Monday, April 25, 2022

This Day In Iraqi History - Apr 25 British Mandate in Iraq created Was start of Iraq as a nation state

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1920 San Remo Agreement created British Mandate in Iraq France agreed to give up Mosul vilayet in

return for oil concessions in Iraq

(Musings On Iraq How The Ottoman Province Of Mosul Became Part Of Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq interview with Princeton’s Sara Pursley on Sykes-Picot and creation of Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq review The Creation of Iraq 1914-1921)

(Musings On Iraq review Dictatorship, Imperialism & Chaos, Iraq since 1989)

(Musings On Iraq review An Analysis of Hanna Batatu’s The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq review Inventing Iraq: The Failure of Nation Building and a History Denied)

(Musings On Iraq review Supremacy And Oil, Iraq, Turkey, and the Anglo-American World Order, 1918-1930)

(Musings On Iraq review The Chatham House Version and other Middle-Eastern Studies)

(Musings On Iraq review Enemy On The Euphrates, The Battle For Iraq 1914-1921)

(Musings On Iraq review When God Made Hell, The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq, 1914-1921)

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq Since 1958, From Revolution To Dictatorship)

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq’s Democratic Moment)

1929 Iran officially recognized Iraq as a country Hadn’t before due to complaints of

            mistreatment of Persians in Iraq and British Mandate

1941 Iraq-Italian treaty signed to provide financial and military aid to Iraq for war against UK Axis

would get oil concessions and use ports and military bases

(Musings On Iraq review Persian Gulf Command, A History of the Second World War In Iran and Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq 1941, The Battles for Basra, Habbaniya, Fallujah and Baghdad)

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq And Syria 1941, The Politics and Strategy of the Second World War)

1947 After Mahabad Republic crushed by Iran Mullah Mustafa Barzani retreated back to Barzan,


1962 Barzani expelled police from Fish Khabour near Syrian border

(Musings On Iraq review Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970)

(Musings On Iraq review The Kurds, A Modern History)

(Musings On Iraq review Journey Among Brave Men, Travels in Kurdistan)

1966 PM Bazzaz said Kurds hard right to language and nationalism but not separation

1990 US Central Command report Said Iraq could be a potential problem in Middle East and ordered

increased intel gathering on it

1991 Kurdish parties agreed to deal with Saddam including autonomy to end

            revolt after Gulf War

1991 Turkey told UN 30,000 Iraqi Kurds had entered Turkey in 2 days and 220,000

            were on there way as Kurdish uprising put down

1994 Iraqi govt announced completion of Mother of all Battles Irrigation Canal meant to

            drain southern marshes to drive out displaced and rebels

(Musings On Iraq How Saddam Destroyed An Eco-System And Its People In The Southern Marshes Of Iraq)

1995 Turkey’s Op Steel vs PKK ended Withdrew 20,000 troops but left 15,000 in Kurdistan

1998 Was story that bin Laden sent delegation to Iraq for Saddam’s birthday and

            Uday agreed to train Al Qaeda Report false

2002 Foreign Sec Straw said UK had to stand up to “bullies” like Saddam

2002 IAEA report that during inspections in 1990s Iraq’s nuclear program was

            dismantled and no ability to produce nuke material

(Musings On Iraq UN Inspectors Were Right Iraq Was Not A Threat)

(Musings On Iraq Iraq’s Rejection of UN Inspectors Led To Mistrust Over WMD and 2003 Invasion)

(Musings On Iraq How US Intelligence Created An Iraqi Nuclear Threat In 2002)

2003 CENTCOM issued new rules of engagement for US military in Iraq Allowed for curfews use of

force searches and arrests

2003 US arrested ex-Iraq Amb to Tunisia Farouk Hijazi who reportedly met with Al

            Qaeda in 90s and cited as proof of Iraq-Al Qaeda ties

2003 Bush said Iraq’s WMD were either hidden or were destroyed but US would find them

(Musings On Iraq Iraq One Of The Worst Intelligence Failures In US History)

(Musings On Iraq How The Administration Reversed Itself On Finding Iraq’s WMD)

(Musings On Iraq review Hoodwinked, The Documents That Reveal How Bush Sold Us a War)

(Musings On Iraq review What Happened, Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception)

2003 White House official told NY Times Iraq may not have had WMD just agents to

make them

2003 Only Iraqi policemen to help US in Fallujah executed outside his house

(Musings On Iraq review The Terrorists of Iraq, Inside the Strategy and Tactics of the Iraqi Insurgency 2003-2014)

2003 US Cmdr in Iraq Gen Franks said didn’t know how long it would take to

            rebuild and stabilize Iraq

2003 Iraqi opposition met in Madrid but failed to agree on an interim govt

2003 Sadrist cleric in Baghdad said if he found any Iraqi women sleeping with American soldiers he

would denounce her tribe and call for her death

2003 Al Qaeda declared jihad in Iraq

2004 Sec Def Rumsfeld said US troops in Iraq would have tours extended for 3 months

2004 Marine generals met with Iraqis to discuss creating a Fallujah brigade after 1st

            battle of Fallujah

(Musings On Iraq review The Battle for Fallujah, Occupation, Resistance and Stalemate in the War in Iraq)

2004 CPA South started Op Phoenix to disband unofficial local councils and remove them from govt


2004 Larry Diamond worked as democracy expert for CPA said US encouraged Iraqis

            to participate in new Iraq but didn’t provide them security

2005 Iraq Survey Group found Gulf War and UN sanctions destroyed Iraq’s WMD

            programs and Saddam didn’t try to rebuild them

2005 Iraq Survey Group found no evidence that Iraq’s WMD were sent to Syria

2005 White House said Iraq Survey Group found Saddam wanted WMD in the future

(Musings On Iraq Iraq One Of The Worst Intelligence Failures In US History)

2006 Memo by Gen McCaffrey said that Iraqi army was making real progress but was

            badly equipped lacking armor air support etc

2006 Memo by Gen McCaffrey said Iraqi police heavily infiltrated by insurgents and

militias Said that Al Qeada in Iraq had been defeated as a strategic threat to the Iraqi govt

(Musings On Iraq interview with Jerry Burke police and Interior Min adviser on how Badr took over Interior Ministry)

2007 Sheikh Abdul Aziz Fahadawi held meeting of his Albu Fahad tribe in Anbar and told them not to

cooperate with ISI anymore

(Musings On Iraq Demise, But Not Death of Al Qaeda In Iraq)

(Musings On Iraq How A Change In Perceptions Led To The Anbar Awakening)

(Musings On Iraq interview with author Carter Malkasian on Anbar Awakening)

(Musings On Iraq review Confronting Al Qaeda, The Sunni Awakening and American Strategy In Al Anbar)

(Musings On Iraq review The Marines Take Anbar, The Four-Year Fight Against Al Qaeda)

(Musings On Iraq review Illusions of Victory, The Anbar Awakening And The Rise Of The Islamic State)

2008 Sadr said he was only opposed to US occupation not Maliki govt

2008 Report Badr and Mahdi Army set up checkpoints and killed each other in Qadisiyah and

Baghdad 30 bodies found

(Musings On Iraq Badr Organization A View Into Iraq’s Violent Past And Present)

2008 PM Maliki said all parties supported his crackdown on Sadr and sign of reconciliation

2008 PM Maliki said if Sadr disarmed dropped politics turned in wanted militiamen would

stop Charge of Knights

2008 Fmr Under Sec of Def Feith said he warned of postwar chaos in Iraq but

            was ignored and Pentagon was on top of issue not State or CIA

2009 Gorran List founded by former PUK leader Mustafa

2009 State of Law organized protest in Khalis Diyala against new provincial council claiming it

included Baathists

2009 Arab tribes in Makhmour and Qaraj met with Ninewa Gov Nujafi Demanded Asayesh

withdraw claiming harassment by Kurds

2010 Iraqi Airways flew to London for first time in 20 years

2010 Court upheld Accountability and Justice Comm banning 52 winning candidates

            for Baathist ties

2011 PM Maliki claimed power had been decentralized in response to national protests It wasn’t

2011 ISF tried to stop protesters from gathering in Mosul Led to clash killing 1

            demonstrator and wounding 9 others

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq After America, Strongmen, Sectarians, Resistance)

2011 Protest in Ramadi demanded US withdrawal close secret prisons and stop

            Iranian influence in country

2011 Peshmerga Minister accused Kurdistan Islamic Group and Kurdistan Islamic

            Union of being saboteurs and fostering jihadists KIU said KRG had cut its monthly budget

2011 Soldiers and KDP security got into shoot out in Kirkuk City after brother of 12th Div

commander killed a taxi driver and was arrested

2011 Speaker Nujafi said Iraq didn’t need US troops anymore and any extension would have to go

through parliament

2011 4th round of oil and gas field auctions held

2012 Accordance Front spokesman threatened no confidence vote against PM Maliki unless

he followed Irbil power sharing agreement

2012 Pres Barzani said that unless PM Maliki shared power would be a revolt by

            other ruling parties Said Maliki was like a dictator

(Musings On Iraq review Iraq From War To A New Authoritarianism)

(Musings On Iraq interview with Inside Iraqi Politics’ Sowell on whether Maliki became a dictator)

(Musings On Iraq interview with Historian Phebe Marr comparing PM Maliki with MP Said)

2013 PM Maliki gave speech calling for talks with protesters Warned new civil war would be bad for

            everyone after his attack upon Hawija protest camp increased violence

(Musings On Iraq Understanding Iraq’s Protest Movements, An Interview With Kirk Sowell, Editor of Inside Iraqi Politics)

2013 Report KRG’s economy was oil dependent Non-oil exports were only 5% of KRG’s trade KRG had

huge trade deficit Economy controlled by KDP and PUK

2013 Report Anbar protest leader Sheikh Saadi called on ISF to join protests against Baghdad Said they

would follow example of Syria who rose up against their ruler

(Musings On Iraq Understanding Iraq’s Protest Movements, An Interview With Kirk Sowell, Editor of Inside Iraqi Politics)

2014 Boko Haram pledged support to ISIS

2014 Report US sent intelligence officers to assist Iraq with fighting insurgency Started

            training Iraqi Special Forces in Jordan Since Jan 2014 US sent weapons

2014 KRG offered North Oil Company to use its pipeline to Turkey for oil exports

2014 Report Insurgents were split over whether to support elections or not ISIS Naqshibandi Army of the

Mujahadeen Ansar al-Islam against vote Islamic Army Hamas Iraq Salahaddin Brigades Political Council of the Iraqi Resistance supported election

2014 PM Maliki told BBC Saudis were interfering in Iraq Said it was sending fighters Blamed Syria for

problems in Anbar Said if Assad was overthrown would lead to terrorism and slaughter

(Musings On Iraq review A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, The Saudi Struggle For Iraq)

2014 Director of Fallujah General Hospital said 1,418 people had been killed or wounded since insurgents

seized city and govt tried to free it Worker said 262 bodies brought to hospital since Jan 2014 They blamed govt shelling for most casualties

2015 PM Abadi said Hashd should include all Iraqis from all backgrounds

2015 Kudish Alliance said opposed National Guard in disputed areas because

            peshmerga could secure them

2015 Yazidi militia leader Haider Sesho said that Yazidis would form their own

            party in Sinjar and be independent of KDP

2015 IS took over army base in Thar Thar, Anbar 141 soldiers killed in fighting including 1st Div

cmdr Base had been calling for reinforcements for a week and got nothing

2016 Fighting started again in Tuz Kharmato between Kurds and Peshmerga vs Hashd and

Turkmen 1 Peshmerga killed

2017 Yazidi leader and head of Peshmerga Ministry’s Media Dept called for PKK to leave Sinjar

Leader said PKK co-opting Yazidis

2017 Report NGOs Human Rights Observatory Norwegian Refugee Council all complained about

corruption in aid to displaced within Migration Ministry and Ninewa Council

2017 Report Investigation found extrajudicial killings of IS members Soldiers said foreign fighters

were interrogated and then killed ISF cmdr said IS captives were being shot in Mosul

2017 Hashd began new campaign to free Hatra in Ninewa IS was collecting civilians in west Mosul

to be used as human shields

2017 Hashd cmdr blamed international and internal political pressure from stopping Hashd from

taking Tal Afar Kataib Hezbollah called on PM Abadi not to give into U.S. pressure and let it seize town Turkey threatened to intervene if Hashd took Tal Afar

2018 Oil Ministry held auction for 11 oil and gas fields 6 fields won winning bids Was supposed to happen in Jun but Oil Min Luaibi changed date Some thought he did it for political reasons because he was running for parliament

(Musings On Iraq Another Successful Oil And Gas Field Auction In Iraq)

2018 Report Jan 2018 KRG published audit of its oil industry Didn’t have field production as promised Said $700 mil-$2 bil had been paid to 3rd parties with no explanation 2007 KRG parliament said 4 bodies would be created to manage oil but never operated KRG was supposed to work with company to publicize its oil revenues but didn’t Jan 2014 Natural Resource Min said it would start independent oil exports and potential buyers should go to Oil Marketing Org but didn’t exist 2014 KRG began taking advances on its oil exports from 5 oil traders and companies

2018 UN condemned violence and defamation of women candidates 1 candidate resigned over fake sex tape released on social media Others had been harassed online KDP candidate had phone stolen and pictures from it posted online

2020 Ansar al-Marjaiya pro-Najaf Hashd called on other brigades to follow its lead and

leave Hashd Commission

(Musings On Iraq Resigned PM Abdul Mahdi Doesn’t Accept Units Leaving Hashd Commission)

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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