Tuesday, April 17, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History – Apr 17

1916 British took Beit Asia from Ottomans and pushed Turks out of Edheim
            River in Diyala
1921 UK High Comm in Iraq Sir Cox exiled Sayid Talib to Ceylon because he aspired
            to be king and opposed Feisal for position
1941 PM Gaylani asked Germany for military aid in case of war with British
1941 British naval convoy moved towards Shatt al-Arab waterway in Basra
1941 British battalion from India started arriving at Shaiba air base in Basra
1963 Iraq made initial agreement for union with Egypt
1966 Abd Rahman Arif elected president to replace his brother who died in
            helicopter crash
1983 Iran’s Op Wa al-Fajr to cut Basra-Baghdad road in Maysan failed
1983 Saddam invited Ayatollah Khomeini to Baghdad for Islamic conference to try to
            end Iran-Iraq War
1991 British intel report said Iraq had around 600 ballistic missiles left after Gulf
1991 US forces began moving into Kurdistan to set up camps for displaced
1991 Germany agreed to $262 mil in humanitarian aid to Kurds
1993 During military operation against Kurds Iraqi army arrested 7,000 people
            including members of Kurdistan parliament
2001 US Dept of Energy report said didn’t have enough info to tell whether Iraq had
            restarted its nuclear program
2003 Chief UN inspector Blix cited Iraqi scientist who said Iraq had no WMD
2003 CENTCOM head Gen Abizaid said no organized military left
            in Iraq Plan was for Iraqi military to impose order after invasion
2003 CENCTOM head Gen Abizaid suggested US create 3 divisions of interim
            Iraqi army from soldiers and opposition groups
2003 US officials said 3 new Iraqi divisions needed to be formed to protect country
            after US invasion
2003 US signed deal with Bechtel to repair Iraq’s electrical grid after instead of before
2003 ORHA head Garner got into argument with Gen Franks who didn’t want Garner
            going to Baghdad Garner said vacuum in country
2003 US forces called for people to return to work in Kirkuk City after days of unrest
            after city taken during invasion
2003 US forces captured Saddam’s half brother Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti
2004 3,000 police abandoned posts during insurgent and Sadrist uprisings
2006 Ret Gen Newbold former Director of Ops at Joint Chiefs wrote Time OpEd saying
            Iraq war unnecessary
2007 Islamic Army complained ISI was trying to take over Diyala by threats and
2007 ISI head Abu Omar Baghdadi issued message calling for unity amongst
            insurgents Said ISI would remain despite any criticism
2008 Govt said it would recruit local Shiites from Sadr City and Shula into security
            forces to try to break hold of Mahdi Army
2008 Army officer complained many of his commanders were pro-Sadr and would
            give info to Mahdi Army
2008 Sadrist spokesman said Mahdi Army wouldn’t disarm unless top clerics told
            them to
2008 Badr’s Hadi Ameri said that only Al Qaeda and Mahdi Army were fighting govt
2011 Ninewa Gov Nujafi joined anti-govt protests in Mosul and broke curfew imposed
            by Ninewa Ops Command to try to stop demonstration
2011 Around 90 injured in clashes between Kurdish security forces and protesters
            in Sulaymaniya 7 shot
2011 Sadrist MP said ISF was capable of defending country without US help and
            blamed US for all of Iraq’s problems
2012 Sadrists accused Sate of Law of trying to cancel elections so it could stay in power
            Said was why Election Comm head was arrested
2012 Maliki’s adviser on Kurdish Affairs Adel Barwari removed from post
2012 Maliki accused Kurds of smuggling oil to Iran
2013 KRG said it was ready to export oil to Turkey directly when it finished its
2014 IS attacked Al Qaeda saying that it was no longer leader of jihad
2014 Insurgents blew up pipeline in Baiji leading to large oil spill contaminating
            water all the way to Baghdad
2014 KDP and Gorran said they had agreement to form new government in KRG
2015 Police and councilman in Ramadi said IS had almost taken center of city IS began
            attacking Ramadi city center Albu Alwan sheikh said city could fall any time
2016 Sadrists restarted protests in Baghdad demanding new cabinet to be voted on

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Security In Iraq Oct 15-21, 2024

The Islamic State was inactive for another week in Iraq while the Iraqi Islamic Resistance made sporadic attacks upon Israel.