Sunday, July 15, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Jul 15

1920 UK Chief General Staff Wilson heard of 1920 revolt and ordered dispatch
            of division from India to put it down
1950 Cabinet resigned when PM Suwaidi complained his brother not appointed head of
Cassation Court Stayed in office because Regent out of country and couldn’t call for new govt
1952 Mustafa al-Umari became premier
1958 Deposed PM Nuri al-Said executed by Free Officers Regent’s body taken from
            royal palace Mutilated Dragged through Baghdad streets
1968 PM Yahya resigned over divisions within military over running country that
            would eventually lead to 68 coup
1979 Saddam had Revolutionary Command Council Secretary General Mashadi arrested
and tortured Mashadi named Saddam opponents within Baath Party Those members later accused of a Syrian backed coup
1986 UK Official told Geneva conference that Iraq chemical weapons had caused
            10,000 Iranian casualties in Iran-Iraq War
1988 Iran’s cabinet endorsed decision to accept UN Res 598 ending Iran-Iraq War
1990 At Baath Party meeting decided Iraq should make its case to the world against
Kuwait so that it would not be seen as an aggressor Izzat al-Duri said Kuwait conspiring against Iraq and part of larger Israeli conspiracy
1990 At Arab League Iraq complained Kuwait tapping into Rumaila oil field in Basra
costing Iraq $1 bil/year Demanded loans from UAE and Kuwait during Iran-Iraq War be forgiven Threatened force against Kuwait and UAE saying they were US puppets
1990 Iraq made first deployment of troops for Kuwait invasion
1991 US troops withdrew from Kurdistan after setting up safe area for displaced Kurds
            after Gulf War
2002 Czech Intel head doubted that 9/11 hijacker Atta met with Iraqi intelligence in
            Prague in 2001
2002 Fmr Saddam Fedayeen told press Iraq trained Al Qaeda fighters in Salman
            Pak False story
2004 UN head inspector Blix accused Blair of misleading public on Iraq threat
            before invasion
2004 Report in 2003 UK intel found Zarqawi setting up cells in Baghdad  
2006 Insurgents stormed Olympic Committee in Baghdad Took 30 people including
            committee president
2011 3 bombs in Karbala left 100 casualties
2012 Iraq complained about KRG-Turkish oil deals saying it would affect relations
            between two countries 

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