Tuesday, July 24, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Jul 24

1915 British forces captured Nasiriya from Ottomans
1920 British regiment driven from Kifl during 1920 Revolt after losing 180 men killed
            and 160 captured
1923 Turkey signed Treaty of Lausanne agreeing to League of Nations
            deciding future of Mosul 
(Musings On Iraq article on how Mosul province became part of Iraq)
1986 Saddam said unwise to clash with rising Islamism in Arab World but Iraq should
            be ready to strike against it if threatened
1986 Saddam decided to reach out to Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan
1990 US military exercise with UAE Spokesman said US committed to defending its
friends in the Gulf Saddam said he felt betrayed by US forces moving through the Persian Gulf
1990 White House said it was concerned about Iraqi troop buildup along Kuwait’s
1990 State Dept US had no defense treaties or special relationship with Kuwait Did
            support Gulf States right to self defense
1991 Operation Provide Comfort II started to enforce northern fly zone and contain
1993 Kurds threatened retaliation if Iran didn’t stop shelling of border region trying to
            hit Iranian Kurdish groups
2002 Kurds claimed Iraq coordinating with Ansar al-Islam and Al Qaeda in pre-invasion
            propaganda campaign
2003 Spain Foreign Min Palacio said no evidence Iraq had a nuclear bomb program
2004 Zalmay Khalilzad became new US ambassador to Iraq Wanted to defeat
            insurgency not withdraw which was existing plan
(Musings On Iraq article on pre-Surge US Iraq strategy)
2004 500 marched in Sulaymaniya demanding an independent Kurdistan
2005 Allawi’s Iraqiya threatened to boycott constitutional commission because it wasn’t
            taken seriously the concerns of Sunni delegation
2006 Report US 4th Div carried out mass incarcerations absued Iraqi prisoners while
            stationed in Salahaddin 03-04
2006 Report Inter Min fired all Anbar police during 2004 Battle of Fallujah and police
            never rebuilt No police in Rutba Ana Haditha few in Rawa
2008 US Amb Crocker said insurgency had lost most of its relevancy
(Musings On Iraq article on decline of insurgency)
2008 Female suicide bomber killed Sahwa leader and 7 others 24 wounded in Baquba
(Musings On Iraq article on Baquba suicide bombing)
2014 ISI attacked State Company for Pharmaceutical Supplies in Ninewa to capture
            bomb supplies
2017 Ammar Hakim announced he was leaving Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq and
            forming new Hikmah Party

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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