Sunday, April 29, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History - Apr 29

1916 Ottomans defeated the British at Battle of Kut after 4 months captured
            13,000 prisoners British lost 33,000 casualties One of largest UK defeats in WWI
1941 More British troops from 20th Inf Brigade arrived in Basra Iraq protested
1941 British Ambassador told British women and children to leave Baghdad because
            of expected war with Iraq
1941 British flew planes from Shaiba base in Basra to Habaniya in Anbar
1941 PM Gaylani sent Iraqi forces to British air base at Habaniya, Anbar to confront
            them 11th Inf Brigade ordered to Baghdad to later be deployed to Anbar
1941 Iraqis flooded Habaniya area limiting movement of British troops there
1948 Battle of Katamon began between Jewish forces attacking Iraqi volunteers and
            Arab Legion in 1st Arab-Israeli War
1954 Arshad al-Umari became premier 2nd time
1969 Iraq condemned Shah of Iran for unilaterally ending 1937 border treaty over
            Shatt al-Arab waterway
1981 Amnesty Intl report interviewed 15 Iraqis exiles detailing toture methods used by
1982 Iran launched Op Bait al-Moqaddas with 70,000 troops to liberate Khorramshahr
            Iran-Iraq War Gained 300 sq mi
1994 Iraqi army launched new military campaign to drive out displaced and rebels
            from southern marshes
1994 Sec State Christopher said Iraq complying with UN Res 687 was not enough to
            end sanctions Contradicted resolution
2002 Pentagon official said 9/11 hijacker met with Iraqi intel officer in Prague
            Didn’t happen
2003 2nd anti-American protests in Fallujah Threw rocks at US troops who fired into
            crowd killing 3 wounding 16
2003 50 former British ambassadors and senior officials wrote letter to Blair criticizing
            having no plan for post-invasion Iraq
2004 US announced end of Battle of Fallujah Would withdraw turn over security to
            Fallujah Brigade
2004 Sheikh Jabani’s brother and 3 kids kidnapped in Fallujah for fighting insurgents
2005 Gen Vines issued order for US troops to stop and report any cases of abuse by
            Iraqi forces
2008 2nd ISCI and Dawa delegation went to Iran to meet Sadr and Gen Suleimani to
            negotiate ceasefire
2008 MPs found torture at Karbala prison overcrowding in Babil ones
2008 Accordance Front sent list of candidates to replace their vacant ministers in
            cabinet Maliki rejected some of them
2008 Turkey’s Foreign Minister said Ankara wanted better relations with KRG
2008 Fmr Dep Sec of Def Wolfowitz said Bush admin never expected an insurgency
            in Iraq
2009 Police sent by Integrity Comm to arrest Trade Min Sudani for corruption got
            into shootout with guards in Baghdad
2009 Interior Ministry said ISI had successfully penetrated ISF and used agents to
            carry out attacks
2010 Maliki said that there were no secret prisons in Iraq after one at Muthanna Airport
prison was revealed Claimed that torture victims at Muthanna prison gave themselves scars to fake abuse
2010 US accused Iran of using Hezbollah to carry out attacks against its forces in Iraq
2010 Sadrists said Maliki could not get a second term as premier
2011 Obama’s National Security Adviser suggested 10,000 US troops stay in Iraq after
2011 Sadr threatened to bring back Mahdi Army if US forces stayed past end of year
2011 KRG security forces arrested one of top protest leaders in Sulaymaniya
2011 Anbar councilman Fallujah police chief and other officials arrested in Anbar
            Anbar Ops Command and Maliki blamed
2012 Pres Barzani told US he objected to selling F-16s to Baghdad Said didn’t trust
            Maliki with them
2013 Maliki and Pres Barzani agree on 7 point program to repair relations between
            Baghdad and Irbil
2013 ISI set off 2 car bombs in central Karbala 2 car bombs in Amarah 1 car bomb
            in Diwaniya
2013 Turkmen in Kirkuk demanded peshmerga withdraw from disputed areas
2014 ISIS took credit for suicide bombing of PUK rally in Khanaqin, Diyala that killed
2014 Report that US intel believed Maliki getting re-elected PM would divide Iraq
2016 Protests in Baghdad Basra Najaf Qadisiya Maysan Karbala Dhi Qar Muthanna
against corruption and sectarian quotas in govt

View the Iraq History Timelines 

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Review Adeed Dawisha, Iraq, A Political History from Independence to Occupation, Princeton University Press, 2009

Dawisha, Adeed, Iraq, A Political History from Independence to Occupation , Princeton University Press, 2009   Adeed Dawisha’s Iraq, A P...