Wednesday, April 18, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History – Apr 18

1919 France and England signed Long-Berenger oil deal France got 20% of Iraqi
            oil via Turkish Petroleum Company
1919 France agreed to help build oil pipeline from Iraq to Mediterranean
1941 Britain landed 20th Infantry Brigade in Basra in response to PM Gaylani and Golden
            Square officers coup
1941 British battalion from India completed deployment to Shaiba air base in Basra
1941 PM Gaylani asked Italian Amb if Axis would give Iraq military aid against
            British and Axis air power 1st time Iraq asked for military intervention from Axis
1980 Iran said Baath at war with Islam and called on Iraqi army and people to
            overthrow Saddam
1984 Iraq escalated its attacks on tankers heading for Iran
1988 Iraq recaptured Fao Peninsula, Basra using chemical weapons
1991 Report 500-1,000 displaced Kurds were dying a day along Iraq-Turkey border
1991 Saddam agreed to UN setting up offices in Iraq to help displaced following
            Shiite and Kurdish uprisings
1991 Iraq provided first disarmament declaration to UN Was incomplete and hid
            lots of activities like nuke and WMD programs
1996 State Dept official Deutsch went to Kurdistan to try to broker ceasefire in
            PUK-KDP civil war
2002 CIA report said Iraq might have been able to make chemical weapons since
2003 Sadrists held demonstration in Sadr City to condemn U.S. and western culture
2003 Some American officials worried that Iraq had sent its WMD to other countries
            That’s why wasn’t found
2003 INC head Chalabi said he expected an interim govt to be formed soon to run most
            duties in Iraq
2003 Rumsfeld said it would take time to find Iraq’s WMD
2003 Arabs that were expelled from Daquq Kirkuk by Kurds tried to retake town but
            driven off by Kurds
2004 Bremer admitted that Iraqi forces would not be able to deal with insurgency
            on their own when sovereignty returned in June 05
2004 Spain’s new PM Zapatero announced he would withdraw 1300 troops from Iraq
2004 British report said Coalition troops and Iraqi police would soon restore law and
            order in Iraq
2006 Report CPA plan to disarm and integrate militias never funded and followed
            through with
2007 Baghdad bombings killed almost 200
2008 50 soldiers fled their posts in Sadr City rather than fight Mahdi Army
2008 Sadrist said Mahdi Army might disarm if Badr Brigade did the same
2008 Al Qaeda’s Zawahiri speech said US had been defeated in Iraq
2008 Shiekh Abu Risha complained that authorities were trying to stop his organizing
            for 09 provincial elections by shutting down offices
2008 Suicide truck bomb hit funeral for Sahwa members killing 50 in Baghdad
2009 US and British officials went to Jordan to talk with ex-Gen Hamdani to
            talk about reconciliation with former regime members
2010 U.S. and Iraqi forces killed ISI leaders Abu Masri and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi
            near Tikrit
(Musings On Iraq interview with Naval War College’s Prof Whiteside on who Abu Omar al-Baghdadi was)
2011 Parliament repealed Article 136(b) that allowed ministers to stop corruption
2011 Anbar anti-terror police arrested 12 officers involved with insurgents Some were
            working with Syrian intelligence
2011 Protest in Mosul Baghdad other areas calling for better services Some said
            Maliki should step down
2011 Kurdish security forces moved to evict protesters from Sulaymaniya Police
            fired into crowd wounding 6, 1 died, another 90 hurt by beatings
2011 Kurdish court sentenced spokesman for Sulaymaniya protests to one month
            in jail for defaming a KRG MP
2011 Were first protests in Irbil Were beaten by police 22 wounded
2012 Oil Min Shahristani said Exxon would not start working in KRG until Baghdad
            approved contract Exxon went ahead anyway
2014 ISIS commander killed fighting Ansar al-Sunna in Rashad, Kirkuk
2014 Anbar council asked if ISF were competent enough to retake Fallujah
2014 Former Diyala governor and Mutahidun MP said militias were trying to take over
Mukhisa and force people out of town
2014 Maliki gave speech in Babil calling for majority govt after elections
2015 Khorasani Brigade pledged allegiance to Ayatollah Khamenei and said it
            followed valayat al-faqih Same time said didn’t take orders from Iran
2015 Govt claimed it fully controlled Baiji Refinery but IS still held sizeable amount
            of complex

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