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(National Army Museum) |
1914 UK troops arrived at mouth of Shatt al-Arab while warship bombarded Ottoman fort on Faw
Peninsula before Ottomans joined WWI
(Musings On Iraq review When God Made Hell, The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq, 1914-1921)
1918 British troops took Mosul city from Ottomans after WW1 armistice
(Musings On Iraq How The Ottoman Province Of Mosul Became Part Of Iraq)
(Musings On Iraq interview with Princeton’s Sara Pursley on Sykes-Picot and creation of Iraq)
(Musings On Iraq review The Creation of Iraq 1914-1921)
(Musings On Iraq review Enemy On The Euphrates, The Battle For Iraq 1914-1921)
1920 UK Foreign Office official suggested US Standard Oil be allowed oil rights in Iraq to not allow
Turkish Petroleum Company a monopoly and faster development
(Musings On Iraq review The Creation of Iraq 1914-1921)
1920 Gertrude Bell said Shiites were complaining about not being represented in cabinet but
dismissed them as being mostly Persians
(Musings On Iraq review The Shi’is Of Iraq)
(Musings On Iraq review Gertrude Bell And Iraq)
(Musings On Iraq review Gertrude Bell, Explorer of the Middle East)
(Musings On Iraq movie review Letters from Baghdad)
(Musings On Iraq review Desert Queen, The Extraordinary Life of Gertrude Bell: Adventurer, Adviser to Kings, Ally of Lawrence of Arabia)
1921 Gertrude Bell went to Kirkuk to try to win over Kurds and Turkmen to support King Faisal
1932 King Faisal asked Naj Shawkat an independent to be PM Wanted national unity govt and
reforms Fmr PM Said asked Shawkat to maintain parliament which was full of his followers PM Shawkat said no
(Musings On Iraq review The Chatham House Version and other Middle-Eastern Studies)
1936 March in Baghdad to support new PM Sulaiman govt and coup
1952 Regent met with political leaders Nuri al-Said Salih Jabr Taha al-Hashemi Kamil Chadirchi
Mohammed Mahdi Kubba and most of the former PMs over new elections which opposition threatened to boycott Hashemi blamed Regent for Iraq’s problems Regent called him a liar and politicians were at fault
1955 Pakistan joined Iraq Turkey England Iran security agreement that became anti-communist
Baghdad Pact Egypt’s Nasser opposed Baghdad Pact Started cold war between Nasser and PM Said
1960 Mullah Mustafa Barzani visited USSR to lobby Moscow to push Gen Qasim to make
concessions towards Kurds Got nothing
(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)
(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)
(Musings On Iraq Explaining Kurdish Nationalism Interview With Teen Tech Univ Prof Michael Gunter)
1997 Iraq blocked UN inspection at Al-Karma State Establishment where missiles worked on
because team included Americans
(Musings On Iraq review The Greatest Threat, Iraq, Weapons of Mass Destruction, And The Growing Crisis Of Global Security)
1997 Iraq asked inspectors to suspend two days of U2 overflights claiming they were supplying
intel for planned US air strikes Threatened to shoot down planes
1997 UN Sec Gen Annan wrote Saddam saying Iraq should cooperate with inspections and that UN
would be sending 3 envoys to end crisis
(Musings On Iraq UN Inspectors Were Right Iraq Was Not A Threat)
(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Rejection of UN Inspectors Led To Mistrust Over WMD and 2003 Invasion)
(Musings On Iraq Charles Duelfer’s Account Of The End Of The 1990s U.N. Inspections)
(Musings On Iraq review Out Of The Ashes, The Resurrection of Saddam Hussein)
(Musings On Iraq review The Saddam Tapes)
2002 Observer reported INC’s Chalabi met with oil companies to discuss contracts in post-Saddam
2003 CPA paper on security US didn’t have good intel on insurgency and no military strategy to
(Musings On Iraq Did the US Ever Have A Strategy To Win In Iraq Before the Surge?)
2005 Human Rights Watch report on systematic abuse of prisoners by 82nd Airborne Div in Anbar
2005 Report Jan 03 Italian intel agency SISMI told US Iraq-Niger docs were fakes
(Musings On Iraq How US Intelligence Failed The Iraq-Niger Uranium Story)
2006 Vanity Fair talked with neocon supporters of Iraq who now said war was a failure Perle fmr
head of Def Policy Board said he was shocked by violence in Iraq Said Bush made wrong decisions because opponents of war within admin Said neocons made no bad decisions because had no authority over Iraq Said Bush ultimately responsible for problems in Iraq Bush speechwriter Frum said US failed at protecting Iraqis Adleman also of Def Policy Board said Bush national security team incompetent and dysfunctional
(Musings On Iraq review The Road to Iraq, The Making of a Neoconservative War)
(Musings On Iraq review America at the Crossroads, Democracy, Power, and the Neoconservative Legacy)
2007 US found diary of ISI leader in Balad Said once had 600 men but was down to 20 or less Lost
weapons and allies Angry at tribes for creating Sahwa Finances from illegal businesses had also dried up
(Musings On Iraq review The ISIS Reader, Milestone Texts of the Islamic State Movement)
2007 Judge said enough evidence to put ex-Dep Health Min Zamili and ex-Health Min Facilities
Protection chief Gen Shammari on trial for kidnappings and sectarian killings Were awaiting okay from Health Minister to move forward Zamili and Shammari organized 150 man unit within FPS to move weapons in ambulances and carry out killings and kidnappings from 05-07 Sunni patients and relatives at 3 Baghdad hospitals were killed Relatives that went to morgues were killed Mahdi Army tried to force Sunni doctors to quit Told doctors at 1 Baghdad hospital to not treat any Sunni patients Diverted money from Health Min to Sadrists Officials that opposed Sadrists were killed and threatened
2008 UN official said PM Maliki’s plan to fly Iraqi refugees back to Iraq and give them money for
doing so was a media campaign to make the govt look good Over 400 Iraqis had left for Syria vs 245 that had signed up to return since program announced
2009 Intl Org for Migration report said 1.6 mil displaced since Feb 06 Samarra bombing 1.5 mil
refugees Baghdad Diyala Ninewa saw 90% of the displacement 58,000 returned since Feb 06
(Musings On Iraq Number of Displaced Returning Likely To Increase, Will Iraq Be Ready?)
(Musings On Iraq review Children of War, Voices Of Iraqi Refugees)
(Musings On Iraq review Voices From Iraq, A People’s History, 2003-2009)
2010 KRG issued demonstration law saying protesters had to registers 48 hours before any event
2010 Report Jan UK jailed owner of fake bomb detectors for fraud Afterward parliament demanded
investigation into devices Interior Min Bolani said detectors worked Claimed they found 16,000 bombs Bolani gave amnesty to officer who bought detectors Interior Min inspector gen said Iraqis had died because of devices Iraq Paid up to $60,000 for each device 2008 US showed Iraq devices didn’t work
2011 Sadr said he would resist any US presence in Iraq including civilians Said any US presence
was an occupation
2011 Salahaddin officials said they were pushing ahead with making province autonomous region
Said Maliki govt abused its powers in province Complained about crackdown on Baathists
2011 100s protested in Fallujah against forming a Sunni region
2011 Report by Board of Supreme Audit criticized Industry Min Sulfur company closed in 2003
Equipment was old and obsolete 2007 was rehabilitated 2009 had trial run for re-opening Never restarted
2011 Report Intel chief said Syria tipped off Iraq about Baathist coup Led to arrests of suspected
Baathists Dep PM Mutlaq and PM Maliki got into yelling match at cabinet meeting over arrests Mutlaq said people would turn against govt Ninewa Gov Nujafi said arrests could lead to sectarian violence
2011 People were arrested in Dhi Qar and Basra for promoting Baath Party
2013 ISIS attacked Emergency Police HQ in Baquba Diyala
2014 Report Hashd entered town in Salahaddin and started destroying homes When families tried to
return were accused of being IS sympathizers arrested beaten Some disappeared
2014 IS killed 36 civilians in Hit Anbar
2015 Report US Federal Reserve and Treasury Dept temporarily cut off US$ to Central Bank of
Iraq because thought dollar auctions were manipulated by Iran and IS Iraq said it started better oversight Dec 2014 US met with Iraqis over auctions US asked Iraq to cut dollar flows to Iranian banks IS and Iran continued to manipulate auctions
2015 Peshmerga Minister said 1258 Peshmerga killed 7301 wounded in war with IS
2015 Report Hashd tried to pressure PM Abadi to drop US Coalition support and turn to Russia and
Iran for help in war vs IS Iraqi army brigade supposed to have 1000 men Usually operated at half strength Lacked supplies due to bad logistics
2016 Report Peshmerga ordered to force Sunnis out of town in Tuz Kharmato dist Salahaddin
2016 Human Rights Watch Kurds forced Arabs out of Kirkuk after IS attacked Kirkuk City in Oct
Kicked Arabs out of neighborhood in city Blew up their homes Kirkuk govt ordered all displaced not in camps to leave Forced out around 250 families Destroyed around 100 homes
2016 Report Integrity Comm said Displacement Min stealing aid for displaced Food missing from
food parcels Supplies were expired Found generators and other supplies held in warehouses for more than 2 yrs
2017 Qaim district in Anbar freed Left only small border region under IS control
2017 Report PM Abadi said no political party with an armed wing could take part in 2018 election
Badr Asaib Ahl Al-Haq Kataib Hezbollah all registered for voting even though were militias
2017 Report Rosneft signed deals with KRG Kurds thought it meant Russian support for KRG
independence Russia wanted to expand influence in Mideast Rosneft gained de facto control of KRG’s oil and gas infrastructure and finances Rosneft paid $1.5 bil for 3-5 yrs of future oil exports After KRG lost Kirkuk oil fields production decreased 430,000 bar/day Meant couldn’t payback Rosneft KRG had $21 bil debt Rosneft also signed deal for 5 oil and gas blocks with KRG which were then lost to central govt Rosneft got 60% ownership of KRG-Turkey oil pipeline and said it would invest $1.8 bil to increase its capacity Rosneft wanted to build natural gas pipeline from KRG to Turkey
2018 Protest in Basra City over jobs water crisis demanded PM Abdul Mahdi include a minister
from province
(Musings On Iraq Protests Return To Iraq’s Basra After Having Failed To Achieve Goals During Summer)
2018 Report Official said political parties and Hashd were seizing expensive homes and forcing
people to sell them in central Baghdad
2019 Report People fleeing rural villages in Khanaqin Dist Diyala due to IS
2019 General strike called leading to roads and highways blocked in Baghdad Basra
Muthanna 2 protesters killed in Tahrir Sq Govt workers walked off job in Dhi Qar Iranian consulate in Karbala assaulted Border crossing with Iran in Maysan blocked Work and school stoppages in Diyala
(Musings On Iraq Nov 3 Civil Disobedience Across Iraq)
(Musings On Iraq UN Report On Violence Against Iraqi Protesters)
(Musings On Iraq United Nations Faults Iraq For Failing To Protect Protesters)
2019 Report Iran Rev Guards Quds Force Cmdr Gen Suleimani talked Sadr out of
demanding PM Abdul Mahdi resign
(Musings On Iraq Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ Commander General Suleimani And His Role In Iraq, An Interview With The New Yorker’s Dexter Filkins)
2019 PM Abdul Mahdi said protests should end because most of their demands met Said protests
had encouraged outlaws Claimed ISF didn’t attack demonstrations
2019 Report Asaib Ahl Al-Haq’s Khazali said he stood with protests but they were being exploited
by foreign countries Said Mossad and CIA were recruiting agents saboteurs and Baathists
2020 Report MP on finance comm said oil and taxes couldn’t cover budget deficit Govt ran 1.5 tril
dinar deficit/mo for govt salaries Govt wanted to borrow for 1st 3 months of 2021 MPs weren’t convinced needed loans Said govt could borrow from Iraqi banks Govt salaries not paid for 2 months
2021 Bafel Talabani sent letter to PUK media saying Lahur Talabani expelled from party
(Musings On Iraq Latest Dispute Over Control Of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan)
(Musings On Iraq Fight Over Control Of PUK Continues)
2021 Iraqi Observatory for Human Rights said Hashd executed Sunni civilians in village in Diyala
in retaliation for IS attack Several other villages were threatened by Hashd
2021 US govt report IS attacks down Recruited amongst displaced Lacked resources and popularity
Worked in small cells DIA said IS wanted to control territory and rebuild Treasury Dept est IS still had tens of millions of $ Smuggled oil Kidnapped for ransom Extorted money
2021 US govt report ISF corrupt at every level Were personal vendettas Infighting between units
and between Defense and Interior ministries Conflicts between ISF and Hashd
View the Iraq History Timelines
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