Saturday, July 21, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Jul 21

1933 600 Assyrians left Ninewa for Syria asking for asylum from French because
            didn't want to be part of Iraq Were sent back
1958 Gen Qasim set up court to try “enemies of the people” meaning officials from
1990 Iraq announced that it had placed troops along border with Kuwait
1991 PM Hammadi met with Barzani to try to stop fighting and reach deal on
            Kurdish autonomy
1993 UNHCR spokesman said that 3,000 Shiites fled to Iran to avoid Iraqi army
            attacks on villages in southern marshes
2003 UN-IOM convoy fired upon by insurgents in Babil 1st attack on humanitarian
            group in Iraq
2003 UN Sec Gen Annan approved Iraqi Governing Council
2003 NatlSecAdv Rice called MSBC’s Chris Matthews saying Fmr Amb Wilson’s story
on Iraq-Niger deal was part of a political campaign against the White House Said Wilson’s wife was open target and Wilsons were against Bush so White House against them
(Musings On Iraq article on Iraq-Niger uranium story)
2003 US received intel that Uday and Qusay Hussein were in Mosul
2005 Pentagon said half of 93,800 Iraqi police had finished basic training and were not
            ready for duty yet
(Musings On Iraq article on pre-Surge US Iraq strategy)
2005 Insurgents kidnapped 2 Algerian diplomats in Baghdad
2006 Report sectarian cleansing going on in Baghdad’s Ghaziliya and Sadiya
neighborhoods Sunni gunmen told Shiites to leave in Sadiya Inter Min police took away 10 Sunni men in Ghaziliay Bodies later found
2012 ISI leader Baghdadi announced the Breaking Walls Campaign in Iraq Was his first
            online statement Said it was new phase of jihad
2013 ISIS attacked Abu Ghraib and Tikrit prisons Freed 500 prisoners from Abu
            Ghraib End of Breaking Walls Campaign
2017 3rd time Anbar council attempted to remove Governor Rawi on corruption charges
2017 Fmr Salahaddin Gov Jabouri received 2 yr prison sentence for corruption

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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