Monday, April 30, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Apr 30

1917 Battle of the Boot at Band-i-Adhaim between British and Ottomans
1941 PM Gaylani refused permission for British troops to land in Basra
1941 2 brigades of Iraqi soldiers surrounded British Habaniya base ordered British
            to cease operations there
1941 Iraqi forces surrounded British embassy in Baghdad
1941 Iraqi troops seized Kirkuk oil field and cut off pipeline to Haifa
1941 PM Gaylani hoped to pressure British to leave Iraq without a fight
1941 UK memo to Chiefs of Staff discussed destroying Iraq’s oil wells to deny them to
1948 Jewish forces took Jaffa, and 7 other towns held by Iraqi volunteers in 1st Arab
            Israeli War
1959 Gen Qasim banned party activities in armed forces to try to block Communists’
1969 Bakr govt executed opponents in central Baghdad
1980 By end of April around 20 Iraqi officials had been killed in bombings by
            Shiite opposition parties
1980 Arab Iranians seized Iranian embassy in London demanding sovereignty for
            Khuzistan province Were trained and armed by Iraq
1985 Sec State Shultz asked Def Sec Weinberger to speed up approval of technology
            exports to Iraq
1985 State Dept intel reported no evidence Iraq had started on a nuclear weapons
            program It had
1990 Jordanian prosecutor report detailed fake bank accounts Ahmed Chalabi ran
            with his Petra Bank
1996 Turkey began bombing campaign along border against PKK
1997 Fighting broke out between PUK and Kurdish Islamic Movement
2001 NSC meeting on Al Qaeda threat DepDefSec Wolfowitz asked why US should
            focus on bin Laden when Iraq terrorism real threat
2001 Dep CIA Dir McLaughlin told DepDefSec Wolfowitz no evidence of Iraq terrorist
            threat to US
2001 DepSecState Armitage told DepDefSec Wolfowitz Al Qaeda was the main threat
            to US
2003 U.S. forces shot at civilians for 2nd time in 2 days in Fallujah 2 killed
2003 Rumsfeld visited Iraq Realized rebuilding country would take years which was
            not his plan
2004 Marines withdrew from Fallujah turning over security to Fallujah Brigade
2004 Daily Mirror published what turned out to be fake pictures of UK forces abusing
            Iraqi prisoners
2004 Poll 71% of Iraqis saw US as occupiers 46% said invasion more harmful then
2004 Prisoner abuse by US guards at Abu Ghraib reported in US media
2005 mass grave with up to 1,500 Kurds killed by Saddam during Anfal campaign
            found outside Samawa
(Musings On Iraq article on Anfal campaign)
2006 Fmr Sec State Powell told British TV he advised CENTCOM cmdr Gen Franks
            US needed more troops before invasion but advise ignored
2006 Pres Talabani said 7 insurgent groups might be able to be talked into joining
            political process
2006 US Special Inspector Gen for Iraq Reconstruction report said attacks still retarding
            rebuilding projects but real progress being made
2006 US Special Inspector Gen for Iraq Reconstruction head said that attacks on
            infrastructure down 60%
2006 Audit found effort to protect power and oil infrastructure largely failed Questioned
            2 foreign security companies contracted to train guards
2007 Anbar Awakening claimed to have killed ISI War Minister Masri Didn’t happen
2008 Maliki said that Mahdi Army had to be disbanded because couldn’t have
            militias and state
2008 Sadr spokesman said Iranian weapons in Iraq was normal because Tehran
            would sell to anyone
2008 Turkey said it would resume diplomatic relations with Kurdistan
2009 ISF started 2nd Operation Promise of Good in Diyala
2010 Def Min said that ISI had lost its direction after 2 leaders Masri and Baghdadi
2010 Maliki claimed foreign countries were plotting coup against him
2010 Iraqiya threatened boycott after courts banned winning candidates for Baathist
2011 Hundreds demonstrated in Kut for better services and against corruption
2011 Asayesh arrested four protest organizers trying to start demonstration in
2011 US said Iranian investment projects in Karbala and Najaf were fronts for
            supported Asaib Ahl Al-Haw and Kataib Hezbollah
2012 KRG said Baghdad should pay foreign oil companies working in Kurdistan
2012 Allawi said he wouldn’t go to national conference to resolve differences with
2012 4 bodyguards of fmr Speaker Mashadani arrested for terrorism
2013 Kurdish ministers ended boycott of govt
2013 Islamic Army met with Kirkuk tribes to form armed group after ISF attacked
            Hawija protest site
2013 Sheikh Sulaiman said that protesters would go to war with govt after crackdown
            on Hawija protest site
2013 Insurgents attacked Wasit municipal council building
2013 Dep PM Mutlaq criticized ISF attack on Hawija protest site
2014 KRG parliamentary elections 1st in 8 years
2014 Anbar tribes claimed Baghdad agreed to some of protesters’ demands to end
            fighting Didn’t happen
2015 Head of Salahaddin council said Hashd were looting and burning buildings
            in Tikrit
2015 City worker in Tikrit said 300 buildings in northern section of city had been
            destroyed including 2 mosques
2015 IS seized half of Baiji refinery
2015 Head of Anbar Operations Command said Hashd were needed to fight IS
            in province
2016 Parliament refused to meet over Abadi’s technocratic govt Sadr called for popular
            revolution as followers stormed Green Zone

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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