Monday, April 16, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Apr 16

1941 Britain told Iraq that troops would be landing in Basra soon under Anglo-
            Iraq Treaty
1941 PM Gaylani agreed to allow British troops landing in Basra but demanded that
they immediately set out for Palestine or Egypt
1941 German letter arrived saying it would support Iraq revolt against British
1968 Baath Nasserites and other army officials called for coalition govt return of
            parliament dismissal of PM Yahya
1969 Shah unilaterally voided 1937 treaty over Shatt al-Arab Iraq took issue to UN Iran
            refused to go to court over matter probably knowing it would lose
1969 Shah decided to give military support ot Kurds to put political pressure on Pres
            Bakr over Shatt al-Arab
1987 Iraqi planes dropped poison gas on Sheikh Wasan and Balisan villages killing
            over 100 civilians
1988 Iraq offensive to recapture Fao Peninsula Basra from Iran began Largest
            Iraq land offensive since 1986 Used nerve and mustard gas
1990 White House met to discuss limiting military equipment sales to Iraq
1991 Pres Bush said that US would set up relief camps in Kurdistan to help refugees
            after Saddam put down revolt
1991 Bush said UN sanctions on Iraq would stay until Saddam removed from power
1991 State Dept met with Iraqi opposition including Ahmed Chalabi for first time
2002 NSC meeting talked about training Iraqi exiles for help with invasion
2003 Genk Franks issued declaration to Iraqi people saying US would only be there
2003 Gen Franks announced that Baath Party was no more in Iraq
2003 Gen Franks ordered withdrawal order for 60-120 days for US troops to drop from
            175,000 to 30,000 by Aug 03
2003 Gen Franks told his staff that an interim Iraqi govt would be created in 30-60
2003 US Central Command made official announcement that America was the authority
            in Iraq
2003 Congress appropriated $2.475 bil for rebuilding Iraq as part of Iraq Relief
            and Reconstruction Fund
2003 Report Kurds were forcing Arabs out of Kirkuk city
2003 INC’s Chalabi arrived in Baghdad and set up office in Hunting Club
2003 US forces captured Palestinian terrorist Abu Abbas Claimed proved Saddam
            backed terrorism
2003 Dep head of SCIRI Ayatollah Abdul Aziz al-Hakim returned to Iraq from Iran with
            4,000-5,000 Badr militiamen
2004 2 weeks 12,000 members of the Iraq Civil Defense Corps quit during insurgent
            offensive and Sadrist uprising
2006 Report Iranian Revolutionary Guard set up camp in Diyala to train militias
2006 CIA report Karbala police chief made deals with Sadr to attack US forces Gave
            them police IDs to get through checkpoints
2006 GAO report US worried Iraq didn’t have money or know how to run 8,000
            reconstruction projects
2006 GAO report As of June 2005 $52 mil of $200 mil completed large scale water
projects not working or below capacity due to looting lack of power trained Iraqi staff
2006 GAO report $13.5 mil Karkh sewage treatment plant in Baghdad not operating
            $32 mil garbage landfill in south Baghdad not operating after manager killed
2006 GAO report 40-60% of purified water never used in Baghdad because of
            leaks in system
2007 Sadrist ministers boycotted cabinet to protest US occupation
2008 Accordance Front announced that it would end its boycott of cabinet
2008 Integrity Committee said it was investigating corruption in arms deal with
2008 Around 50 Iraqi soldiers abandoned their units during fighting against Mahdi
            Army in Sadr City
2008 Maliki said $100 mil would be spent to rebuild Basra after Charge of Knights
2008 Dep Foreign Min said Baghdad was worried about Iran’s support of Mahdi
            Amy and other militias
2008 Maliki made major concessions to Kurds agreeing to change oil law and allow
            Kurds independent oil deals Never happened
2008 Gen Petraeus told Congress that Charge of Knights was not well planned
            op by Iraqis
2010 Maliki said new government would include Allawi’s Iraqiya Iraqiya said it won so
            it should be only party trying to put together new government
2010 State of Law said it and National Alliance would soon merge into one list
2011 Fin Min investigated charges of $17 bil dinars being embezzled from Central
            Bank of Iraq Nothing comes of inquiry
2011 Iraqiya accused Baghdad Operations Command of trying to limit protests
2011 Anbar council announced deal to end arbitrary arrests in province after
            negotiations with Maliki
2011 Iraqiya threatened no confidence vote against Maliki claiming his govt was
             a failure
2011 Allawi said Iraqiya would withdraw from govt if power sharing agreement
            wasn’t impelemented by Maliki
2011 Kurdish security forces started arresting over 300 protesters in Sulaymaniya
2012 Report Maliki had shut out his adviser for Kurdish Affairs Adel Barwari
2012 Iraqiya in talks with Kurdish Alliance and members of National Coalition to
            remove Maliki
2012 State of Law said it would run on its own and not with other Shiite parties in 2013
            provincial vote
2012 Integrity committee said it voted on dismissing Baghdad’s mayor Issawi for
            wasting money on fake contracts
2012 Dep PM Mutlaq announced that 1100 prisoners would be released as concession
            by Maliki
2013 500 protested at West Qurna 2 oil field demanding jobs and benefits from
            Lukoil that ran site
2015 PM Abadi said all the pictures of Iranian Gen Suleimani in Iraq sent the wrong
            message that Iran was saving Iraq instead of Iraqis
2015 Anbar Governor Rawi called on Hashd to be sent to province to help fight IS 3000
            Hashd sent to Ramadi to help
2015 IS said to be in control of 70% of Ramadi

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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This Day In Iraqi History - Feb 10 Abbasids surrendered Baghdad to Mongols who then massacred population

  1258 Abbasid Caliph Mustasim surrendered Baghdad to Mongols Residents taken to camps where they were executed Christia...