Wednesday, July 11, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Jul 11

1917 1st Battle of Ramadi started Ottomans forced British to retreat
1921 Iraq council of state declared Faisal monarch of Iraq
1979 Pres Bakr resigned from the Revolutionary Command Council citing health
            Saddam took over council
1991 Iran warned that Iraqi forces about to launch new military operation into southern
            marshes against rebels and displaced
1991 UK intel report said Iraq tried 4 methods to enrich uranium for its nuclear program
            and might have made enough for 1 bomb
1991 Pres Bush said that coup vs Saddam might be best way to assure that Iraq didn’t
            continue with its nuclear weapons program
2003 Rice called CIA Dir Tenet telling him he was responsible for Iraq-Africa uranium
            story being used in Bush’s State of the Union
2003 CIA Dir Tenet issued statement that he was responsible for Iraq-Africa uranium deal
getting into Bush’s State of Union Said CIA only had fragmentary intel on Iraq trying to buy uranium from Africa
2003 Dir Tenet also said that CIA had Iraq-Africa uranium story stricken from previous
            Bush speeches
2003 CIA officials quoted in Wash Post that they tried to dissuade British from using
            Iraq-Africa uranium story
2003 Bush Chief of Staff Rove told Cheney Chief of Staff Libby he talked with
columnist Novak and he was going to write fmr Amb Wilson’s wife sent him to Niger
2003 Bush Chief of Staff Rove told Time reporter Cooper fmr Amb Wilson not sent
            to Niger by CIA Dir Tenet or Cheney but his wife who worked at CIA
2003 Columnist Rove called CIA to confirm that Valerie Wilson sent her husband to
            Niger CIA tried to stop story and not mention her name
2003 White House spokesman Fleischer and Comm Dir Bartlett told reporter Fmr
            Amb Wilson found little on his trip to Niger and wasn’t sent by Dir Tenet
(Musings On Iraq article on Iraq-Niger uranium story)
2003 Rice told reporter Natl Intel Estimate said aluminum tubes Iraq tried to buy were for
nuke program Blamed CIA Dir Tenet for Bush’s State of the Union using fake Iraq-African uranium deal
(Musings On Iraq article on the aluminum tubes story)
2003 After protests by Iraqi police US agreed to reduce its forces at police stations in
            Fallujah to try to stop attacks on them
2006 Amb Khalizad said hadn’t seen security improvement from Baghdad security plan
            Op Together Forward yet
2006 Brookings’ Pollack told House committee not enough US and Iraqi forces to secure
            Baghdad during Op Together Forward
(Musings On Iraq article on pre-Surge US Iraq strategy)

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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