Tuesday, April 24, 2018

This Day In Iraqi History – Apr 24

1916 British attempt to re-supply besieged garrison at Kut failed
1920 UK gave France 25% of Turkish Petroleum Company in return for agreeing to
            British mandate in Iraq
1941 PM Gaylani and Mufti of Jerusalem met with Italian amb Told him they were
            angry Axis had done nothing to help Iraq vs British
1974 Iraqi planes bombed Qala Diza during Kurdish rebellion killing 130
1991 Kurdish leaders announced tentative deal with Saddam over autonomy and
            returning refugees who fled during revolt
1999 Were clashes between Iraqi forces and Iraqi opposition in south
2002 Gen Franks me with commanders in Qatar Said they needed to start war
2003 Bush said Iraq might have destroyed its WMD before invasion but US would
            find them
2003 NY Times article Iraqi scientists said Saddam expanded WMD programs and
            secret facilities but destroyed stocks Wasn’t true
2003 US seized warehouse in Baghdad thought to contain WMD agents Proved false 
2003 Trailer found near Mosul was suspected of being mobile WMD labs Turned out
            not to be
2003 Dep PM Tariq Aziz surrendered to US Said Iraq had no WMD
2003 INC’s Zubeidi declared himself mayor of Baghdad
2003 ORHA head Garner met with 60 Iraqis in Kut to talk about security and how city
            should pick city council
2003 ORHA head Garner blamed Iran for anti-US protests in Kut
2003 ORHA head Garner said INC’s Chalabi was not US’s choice to run Iraq and
            Iraqis could pick their own leaders
2003 Gen McKiernan ground commander in Iraq told ORHA’s Garner security #1
            priority for postwar Iraq
2003 Rumsfeld called Powell to propose Paul Bremer as new presidential envoy to Iraq
2003 Rumsfeld called Garner and told him he would be replaced by Bremer Garner said
            he would quit Rumsfeld asked him to stay
2003 Rumsfeld said that Iraqis could form any govt they wanted as long as it wasn’t
            a theocracy like Iran’s
2003 UN Res 1476 extended Oil For Food Program past US invasion
2003 2 drive by shootings on US base in Kut, Wasit
2003 Was anti-American march in Kut, Wasit
2003 UK cabinet agreed to expand control from Basra & Maysan to Dhi Qar and
            Muthanna despite warnings might not have capabilities to deal with them
2003 UN SecGen Annan said US Coalition had to follow intl law as occupying
            power in Iraq US rejected occupier title
2004 US reported that 40% of Iraqi police deserted during Sadrist uprising in
            Najaf and Kut
2004 Insurgents launched boat attack upon Basra oil terminal killing 2 US sailors
2006 Sunni politicians accused SIIC of taking over Interior Min and staffing it with
            Badr militiamen and killing civilians
2006 Zarqawi released video portraying himself as military commander in Iraq
2006 Fmr CIA officer Drumheller said Iraq war was a policy failure by White House
            not intel one Said Bush committed to war no matter what the intel
2006 Iraqiya MP said new Maliki govt wasn't national unity one but just Shiite
            Kurdish and Sunni parties dividing up ministries
2008 ISF gained full control of central Basra from militias during Charge of Knights
2008 Captured ISI letters showed complaints about War Min Masri not consulting
            with others and didn't take criticism
2008 Captured letters said ISI was passing off old Zarqawi videos as new operations
2009 2 suicide bombers targeted Baghdad’s Khadmiya shrine
2011 Ayatollah Haeri in Iran issued fatwa against extending US troop presence in
            Iraq past 2011
2011 Sadrists said they opposed any troops extension for US past end of year
2011 Kurd opposition parties said KRG could either negotiate with protesters or
            suppress them
2011 Press freedom group said 226 violations by KRG against media trying to cover
            Sulaymaniya protests
2011 Bomb at Sacred Heart church in Baghdad
2011 6,000 protested in Mosul demanding reform and releasing prisoners
2012 Sound bomb at offices of Ayatollah Najafi in wave of attacks upon leading
2012 Pres Barzani said that Exxon would follow through with its contracts to work
            with KRG despite threats from Baghdad
2013 Maliki called for dialogue with Sunni protests after raided and killed protesters in
            Hawija Also called for law and order
2013 Mutahidun complained Maliki allowing militias to operate in Iraq
2013 Insurgents took control of Suleiman Beq, Salahaddin after ISF attacked
            Hawija protest site
2013 Hawija protest group announced that it was joining Naqshibandi after ISF
            attacked protest site
2014 Was fighting between ISIS and Military Council in Fallujah
2015 report that ISF were charging displaced Anbaris money to get into Baghdad

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