Thursday, April 26, 2018

This Day in Iraqi History – Apr 26

1916 British arranged a ceasefire with Ottomans in Kut, Wasit after 146 day
1923 UK’s Iraq committee presented findings and okayed by cabinet to stay path in
1941 PM Gaylani asked Axis for military and financial aid against British
1947 Iraq left SF Conference on creating UN to protest creation of Israel
1987 Jordan and Saudis arranged meeting between Saddam and Syria’s Assad to try to
            improve ties
1990 Report Bush pushed greater economic ties with Iraq
1991 Kurdish refugees began leaving Turkish mountains for refugee camps in Kurdistan
            Baghdad offered amnesty to Kurds that fled during uprising
2003 Report Bush invaded Iraq to try to transform Middle East by creating a
            democracy and countering draw of terrorism
2003 White House said evidence Iraq might have destroyed its WMD right before
            war and that proved war right
2003 Report no WMD found in sites Powell mentioned in his 03 UN speech
2003 Ayatollah Haeri issued fatwa from Iran saying clerics needed to fill power
            vacuum left by US invasion
2003 Sheikh Naifus of Albu Alwan in Babil arrested for taking part in executions of
rebels after 91 uprising
2004 Zarqawi announced his group Tawhid wal-Jihad
2004 US announced Iraqi police returning to Fallujah and would start join patrols
            with Iraqi Civil Defense Forces
2004 Aid agencies claimed Geneva Convention was violated in Battle of Fallujah due
            to civilian casualties
2006 Maliki told Rice and Rumsfeld he was going to fight terrorism improve services
            clean up police
2006 Barham Salah said Maliki was step towards reconciliation
2006 Amb Khalizad took credit for creating new coalition that appointed Maliki
2007 Congress passed bill calling for US withdrawal from Iraq by 10/1/07 Was
            vetoed by Pres Bush
2008 Chalabi called Petraeus saying he could speak for militias to negotiate ceasefire
            in Sadr City
2008 VP Hashemi said Accordance Front interested in ending its boycott of cabinet
2008 ISF said cleared last Sadr stronghold in Basra
2010 Baath exile faction led by Ahmad Yunis said wanted to unite with other faction
led by Izzat al-Duri during meeting in Damascus
2010 Human Rights Watch interviewed prisoners who were held at secret
            prison at Baghdad Muthanna Airport and tortured by ISF
2010 Kurdish member of Kirkuk council said displaced Arabs had to leave province
            and go home
2011 Maliki admitted his 100 day deadline to reform ministries was not enough time
2011 State of Law held counter protest in Mosul supporting Maliki
2011 Ninewa Gov Nujafi called for strike in response to security forces attacking
            protest camp in Mosul
2012 Sulaymaniya court gave protest organizer life in prison after policeman killed
            at protest in Halabja
2012 Report that Kurds being threatened and driven out of Khanaqin district northeast
2012 Sadr went to Irbil to meet Pres Barzani over no confidence vote against Maliki
2013 4 Sunni mosques bombed in Baghdad after noon prayers
2013 Anbar protest leaders called for a popular army to be formed to protect demo sites
2013 Fallujah protest site announced formation of Pride and Dignity Army to protect
            demonstrators from ISF
2013 5 Intelligence officers killed at Fallujah protest site
2013 ISF retook Suleiman Beq from insurgents who seized town for several days
2015 Kataib Hezbollah withdrew from southern Fallujah claiming Abadi and
            US were preventing it from fighting there
2015 Head of Anbar council announced Abadi okayed recruiting locals for Hashd
2016 Sadrists protested while parliament voted in 5 new ministers as part
            of Abadi’s technocratic cabinet
2017 Hashd took Hatra Ninewa

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