence In Iraq)

2005 Wall St Journal OpEd claimed 9/11 hijacker Atta might have met Iraqi intel agent in Prague in

2001 False story

2006 Commander of US forces in Iraq Gen Casey told Joint Chiefs troop surge would not work

(Musings On Iraq Did the US Ever Have A Strategy To Win In Iraq Before the Surge?)

(Musings On Iraq Inside The Surge An Interview With Prof Peter Mansoor Former Executive Officer To Gen Petraeus)

2006 UN said over 100,000 Iraqis left country each month mostly going to Syria and Jordan Many

were professionals Shiite death squads and militias operating within police Police accused of kidnappings torture murder bribery theft extortion

(Musings On Iraq review Children of War, Voices Of Iraqi Refugees)

2006 Report Anbar Awakening forced ISI out of area west of Ramadi Dhari head of Association of

Muslim Scholars condemned the Awakening

2007 Report captured ISI docs from Sinjar showed 80-110 foreign fighters entered Iraq each month

first half of 2007 41% were Saudis followed Libyans at 18%

(Musings On Iraq The Saudi Role In The Iraqi Insurgency)

2007 Report Saudi Arabia and Libya biggest source of foreign fighters to Iraq Doc in IS

papers captured in Anbar Found list of 700 foreign fighters that came to Iraq since Aug 06 Said 80-110 foreign fighters came into Iraq each month 1st half of 07 Went down to 60 per month during summer 41% came from Saudi Arabia 18% from Libya 39% came from NAfrica

2008 Iranian arrested in Wasit 13th detained since Oct Local source thought he might be involved in

voter fraud for 09 election

(Musings On Iraq Iranians And Special Groups Forces Returning To Iraq)

2009 Baghdad aired video confession of 3 men claiming they were Baathists behind Oct 09 Baghdad

bombings Were actually done by ISI

(Musings On Iraq Maliki Returns to Sectarian Politics)

2009 Report police brigade in Diyala Had 130 HUMVEES Needed 650 Didn’t have enough radios

or ammo Given mortars with no ammo Problem was with Interior Min

2011 State run South Gas Company said it didn’t have money to invest in Shell-Mitsubishi natural gas

2015 Report Dana Gas won vs KRG in British court KRG Had to pay it $100 mil Dec 2014

company won arbitration case against KRG over its contract and payments for oil sales

2016 PM Abadi held press conference Said Iraq not interfering in Syrian War Hashd units were

fighting in Syria for years helping Iran and Assad

2016 Hashd started op to surround Tal Afar Ninewa

2017 Asaib Ahl Al-Haq’s Khazali said beating IS was beating Saudi Arabia, US and Israel

2019 Pro-Iran Hashd released story that Def Min Shammari received disabilities welfare

when he lived in Sweden and docs showing Def Min bought tear gas and used it against demonstrators after Shammari claimed 3rd party shooting demonstrators

(Musings On Iraq Hashd Retaliate Against Iraq’s Defense Minister For Comments On Protests)

2019 Report Abu Karma and Mukhisa villages in central Diyala completely empty of people

after IS attacks

2019 4 protesters killed in Baghdad Activist kidnapped in Baghdad Protests blocking Um

Qasr port in Basra and Gharraf oil field in Dhi Qar ended by police 2 activists shot by Hashd Activist’s house bombed in Diwaniya

(Musings On Iraq UN Report On Violence Against Iraqi Protesters)

(Musings On Iraq United Nations Faults Iraq For Failing To Protect Protesters)

2020 Report Quds Force Cmdr Gen Qaani met with pro-Iran Hashd factions about halting attacks

upon US in Iraq out of fear of Trump retaliation

(Musings On Iraq Iran Warns Its Allies About Attacking US Targets In Iraq)

2020 Report PM Kazemi met with Quds Force Cmdr Gen Qaani Asked him to mediate between

Hashd factions and Al-Fatah list to stop criticism of him and attacks in Baghdad Reports that Iran told Hashd groups to stop increasing tension with US

2021 PUK police tried to break up student protests demanding resumption of monthly govt

stipends in Sulaymaniya by force

2021 Report Asaib Ahl Al-Haq linked Ashab al-Kahf took responsibility for most attacks on

convoys working for US Attacks down since summer Came after Quds Force cmdr Gen Qaani warned pro-Iran Hashd about incidents Kataib Hezbollah linked group stopped claiming attacks afterward Used to claim the most attacks

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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