Saturday, April 28, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Apr 28

1922 UK Iraq Commissioner Cox said King Feisal racially weak for disagreeing
            with him
1929 Tawfiq al-Suwaidi became premier of Iraq, would hold that office 3
1941 PM Gaylani asked Axis for military and financial aid for second time to be
            used against British
1941 UK Amb to Iraq told PM Gaylani second contingent of British troops landing
            at Basra Gaylani refused them entry
1947 Mustafa Barzani and 500 supporters returned to Iraq from Iran
1959 Communists asked for positions in Qasim govt but turned down
1973 Iraq offered to talk with Kuwait over border dispute
1990 Iraq hosted Arab summit Saddam attacked Kuwait for economic warfare vs
1990 Saddam asked Emir of Kuwait if Iraq could use two of its islands Emir said
1991 US led Coalition created safe zone for Kurds near Dohuk after uprising
            put down
1992 Report CIA continued to give intel to Iraq until day it invaded Kuwait in Aug 90
1998 Inspectors report to UN said no progress in last 4 months due to confrontation with
2001 Report 9/11 terrorist Mohammed Atta met with Iraqi intel officer in Prague
2002 US military leaked story to press that Iraq invasion could use a force as small as
            70,000 Was push back against Rumsfelds small invasion force
(Musings On Iraq article on war in the press over Rumsfeld’s invasion plan)
2003 Protest in Fallujah led to shooting US troops killed 17 and wounded
more than 70
2003 ORHA Garner met with 350 Iraqis in Baghdad and told them they were in charge
            of Iraq said would be meeting to create interim govt in 4 weeks
2003 Dep Sec of Def Wolfowtiz said US occupation of Iraq would not need as many
            troops as invasion did
2003 Pentagon paper said interim Iraqi govt had not been decided upon
2003 Gen Franks asked UK to take control of 5 southern Iraqi provinces UK said could
            only handle 4 Basra Maysan Dhi Qar Muthanna
2003 UK report Iran sending in groups into southern Iraq to influence postwar
2004 Fighting between US marines and insurgents continued in Fallujah while US
            commander claimed ceasefire holding
2004 Marines began forming Fallujah Brigade to take over security of city
2004 UN Rep Brahimi reported to Security Council that interim govt would serve
            until elections held in late 2004-early 2005
2004 General Mark Kimmitt deputy director of Coalition operations in Iraq told CBS
            News he was disappointed in a few soldiers for Abu Ghraib scandal
2005 PM Jaafari’s cabinet approved by parliament 5 ministers and 1 dep PM either
            empty or temporary pending deal with Sunnis
2005 Defense Oil Electricity and Human Rights Ministers not been named yet in
            Jaafar cabinet
2005 US pressured PM Jaafari to name partial cabinet because filing ministers was
            taking too log
2005 SCIRI head Abdul Aziz al-Hakim gave speech threatening to purge the security
            forces of former regime members
2005 MP Mishan al-Jabouri accused Shiites of dividing Iraq and Sunnis were
2006 New US military campaign plan issued continuing with withdrawal
2008 ISCI and Dawa delegation went to Iran to meet Sadr and Gen Suleimani to
            negotiate ceasefire
2010 Court acquitted former Trade Min Sudani of corruption for lack of evidence
2010 Accountability and Justice banned Iraqiya members of Diyala council for Baath
2010 Baathists held meeting in Damascus trying to unify two factions of Mohammed
            Yunis and Izzat al-Duri
2011 1920 Rev Brigades and Asaib Ahl Al-Haq agreed to disarm and join politics
            after talks with National Reconciliation Min Didn’t happen
2011 chief of staff of ISF Gen Zebari said Iraq would not be able to defend itself
            until 2020
2011 US Gen 25th Inf Div said Iranian backed Special Groups were attacking US
2011 Sadrists said that if US stayed passed end of year that would justify attacks
            upon them
2012 Pres Barzani Pres Talabani Sadr Speaker Nujafi and Allawi met in Irbil to
            discuss no confidence vote against Maliki
2012 Sadr issued demands to Maliki saying he would be removed if didn’t submit
            to them
2012 Pres Talabani tried to moderate between Maliki Barzani and Allawi over
            having no confidence vote against PM
2013 Sheikh Abu Risha turned over 2 people said responsible for killing 5 soldiers
            at Fallujah protest site
2014 Ibrahim Jaafari said that Maliki’s mistakes led to deterioration in security
2014 ISI seized control of 6 voting centers in Qara Tapa, Diyala
2014 Iran signed oil and natural gas deal with KRG
2014 Special voting started in national elections for parliament
2015 Badr’s Ameri said Hashd would not wait for permission to enter Anbar Were
            already there
2015 Sadr criticized Hashd trying to politicize fight against IS to gain power

View the Iraq History Timelines

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