Saturday, July 14, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Jul 14

1941 PM Midfai declared martial law in Sulaymaniya to stop revolt by Barzani
1958 Free Officers led coup overthrowing King Faisal II and Iraq’s monarchy
1958 Gen Qasim became head of state King Faisal II and family killed
(Musings On Iraq interview with Western Kentucky’s Prof Romero on the Qasim govt)
1959 Communists called rally to celebrate 1958 coup in Kirkuk Turned into 2 days of
            fighting between Kurds and Turkmen with around 30 killed 100 injured
(Musings On Iraq Interview with Prof Johan Franzen on the history of the Iraqi Communist Party)
1964 Pres Arif announced pan-Arab Iraqi Arab Socialist Union party
1964 Pres Arif nationalizes banks and insurance companies
1968 Coup against Pres Arif planned but called off after army officers backed out
            Baath would not drop coup
1988 Iran said it would withdraw from Kurdistan after Iraq invaded southern Iran
1988 Iranian leadership agreed to accept UN Res 598 calling for end of Iran-Iraq War
1990 Kuwait said it would reconsider OPEC quotas in Oct Was considered a breech
            by Iraq
1990 Pres Mubarak visited Saddam in Baghdad trying to get him to backdown in
            confrontation with Kuwait
2003 Article Iraqi scientists said bombings inspections sanctions unilateral
            destruction ended Iraq’s WMD programs before invasion
2003 Columnist Novak exposed Ex Amb Wilson’s wife as a CIA agent after he criticized
Bush admin over false Niger-Iraq uranium deal Info came from VP Cheney’s office trying to discredit Wilson
2003 UK For Sec Straw said CIA believed UK intel on Iraq-Africa uranium deal
(Musings On Iraq article on Iraq-Niger uranium story)
2004 US appointed governor of Mosul assassinated
2004 Blair said he expected Iraq’s WMD to be found
2004 Butler Report said UK intel on Iraq WMD based upon worst case scenarios and
exaggerated alleged stockpiles Said UK intel on Iraq WMD was “seriously flawed”
2004 Butler Report said UK intel found no evidence of Iraq-Al Qaeda cooperation
2006 When asked was the US winning in Iraq US Army Chief of Staff Gen Schoomaker
told congressional aids U.S. wasn’t losing in Iraq Said war was getting more difficult and was more at start than end
2007 Maliki said Iraqi forces were ready to take over security when US left

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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